Chapter 25. Lots of planning..

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Tori's POV

I walked downstairs and sat next to Ross admiring my ring.

" You really like it don't you?" He and and grabbed my hand.

" Yes. It's so gorgeous! I love it so much!" I said and kissed him.

" So when do you think we should start planning the wedding?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I'm have nothing to do today.. So how about now?" I asked and he nodded. I grabbed a notes and pen and sat back down.

" First. When do you want to have the wedding?"i asked a he thought for A minute.

" Well I always wanted to have a wedding in the spring!" He said and I smiled.

"Oh my gosh me too!"i said and he smiled.

" A date?" He asked and I thought.

" How about... April 7th."i looked up at him.

" How'd you come up with that?" He asked and I smiled.

" Cause 7 is my favorite number and April is the middle of spring. Duh." I said and he laughed.

" Well I love it." He said and I wrote it down.

" Where do you think we should have it at?"i asked and she shrugged.

" let's look online and see." He said grabbing my laptop. After a minute is searching he smiled.

" How about here?" He asked and I looked at the picture. It was a beautiful garden place not to far from here.

" It's perfect! Why don't you call and ask if it's free on that's day and we can go look at it later." I said and he nodded. He left the room for a few minutes and them came back.

" The woman said that that date is perfect and we can come look at it around 3 today." He said and I smiled.

" Well it's noon now so I'm going to go get ready." I said and he kissed me and I walked upstairs.

I took a quick shower and changed into a white spaghetti strapped dress with a pink jacket. I put a pale pink belt around the waist part and slipped in some pale pink pumps. I left my hair wavy and did my normal makeup. I grabbed a purse and walked downstairs.

" You look beautiful." Ross said and kissed me.

" Thanks. Now go get ready!" I said and he laughed. He walked upstairs and later came down wearing some jeans, a white shirt, and his pink converse and R5 necklaces.

" Ready?" I asked and he nodded. We walked out and got into our car. We have three cars. His mustang, mine from Washington, and a Van type thing for when we have kids.

When we got to the venue there was a woman waiting for us outside.

" Hi you must be Ross and Tori! I'm Cassy I will be giving you the tour." She said and we nodded. We walked around back and there was a garden.

" This is where the ceremony would be held and there will chasing rooms inside." She said and we nodded. We walked inside and there was a stage, dance floor, DJ, and food tables.

" And this is where the after party would be held. You can get a DJ or we can hire one for you." She said and I looked up at Ross.

" What'd you think?" He asked and I smiled.

" I love it."

" We'll take it." He said and she nodded. We sat down at a table and we had to sign some some papers.

" Okay so what about the DJ." She said and Ross spoke up.

" We have one already." He said and I knew he meant Ryland.

" Okay so... April 7th?"she asked and we nodded.

Once we rented the place we went home and I started on the invitations.

After I printed them out I laid them on a table. It had a picture of me and Ross when he proposed and it had all the information on it.

" Okay so what about best man and maid of honor?" I asked and he thought for a minute.

" I think I'm going to have Ratliff be my best man so I won't have to choose between my brothers."he said and I nodded.

" I think I'll have Rydel be my maid of honor. Emma will understand. And then I'll have Kelsey, Christina, Jordan be my bridesmaids." I said and he nodded. Kelsey is Riker's girlfriend, Christina is Rockys, and Jordan is Rylands and Rydel and Ratliff are dating too.

I got out my phone and texted Rydel.

Me: hey del I have a question...

Del: yes?????

Me: will you be my maid of honor?!?!?!

Del: OMFG YES!!!!!

Me: yay thank you so much!!! And can you ask Jordan, Kelsey, and Christina is they'll be my bridesmaids?

Del: of course!! Can't wait!

Me: same we'll be mailing out the invitations soon.

Del: okay see Ya soon love Ya.

Me: luv you too.

" Del said yes, what about Ratliff and the guys?" I asked Ross as he sat down his phone.

" They all said yes."he said and I smiled and kissed him.

" Now I can't wait." I said and laid on his chest.

" Me either. I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Lynch." He said and I smiled. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Later I felt myself being carried. I opened my eyes and looked up at Ross.

" Go back to sleep." He whispered and I smiled and did as told.

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