Play (Tom)

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You and some of your uni friends had been getting ready for and audition for Romeo and Juliet that the college was putting on. The acting group each year did a grand performance of one of Shakespeare's plays and this year it was the romantic classic. You and your best friend b/f/n were in a friendly fight for the role of Juliet while your other friends were going for less important roles.

Your audition was before b/f/n's, so she/they had a little more time. You were absolutely terrified thinking that if you got this, you would be up there, a step closer to your dreams.

"Y/f/n?" A woman said from the door leading to the stage. You stood up and walked over to the woman. "You are up next, so you have a few minutes to prepare with one of the boys auditioning for Romeo. Come with me."

She led you into a backstage area and into a room where a tall, thin, and curly blonde-haired young man was sat by a mirror waiting patiently. When the door opened his head whipped around and you noticed how he was trying not to look like a complete idiot in front of you.

"Tom Hiddleston, y/f/n. Y/f/n, Tom Hiddleston," the woman said after Tom stood up.

"Hi," he said timidly, holding out his hand. You went to shake it and said hello.

"You two have around ten minutes or so before it's time. See you in a moment." The woman left the both of you to get working, but neither of you moved for a moment, staying in an awkward silence.

You sighed I little too loud, "uhhh so- we should practice ya know." You tilted your head to the desk where Tom's script was lying. He picked it up and looked over it.

"You know your lines yes?" He asked timidly.

"Yeah. So go from the top of the scene?"


You practiced from Act 3 scene 5. It was awkward at first, but once you got the hang of it, the scene flowed freely from you.

Tom's POV

Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God! Snap out of it Thomas! I can hardly take my eyes off this girl. And her voice... THOMAS! You are here to do an audition, not drooling over someone you just met. Even if she is extremely beautiful.

"Oh Fortune, Fortune, all men call thee fickle; if thou art fickle, what dost thou with him that is renowned for faith? Be fickle, Fortune: for then I hop thou wilt not keep him long but send him back." She finished the part we were auditioning with and looked at my. Those eyes. I feel like I am a real-life Romeo.

"That was beautiful," I said stupidly. What was I thinking, get it together.

"Well it's Shakespeare, his use of words is beautiful."

"I mean you-" I stop myself before I could say anything else. I could see her blush intensely and wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

She laughed awkwardly and tried to hide her evident blush, "uhhh thank you."

Just then, the door opens and the woman from before pokes her head through, "y/n, Tom, we're ready for you now. Leave your stuff in here you can get it at the end." The woman opens up the door waiting for us. Y/n left her script on the desk and I did the same. She left first and I was hot on her tail. We got to the wing where we could see a couple of people finishing up their audition.

I turned to y/n, "hey um, I'm sorry about what I said."

I could see a faint blush creep on her cheeks again, she did nothing though, probably thinking I couldn't see her, "it's okay Tom. It was sweet." She smiled.

"Would you umm- like to come back to my room- not as like a-"

She cut me off, "I would love to... thank you." She smiled again then turned away watching the two in front of us walking in our direction off stage.

"Y/f/n and Tom Hiddleston!" The director called.

I held out my hand, so it pointed towards the stage, "my Juliet."

"Thank you, my Romeo."

A/N: I feel like these stories are becoming harder to write hehe. I'm not going to stop writing them because I love this so much. But after this I think I'm going to either start an avengers preferences or A Jonathan Pine fanfiction ,'cause ya know, it's Jonathan Pine. Anyway I hope that you are still interested in these stories; it means so much to me that people are reading and liking my work. Please share your thoughts I really value them. ❤

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now