Hot (Jonathan)

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⚠A/N: Okay my dudes this one deals with major abuse, anxiety and rape. If this is triggering please don't read this because I think before I write this it is going to be intense. If you do, thank you and I hope you like it.⚠

You are the daughter of the philanthropist Richard Onslow Roper. Only by blood, you were his daughter. However, he didn't care about you like he should. You had your problems sure, but you never talked about it to anyone. Not even your horrible stepmother Jed who refuses to help you or recognise that you are in a prison.

The sun was beating down on you while you sat by the pool. You were watching the water bob up and down in the slow breeze, and constantly looked around you. Your paranoid self never allowed you to do anything without looking around you every five minutes to make sure no one was going to touch you.

You came out and sat by the pool almost every day. After what has happened in your life, you have developed anxiety. The small waves in the pool helps calm you down, preventing an anxiety attack, which normally happens anyway. You moved your feet in the Luke warm water as you quietly wept.

As much as you concentrated on your surroundings you didn't see the newest member of Roper's team, Thomas Quince, come up to you.

"Y/n?" he asked concerned seeing the trail your tears had left, and the new ones they were making. You flinched subconsciously and wiped your eyes.

"Tom, hi. Sorry if you want to use the pool, I'll-"

"It's alright. I wasn't going to swim. I was coming to see you, there's a man waiting for you apparently, he's talking to your father."

You dropped your head knowing what the man wanted, "um thank you for telling me Tom." You didn't want to leave; anxiety attacks while being abused is not fun. It usually leads to a much worse punishment.

Thomas looked to the horizon and laughed a bit, "did you know you're the only one who calls me Tom?"

"No," you said side-eyeing him as he sits next to you.

He looks around you both, is he as paranoid as you? "Well you are. I don't even like the name, but when you say it, I feel closer to you. I know we've been talking a lot and I don't know what your father would say if he knew about us. But you're special to me y/n," he lifts your chin with his finger, "I hope you know that."

You nod a little and smile weakly, "thank you Tom."

"No problem... is everything okay?"

"I shouldn't tell you; you'll get in trouble."

"I know what your father does. You can tell me." You look up in shock and fear, he'll get himself killed.

You look back at the pool and watch the waves again, "It's funny, Sandy fucks everyone, and tells Caro everything. My father is insanely loyal and tells my 'step-mother' and me nothing. I want to get out of this Tom," you choke up and more tears fall, "I don't want to be a part of Richard's games anymore." You stare at Thomas sternly, "he is a vicious dog... he is a hound- that claws at your throat until you can't tell his secrets..." you pause for a moment wanting to go on, but the lump in your throat was growing larger at the thought of telling Thomas what you know.

"I was 14... I- I heard my father, Corcoran, Sandy, and some other men I didn't know talking... my mother had died a year before, so I was the only innocent girl in the house until that point. They were talking about children, being gassed at a... sports day. They laughed, and they talked about how they could make money out of it.... I was stupid and I stormed into the room, making Richard's cats come to attention. I screamed, saying they shouldn't laugh at such a horrible fate. Hundreds of innocent children and adults being killed like deer. I couldn't stand it... They dragged me out, kicking and screaming at my father. They threw me into my room and- and-"

"Shh, please. You don't need to continue." Thomas wrapped his arm around you lightly. You noticed how he was staring into the distance. You looked up at him, then at where he was looking. You saw Corcoran smiling smugly, literally making your skin crawl.

You leaned into Thomas more and decided you needed to continue, "that was the first time."

"The first?" He questioned anxiously. He felt an angry fire burning inside of him and wanted to rip out all the skulls of the men who hurt you.

You pulled away from Thomas, wiping your eyes and acted like it was nothing. "Other men, I was a toy to them. I wasn't a child anymore. Some would beat me black and blue, forcing me to cover up the bruises and scars on my face so that I made a good impression for my father. Some would just beat around the bush and fuck me up the arse just to get their fill. The walking, hardly talking, beautiful, young sex doll. I was surprised that my father didn't even try the goods at one point."

Thomas recoiled in horror at your words and you stifled a fake laugh, the tears still flowing, "you know one man- he thought that I was an actual paid whore. he said to my father, 'you should try her... she's a real tight squeeze.' That was the last time my father protected me from men like that. I technically am a whore, but I never get the money."

"I'm sorry y/n." Thomas said shortly. holding you close again.

"Don't be. There's no reason to be, you can't do anything. I'm stuck like a fly in a web... the more I struggle, the quicker I tangle myself up in my father's false sense of security."

"Is that what the man's here for?" He suggests and you nod. "Y/n I will get you out of here. I promise you'll be free, and I'll be here to protect you."

"You'll get yourself killed," you say bluntly, "or worse."

"Trust me y/n. I will help you." Thomas gets up after looking around him one last time. You watched him with a straight face, and he smiled down at you when he held out a hand for you, "come on y/n. It's extremely hot and crying in the heat will dehydrate you quicker."

You take his hand and stand up linking your arm in his as you also faint from dizziness, "what about the man?"

"I'll deal with him." He said aggressively.

A/N: I know this one didn't really go with the word a lot, but because this is set when they are in Madrid, it's kind of implied that it's hot. An the ending mentions it so I've done my job. Anyway thank you for reading this one. I know it was quite intense so I really appreciate it. This was going to be spicy as well with Jonathan but it would've been too long. Share your thoughts. ❤

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