Shame (Hank)

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September 16th, 1950

De Leon Texas Music Day

"Ladies... aaannd gentlemen." Hank slurred.

Hank and his band were about to play for a few a small amount of people at a park to celebrate the day. I was sat on the edge of the audience with our two children and watched as he made his welcome.

He looked ill, very ill, but the organiser of the event told the boys they had to do the job. I didn't want him going but he never listens to me.

"I would like to tell you a story... about a family I once knew. Why don't we call them William and Mary... and their little daughter Sue," he eyes the audience eerily, searching for someone. He stops when he sees me, and I get a very bad feeling as he looks at me blankly. He turns back to the audience and continues, "Now- Mary was a plain mother, and... Bill well he was just a usual dad. And they had their own little family quarrels but neither one ever really got mad." He looks back at me, "And then one day something happened. And it was nothing of course... but one word led to another and the last word led to a divorce."

I looked around in embarrassment. The audience were confused and looked at Hank quizzically. What the hell is he doing?!

"Now here were two grown up people who'd failed to use common sense... The strengthened their own selfish pride, at little Sue's expense." He looked back at me one last time, taking a minute to look at our children as well. How could he do this now? In front of people... in front of his children.

They played and everyone forgot about his moment.

----time skip----

The children ran around the back of the stage after the boys finished. I tried to stop them because I didn't want anything to happen while they were there.

"Daddy!" Elizabeth squealed as he tried to pick her up, but he was too weak.

"Hey my babies. What did you think of the show?" He kneeled down in front of the children and ruffled their hair. I walked up behind them and watched passive aggressively.

"That story was weird." Sammie said giggling. Hank's face grew serious and looked up at me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to guess what he was thinking but I failed. He looked down at the children again.

"You see... that story was about us." Hank said plainly. The children giggled.

"But there's four of us daddy! Sammie, me, you and mommy!" Eliza stated.

Hank chuckled at her, "you see Sammie wasn't here when your mother and I got a divorce-"

"Okay children that's enough. We should go home," I cut in, so the children don't have to hear anymore. B/f/n came with us with her family to watch the show so I guided the children over to them so I could talk with Hank.

The children leave and I go back to Hank, "you should be ashamed of yourself," I whisper shouted, "what makes you think it's a good idea to talk about our relationship like that?"

Hank looked at me blankly unlike his normal self, he would usually scream back in my face, "well it's true isn't it. They should know."

"They're children. They don't deserve to be told something like that. Especially when the person is harsh and laying it all out!" I raise my voice a little and the boys stare, some of the remaining audience do too.

"Don't pretend that your higher than I am. You're just as viscous... a needy, social climbing SNAKE!" He yells drawing the attention of everyone in the area.

"At least I don't vent to random strangers about my shitty life! I don't want people knowing about what goes on between us. It's between us!"


I tried all I could to not slap him. I wasn't going to do something like that out in public. I shouldn't be hurt by these arguments, but it still does.

"Not here Hank..." I sigh.

"Sorry I forgot your pride is too important for you," he snarls.

"I'm not doing this anymore..." I walk away leaving Hank to fume to his friends.

A/N: #healthyconverstaion am I right. I've got a bad headache and I'm tired so just share your thoughts. I cba to say anything else haha. Oh and the speech that Hank gives is from the film so I just wanna say that I don't own any part of the film. Only 5 more!!❤

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