Sofa (Bill)

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"So then we were walking along the trail when the leader spotted some lions around a tree..." Bill rushed as excitement flowed through him.

He had been gone for the past six months on a trip to Africa as part of his gap year before university. You had no plan to go to uni as you already had a decent enough job. It was only a month until he was going, and you desperately wanted him to stay longer. You wanted more time to catch up and go back to your normal life.

"You're looking at me weird y/n is everything alright?"

"Yes Bill I'm fine continue..." you were trying to hold back yourself from his body not really sure if you wanted to cry on his shoulder or kiss him. You weren't dating. You were just friends and you believed that even though you're lying to yourself.

"So there we were watching these lions as they paraded around this tree. It was spectacular. Some of the people said we should get a closer look and started to wonder off as our leader was going after them. It was quite funny actually." He gave out a slight laugh as he reminisced.


"Yeah?" He beamed.

"How are you feeling about uni? I mean-" you stopped. You're seriously going to ask this? "Are you going to miss... me?"

"Of course," he chuckles, "I don't know what I'd do without you sparkles."

He gave you the nickname after he found you covered in glitter and having an emotional meltdown. You had been doing crafts with your younger sister when she threw the glitter over you as a joke and ran off. There was glitter everywhere and you knew your parents would flip when they found out. He helped you clear up and calm down. It took weeks to get all the glitter out.

"You're the most important part of my life sparkles. Apart from my parents and I am really gonna miss you. It's going to be hard, but we'll get used to it."

You couldn't contain your upset anymore and the tears started to flow.

"Oh Bill I'm sorry."

"It's alright y/n, I'm sad too."

"Umm Bill..."


You paused again. Your thoughts racing as you finally knew it was time to tell him. Sort of now or never so to speak.

"I like you Bill." You lifted your head.

"I like you too sparkles." He smiled.

"Not in the way I like you..."

"And how do you know that?" Bill gave you a smirk and raised his eyebrow.

"Because you always call me a friend..."

"Because I thought you wouldn't like me back. I wasn't sure."

You kept staring at his baby blue eyes. He ran his large hand through his beautiful golden curls and moved his other hand onto yours.

"So- you like me?"

"You could say that," he played with your hand and slowly moved it to your cheek.

"So if I wanted to kiss you?"


You both moved closer to each other and began pushing your lips together. Bill has had previous girlfriends, so you were the untrained one. It was like fireworks exploding but you had to pull away.

"Y/n. Would you please be my girlfriend?" He breathed.

"Yes Bill."

You kissed again and melted into him. You hugged him and wanted to stay there but your sister walked in.

"Eww, MUM! Y/n's got a boyfriend!!"

You threw a pillow at her, but she dodges it as she runs out of the house.

Bill laughs, "well she isn't wrong."

You look up at him and peck his cheek. You were where you wanted to be. Were you felt safe, in his arms.

A/N: this is another one of the stories I wrote for the other imagines book. Hehe. This one didn't really fit he word as well but they are on a sofa soooo. It applies boi. Share your thoughts. ❤️

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