Chapter 72 ❤️ Not yet ❤️

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The plan is approved by everyone. Mom, Uncle George, Aunt Susan, Harley and even William. So, Ryan and I spend a whole day preparing for the barbecue and shop together. As expected, Aunt Susan agreed right away because she wants to spend more time with her son and that would be a good idea for a summer break.

Ryan and I have tried to play tennis together on Thursday and well he's not bad. Although clearly I can beat him, but he's not an easy opponent either. I'm not sure if he can handle playing with Uncle George and William but let's see.

Ryan says that he would bring all the things needed for the barbecue later so we kept everything in his car so that we won't forget anything and just need to bring the wet ingredients. I haven't seen Harley since the day I am back home because she's busy with her theatre meetings and family plans. So I'm quite excited to see her soon and tell her everything.

The Saturday morning, I get ready in my tennis attire. I don't have that much choices because I don't really wear them now so I just go with my favourite.

I put on a matching sweater on top and tie my hair up in a neat high ponytail when I hear Mom calls me from downstairs

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I put on a matching sweater on top and tie my hair up in a neat high ponytail when I hear Mom calls me from downstairs.

"Honey, if you are done getting ready, eat your breakfast, okay? We don't want to run late."

I look at my wrist watch and see that it's now 9 am and we promised to meet them at 10 am so we still have 1 hour left to get ready with everything for the barbecue too.

I put my spare clothes in a bag with towels and other essentials before grabbing my sport shoes and sandals and run downstairs.

I eat mg breakfast while Mom is getting the marinated chicken and meat ready and keep them in the ice box.

"I'll get ready first. Finish your breakfast, and I believe Harley will arrive in a minute and we're good to go."

I nod my head before she goes up to her room.

I give a text to Ryan, telling him I'm ready with the wet ingredients too.

Not long after that, Harley arrives and I greet her with a hug. I've missed her. It's awkward not to see her in more than 3 days.

"So, tell me everything!" We're not even sitting yet but she's already excited to know about the trip.

"Calm down! You just arrived." We take a sit and eat together while I tell her every details Ryan did for me and she keeps telling me that he's so sweet as if I don't know that yet.

"So, did you guys do 'it'?" She asks.

"Did what?" I ask her back as I genuinely confuse.

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