Horse (Captian Nicholls)

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A/N: In this story you have to think that Nicholls makes it through the war. 

I have always been around horses, taking care of them and training them are my favourite things to do. I take great care of my horses, and I recently got a beautiful light chocolate horse my father got at an auction, my brother ended up calling him Joey. He was fast, so fast impeccable even and after training him, he was an amazing working, I would do anything for him.

Each morning I would go down to the stable and ride him for a few hours before breakfast, but this morning he wasn't there. My father had been talking with someone last night, and we, my brother and I, had overheard a small part of their conversation.


"So are you going to bring him to the town tomorrow?" A low voice asked.

"What time?" My father asked.

"7am." Another voice added.

"No, if you want him you come here. Our Joey is a worker, and he has a job to do. My daughter, she rides him every morning. If you want to see how he rides, then come back here tomorrow and watch her." Father is a very persistent man and from what he was saying, I'm scared. If he was talking about me then that only meant one thing. Joey was going to be taken.

He couldn't do that; father wouldn't do that. I love Joey, Albert loves Joey. I can't let this happen, but no one will listen to someone like me...

----end of flashback----

I run as fast as I can through the fields looking and screaming for Joey, carrying all the tack I can. Then I saw him grazing with a tall blonde-haired man next to him.

"Hey! Get away from him!" I yell as I get closer to him.

"Don't worry I'm only looking at him."

"Yeah well you've looked for long enough, leave now." I stare at the man before putting the saddle on Joey's back and getting him ready to ride back. I'm not letting anyone see him today.

"Unfortunately, my dear I cannot do that; I have come to watch you ride him this morning. From your anger I can tell you know why I am here. My name is Nicholls, Captain James Nicholls. What's yours?"

"That's not really important to you. Now I have to take Joey back to the stable and give him his breakfast, so if you wouldn't mind you need to leave now!" I jump on Joeys back and begin to walk him off.

"Please, Miss... I don't intend to upset you," I stop Joey and look down at the rather handsome man. "Listen, your father made the deal, I just want to know how your horse rides. Please, I know that it is hard to have to lose a friend, trust me I know. But I have a job to do."

I stared back into the distance towards the stable and down to Joey. I turn him round and go into a canter. Tears begin to stream down my face as Joey accelerates into a gallop. We circle around the field and make our way back to the Captain. He stood there in awe of us, and we came to a halt just in front of him. I wiped my tears away got down from his back.

"Now you've seen him. Are you happy now Captain?" I continue to cry, and Joey starts rubbing his head up against mine, sensing my upset.

"Thank you Miss..."

"l/n, y/f/n."

"Thank you miss l/n. I'm sorry about this, I know that your horse-"

You cut him off, "Joey," you say sternly.

"I know that Joey, means a lot to you. But sometimes in life we have to do things we don't want to do. Allow me to take care of him, I promise I will return him to you."

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now