Bucket (Tom)

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A/N: That PHOTOOOOOOOOO. 🥵🥵🥵🥵 I can't even. This story was inspired by another imagines book I read. And is based off of the Ice bucket challenge. I also used some of the stuff he says in the video. I don't know whether I have to say that or not so I'm saying it anyway.

You, Luke, Tom and your 2 children Rose and William were in the garden setting up for Tom's ice bucket challenge. Luke had the camera and you filled up a bucket of ice and water. Tom got out a couple of towels for later and Rose and William were sat on the bench, watching from the patio.

You got up on a chair, holding the bucket as Luke started the camera. He gave Tom a little nod and sat back with your children.

"Hello, my name is Tom Hiddleston and I'm here accepting Nathan Fillion's nomination to take the ALS ice bucket challenge in support of Lou Gehrig's disease, and you all have to donate- you have to go to www.ALSA.org. My loving wife y/n here has kindly filled this bucket full of water and ice."

You looked down at Tom grinning overexcitedly.

"As you can probably tell, she is more than excited to do this." You both laughed and you kissed him good luck. Lifting the bucket over his head, you poured the icy water over Tom, covering him head to toe. His face scrunched in shock as the ice fell down his body. The white shirt he wore soaking threw and giving you something very nice to look at. Some of the water had gotten on you, but you were fine compared to the man next to you, shaking his head and flicking water in your face. You could hear Rose, William and Luke all laughing at Tom's funny faces.

Tom flipped his shirt as you got down from the chair, he held out his hand so you could get down and pulled you into a cold and wet hug once you were safely on the ground. You laughed as he tried to kiss you without getting his wet hair in either of your eyes.

He looked back at the camera, "I would like to nominate: Benedict Cumberbatch, Luke Evans, Helena Bonham Carter," he paused looking down at you with a shit eating grin, "and my gorgeous wife y/n Hiddleston."

Your mouth opened slowly as he smiled evilly at you. Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew this would happen, but you chose to ignore it stupidly.

"You have twenty-four hours to respond," he said staring at you the entire time. He gave one last wave and laugh to the camera before Luke stopped the recording.

You let go of Tom who was still smiling like a child kissed your nose sweetly before speaking again, "you know... seeing as we're out here and everything's set up..."

You tried to look angry at Tom, but you couldn't be angry at that face. Luke passed him a towel and he dried himself off before filling up the bucket again and putting a lot more ice in it.

"Hey, I put much less ice in your bucket!" You exclaimed.

"Don't worry darling, you'll be fine," Tom gave you a soft smile in comfort, however you didn't believe him for one second.

Tom obviously didn't need the chair, he just stood next to you patiently, the towel over his shoulders, while Luke started recording again.

You smiled in defeat to the camera, speaking slowly. "Hello, my name is y/n Hiddleston and I was nominated by my... loving husband Thomas to do the ALS ice bucket challenge in support of Lou Gehrig's disease. So- to donate go to www.ALSA.org. I guess this is my revenge for throwing ice and water all over Tom so," you shrugged your shoulders, "bring it on."

You closed your eyes as Tom poured the freezing water over you. You breathed in sharply and wriggled around trying to escape the cold. Your breathing was rigid, and your face scrunched up except your mouth which was wide open. Your top and shorts protected you no longer from the cold as the last of the water landed on your head.

Tom set down the bucket and wrapped his arm around you. The towel that loosely hung on his shoulders was now on yours, "I nominate Chris Evans, Antony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. You guys got twenty-four hours. Good luck," you smiled and waved to the camera. Luke shut it off and you gave Tom a hug and shivering kiss.

"I'm proud of you darling," Tom smiled down at you taking the towel that Luke passed him and wrapped it around the both of you. Rose and William ran over to you and hugged your knees. You kissed their heads trying not to get them wet, they giggled, and William started chasing rose with some ice. They joined you again as you tried to get warm again.

Tom helped Luke pack up the camera, but disappeared out of your sight before you saw him holding the running garden hose, "now... y/n and I are soaking, but I can see three who are yet to get wet," Tom pointed the hose at Luke instantly getting him wet and your kids hid behind your legs laughing as quietly as they could. He sprayed Luke some more before pointing the hose to the ground again. He turned to you and looked down to your children, "Rosie... William," he sang, "if you don't come out mummy will get very angry when you all get covered in water." Tom continued to tease them as they stayed hidden between your legs, "alrighty then."

You squealed as he pointed the hose at you, you turned your back to him in defence. Tom ran over to you and sprayed Rose first, then William. They screamed in delight and shock while you and Tom chased them both around the garden.

Luke had snuck away and turned off the hose, which surprised you when the water stopped splashing over the four of you. He came back around into view and stood sopping, "come on you four, get dry or you'll all get colds."

Tom huffed like a baby making you and your children laugh. You lifted up William who instantly began to fall asleep on your shoulder, and Rose helped Tom put the hose away. You all got dry and warm, and watched Disney films until bed.

A/N: This one was another long one, like the rest and I feel like they are too repetitive with the 2nd person because all you can use is 'you' hehe. I'm going to start writing in 1st person again. I tend to write these chapters in groups. This was written before the previous two, so I don't know if I wrote them in 1st person. Anyway share your thoughts. ❤

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now