Stranger (Sharpe)

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⚠A/N: There is physical abuse to the child (you) in this chapter, so if you have been physically abused by a parent or partner, this may be triggering.⚠

You and your family worked as florists for an uptight woman by the name of Sharpe. She was tough, working your mother and father to the grindstone you and your brother would help them by selling and cleaning when you were told.

One day while you were sweeping the floor, putting all the leaves and stray petals into one pile when the Sharpe children ran into the shop, the whole room turning cold as their mother came in.

"Child," the woman pointed to you, "where is your mother, or father for that matter." You cowered in fright and just pointed to the back. Your brother got off the chair that was behind the counter and walked over.

"Hey y/n are you alright?" He asks holding your shoulder.

"Fine, let's just clean this up."

Before you turn around, all the flowers and leaves that you had swept into the pile in the corner had been thrown around by the two children. You gasped as the dead plants fell everywhere. The children were near the same age as you so you had no elder authority to act upon, and if you shouted at them anyway you would certainly get yourself and your parents in trouble.

The two children kept running around each other while you just stood in shock at what happened.

"Y/N!" Your father yelled over the noise of the children. He stormed up to you and your brother ran back to the till. "I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN UP! JUST BECAUSE THERE ARE OTHER CHILDREN ABOUT, IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO PLAY WITH THEM,"


"CLEAN THIS MESS UP NOW!" Your father walked back into the office.

You hear your brother gasp, your father's never done anything like this to you before. You don't think it really was meant, just a front so Mrs Sharpe thinks your father has a spine. You didn't really mind much, it just hurt a lot. You could hear the girl laughing at you as your eyes brimmed with tears. The other boy just stopped and stared at you, with sympathy and apologetic eyes.

You held onto the little pride you had and recleaned the floor, picked up the pile of dead plants, walked out the back and put the rubbish in the bin. You came back and the two Sharpe children were gone, along with their mother. Your father was waiting for you and ran into a hug with you. "Oh darling I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. Mrs Sharpe saw the leaves and blamed you. I'm so sorry my dove. Please forgive me."

"It's okay daddy, I understand... But please not again." You whimper with tears.

"I won't I promise."

----time skip----

Once you were old enough, you moved away from your old town in England to America. Your parents died a few years after you first met the Sharpe siblings. You and your brother did everything to survive. Unfortunately, your brother died a few years later of starvation and over working. He had made sure you had enough food, not thinking about himself.

When you moved to America, you got a job at a florists much like the one you worked for when you were little.

The bell above the door chimed as it opened. A tall man, over 6ft, blue eyes and black hair. He looked absolutely stunning and handsome. He took off his hat as he walked up to the counter.

"Good day madam, I'm here for some flowers for my sister. She asked me to pick them up."

"What is the name sir?" You smiled politely, but that soon changed to a frown when he replied.


A/N: This one didn't really match up with the title. I was going to go into more detail about how they get to know each other more and how they end up courting and stuff, but I didn't want to make the story too long. And this means you can make your own ending. I hope you liked it. Share your thoughts. ❤

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now