Jumper (Bill & Spice)

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A/N: alright guys here is another spicy chapter. There is obviously sex in this so don't read this if your innocent. enjoy.

"Hey y/n have you seen my jumper? You know the blue one I'm always-"

You walk into Bill's bedroom and saw the mess that he had made throwing around his clothes trying to find his favourite jumper, which you were wearing. You smiled innocently at him, Bill turned to face you and embraced you having to step over his wall of clothing he made.

"You're wearing my jumper," he whispered in your ear and kissed your head.

"Am I?" You smile up at Bill who kisses you passionately.

"It looks beautiful... though I like what's under it more." He ran his hand just about the top of the jean shorts you were wearing. He rubbed up to your hips and continued to kiss you as he lifted the jumper off your head, exposing your bra. "Oh wow!" he exclaims. You feel a little self-conscious, so you covered yourself up a little and hang your head. "I'm sorry, are you okay with this...us?"

You tilt your head up to Bill, "It's okay, I want to do this but I'm not the biggest fan of my body."

"That's because I am, and now that we're going to do this, I get to experience it fully." He replaces his hands on your hips and as he feels up and down your sides, you relax into him and let your hands find his upper arms. You rub his arms and up to his neck, pulling him into another kiss.

You do the same as he did to you and lift up his t-shirt, exposing his chest and taking off his top. Bill holds you close as you make out; he lines your lips with his tongue, and you let him enter. His tongue plays with yours; you grab his hair forking your fingers through it and pulls him off of you after a while so you can breathe again.

"Do you want to keep going?" Bill asks and you nod. You stretch your hand behind you and unclip your bra, allowing it to come loose as you pull the straps off. It falls off you and you grab it before it gets to the floor, throwing it over to the washing bin.

Tom's mouth gapes open as you stand there, he immediately grabs you and sits you on the bed. He pulls off your shorts as he continues to kiss down your neck and shoulder. He stops every time you moan or breathe heavier, leaving little marks. They aren't enough to bruise but they do come up red. You push your hips up as he slips the shorts off your legs.

"Do you want me to take off your underwear too?" He asks lifting his head which was getting close to your breasts.

"Not yet take your trousers off first." You say, and he does as asked. He stands up and you help him with his belt. He kicks off his trousers over to the bin where you left your bra, then got back to kissing you. You laid back on the bed and your head just touched the wall. He kissed your stomach and moved up to your breasts. Taking one in his mouth and the other in his hand. He licked and sucked on your hardening nipple and tugged on the other. You lifted your head and looked down at him in shock. He glanced at you, stopping the pleasure but you smiled so he kept going.

You let out multiple moans feeling your thighs squeeze together to get some sort of relief. It was good his parents weren't home. You kept moaning as he got lower, but you hadn't done any of this, so you pulled him back up.

"You okay?" He asked panting.

"I'm not ready for that yet, keep it simple... please."

"Of course. I'm going to take our underwear off alright?" You nod again and he helps you to lie on the bed properly before taking your pants off. He does the same and your eyes widen as you see his member hard as a rock.

"Oh," you breathe, 'in a this is actually happening' way. Bill was going to ask if you were alright again, but you cut him off with a kiss. He reached over to his bedside table drawer, pulling out a condom packet and puts is on before his hands went to the pillow on either sides of your head. His lips still attached to yours as his long legs make their way in between yours opening them up.

"You ready y/n?" He pants.


Bill enters slowly into you giving you enough time to relax back into him. You inhale sharply as he bottoms out in you, exhaling shortly after relaxing your muscles. Bill does the same and pulls out of you again. He sets a slow pace so you can get used to his size speeding up once he hears your glorious moans.

"Bill... oh go- Bill!"

"Y/n," he takes a breast into his hand and toys with your nipple while he moves in and out of you. You feel the pleasure pulse through you and sweat bead on your forehead. Bill's thrusts became a little sloppy as he could feel his orgasm building. Your moans powered his pleasure, and he could hardly control himself.

"You're so beautiful like this," he moans. You grip onto his back and match his thrusts with your own.

"You are too." You forget to breathe as your release quickens. "Bill- Bill I'm. So. Close."

"Not yet... just- ugh."

You try and hold on, but you find it hard to control. Your orgasm comes quickly as you loudly moan, "OHH!! BILL! YES- UH!"

"Y/N! OH GOD Y/N!" He loses control and orgasms, he continues to thrust into you, eking out his pleasure. He pulls out and takes off the condom, putting it in the rubbish before laying back down next to you and held you as you both came down from your highs.

"All this for a jumper," you said with a slight chuckle.

"Hmm?" Bill said, too tired to think.

"This," you move your arms up and down, "what happened, was because of your jumper."

"It was a very lovely jumper on you." he said matter-of-factly making you laugh. You bury your head into Bill's neck and close your eyes. He brushes your hair with his fingers, and you fall asleep.

A/N: FINALLLLYYYYYY!!! Another spicy chapter. I'm going to write another when I write tasteso you guys are in luck! I hope you liked this Share your thoughts.

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