Chapter 11. The not so great date.

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Tori's POV

Today Ross is taking me to the mall. He refused to let me buy anything. But Rydel thinks It's a date so she's curling me hair.

I'm wearing blue skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a brown and white cardigan over it. I'm wearing some brown boots too. (Picture at the top 🔝) when I was done she finally let me look in the mirror. She good. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

Ross was standing in the kitchen with Riker talking. He smiled at me and put his hands around my waist and kissed me.

" You look beautiful." He said and I blushed.

" Ready to go." He asked and grabbed his keys.

" Yes but are you sure you don't mind buying me stuff?" Asked and he shook his head.

" Not at all." He said and we walked out the door. We started to drive and taking turns telling stupid jokes like..
Me: Today a man came to my house and asked me to donate to a local pool. I gave him a cup of water.

Ross: how did the gum cross the road? It saw stuck to the chicken!

Me: Ross honey, you need to work on your jokes.

Ross: whaaaatt... Well let's here another one of yours.

me: I don't have anymore..


When we finally made it to the mall I went to forever 21 first. I bought, well Ross bought, some skinny jeans, shirts, and a dress. it was a really pretty dress. It was baby blue. It was strapless and it had a brown belt around the waist.

  We walked outside.

" You wait here I'll go get the car." He said and I nodded I sat on the bench and a man came up to me.m

" Can I help you?" I asked.

" Yes, yes you can." He said. The next thing I know. My head hit the ground and everything went black.

Ross' POV

  I pulled the car up to the entrance and got out. All I saw was the bags laying in the ground and blonde on the bench.

" Tori!" I yelled but no answer. I tried to call her but still no answer. I only left for a minute. I grabbed the bags and put them in the car. I got out my phone and called Rydel.

Me: del bring the family and come to the mall now it's an emergency!

Del: okay we'll be there in a minute.

I waited for about five minutes before the van pulled up and everyone ran over to my.

" Ross what happened?!?" Riker yelled.

" I was going to pulled the car up and when I got here Tori was gone, the bags were on the ground, and bloods was on the bench. I said and Rydel started crying.

  My dad called the cops and they were here in seconds. I explained everything and they said they'll keep looking.

" Honey the cops are doing all they can, why don't you go home and get some rest." She said and I nodded. I drove home and went to sleep.

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