Glass (Laing)

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A/N: So this happens after you get back with Robert in memory. I think this is turning into it's own little story but I don't mind it, I really like it and I hope you do too. And that picture woo, if you're not feeling anything who are you and what are you doing here? 😜 BTW there is swearing in this.

Robert and I stood on the balcony of his apartment just talking about our lives after what happened.

"I just broke down. I loved her like I love you, she was the most important person in my life when we were young. We did everything together and after what happened I felt like I had lost a part of me. And now I realise I lost a lot more once I had left you." Robert said turning to me, running his fingers down my cheek to my waist.

"I know Robert, I could see how much she meant to you, and I forgive you for what you did. You weren't in the correct frame of mind and you didn't know what you were doing to yourself. But we still here, and I still love you." I brought his face down to me kissing it softly.


"Shit!" Robert cursed as he moved out of the way. There was a sharp pain in the side of my leg as I saw a bottle of what looked like champagne, or some fancy wine had fallen off one of the floors above. It had shattered on his balcony and shards of it were now in our legs.

I yelped as I felt the glass cutting my legs, I was only wearing one of Robert's shirts, so my legs were fully exposed.

Once the glass had settled, Robert looked up to see where the bottle would've come from, but no one was looking down to see where it landed.

"Probably one of the highest floors, no one seems to care." He said turning back around to me. His eyes widened when he saw blood trickling down my leg, "oh God darling your leg, come here."

He picked me up and took me back into the apartment where he picked out the glass shards and put bandages over my entire calf.

"There you go my love, are you in pain?" He asked wiping his bloody hands on the damp towel he used to wash my leg.

"Not as much, but it stings a little. Are you okay?" I look down at his legs, there were a few scratches, but he seemed fine.

"Darling I'm fine, I'll clean myself up. You got the worst of it... I'm sorry." He looked down at the bowl of red water, standing up and taking it into the kitchen.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Robert. It wasn't your fault, it was theirs," I said. I didn't really specify who I was talking about but by 'theirs' I meant the architect and the people who let the bottle fall.

"Yes but I still should've protected you-"

"No, neither of use noticed it, and it was too late to do anything by the time you would've reacted. So you have no reason to be sorry. No ifs or buts."

He stood there in silence, and just nodded. I could tell he still blamed himself a little, but that was who he is.

"At least we now have a reason to stay in bed all day together," I smirked at him. He walked back over to me, picking me up again and laid me down on the bed. He moved so that I was between his legs and he brushed his hands through my hair as I relaxed into a joyous sleep.

A/N: I loved writing this one like I have the other Laing stories. I really think that this miniseries is a good idea, I might actually make it a separate little thing if you would like me to. Leave your thoughts.

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now