Tree (Loki)

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A/N: I would just like to tell you that you should NEVER EVER search for pregnant Loki fan art. That is how I got that picture and I am now scarred for life. I have seen some shit now. Do it for the Wattpad am I right? hehe anyway enjoy. Also Imagine in this Loki can do some weird magic which I have just realized sound like the powers Edward has in Twilight (not intentional).

You sat down in the palace gardens, taking in the beautiful scenery when Frigga approached you, taking a seat on the bench.

"Good afternoon y/n dear. How are you feeling?"

"Well Frigga, thank you for asking. How are you?"

"I'm fine my dear, and how many times do I have to tell you, call me mother." She smiled and you laughed a little.

"Sorry mother."

"That's better now- how is your child?" She smiled again, placing a hand on your growing stomach.

You rubbed your stomach as you smiled, "they're fine. I can't wait for them to be born; Loki will be so happy."

"I'm so glad that you are in Loki's life. He needed someone like you to complete him. Thank you dear." She leaned over to kiss your forehead, and you hugged her gently.

"Mother." You heard the silky voice of your husband say as he walked towards you both, "may I take y/n from you?"

"Of course Loki," Frigga said, giving you a helping hand as you stood up. You took Loki's hand and began to walk slowly around the grounds. He supported you with a hand wrapped around your back, you rested your head on his shoulder and he had his other hand on your stomach, yours on top of his.

"I have a surprise for you darling," he said. You got to a tree and sat down. Loki helped you and sat behind, you in between his legs. "Here put your hands over mine and shut your eyes." He rested his hands on your stomach and did as he said. You instantly felt this weird sensation and moved your hands away from your stomach.

"What was that?" You looked over your shoulder to see Loki's wide grin.

"That was our baby," he whispered, "I read an old book of magic and saw a chapter about connecting with an unborn child. So we can feel they're- or should I say her emotions."

"Her?" you breathed happily, "a daughter."

"Yes my love we're having a girl," he smiled down at you and you couldn't help kissing him. You couldn't find out the gender of the child because of some stupid royal rules. But you so desperately wanted to know, and Loki didn't want to wait to tell you once he learnt how to connect with your child.

"Oh Loki," you cried tears of joy as you placed your hands back over his. You could feel the child inside you and smiled as you could feel how happy she was.

"Are you happy my love?" Loki asked as you placed your head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm happier than when Thor discovered pop tarts," you laughed. Loki kissed your forehead and began to sing to the child telepathically, lulling the child to sleep. You even shut your eyes too, listening to his beautiful voice.

"I love you Loki. You will make an excellent father," you sighed when he finished the song.

"I love you my y/n. And thank you."

"For what?"

"Completing me..."

A/N: How cute was that? Hopefully very. I thought of this story ages ago, and thought it would make a good addition to the book. And I'm actually quite happy with the length: short and sweet. Share your thoughts as always. ❤

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now