Wish (Nicholls)

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A/N: This is the alternate storyline to horse if these stories followed the film, and Nicholls died. The letter story I wrote would still be included in this though. Enjoy.

They found his body 3 days after the attack, James should never have told me what they were going to do, but he did. He only told me that they were going to attack the Germans before they had time to prepare. That was the last letter I ever got from him.

When the two men from the army came to tell me the news, my heart broke.


I was helping father milk the cows when two men in army uniform came up to the house. They asked to talk to father before they talked to me.

Father came out of the home and walked up to me, a deep frown across his face, "y/n dear, these men need to speak to you."

I looked up at him with a smile on my face as he came over. However, as he spoke my face dropped, "is it Albert? Is he okay?" I said quickly and stood up holding onto father's arms.

"No..." he shook his head and hung his head lower. I started to think of a million possibilities, all concerning one man. My James. I looked over at the two men standing by the front door staring over at me and father. Tears immediately started welling up in my eyes as I stumbled over to the men.

By the time I got over to the men, my cheeks were covered with the salty water and worry was caked on my face.

"Miss y/n Narracott?" The taller of the men asked.

"Yes," I choked.

"We have been informed that you are the partner of Captain James Nicholls. Is this correct?" The other man said.

The lump in my throat stopped me from speaking, so I nodded instead. I notice how the shorter of the two men was holding a cap, too big for his head which already had another one on, and a small piece of paper. Oh God no... James' cap.

"I'm very sorry Miss. But the cavalry regiment he was in was shot down a few minutes after they went into battle. He didn't come out alive."

The man ripped my heart from me. I fell to my knees and wrapped my arms around my torso while I cried. I felt my father's hand pat my shoulder and holding it in support. The other men didn't move, frozen in time. My James... he made a promise. Even though our relationship was built upon letters, he meant more to me than any other man I had met and loved. I looked up at the men standing above me with sympathetic faces.

"What about Joey- the horse he rode?" I sobbed.

"We don't know ma'am, but there wasn't a horse near the Captain when we found them. The Germans may have taken him. We give our condolences." The first man said. The men came over to me and patted my shoulders. The man with the cap and paper handed me the objects.

"His hat... and we found this on his person. I thought you may want them." The paper was the photo of myself that I gave him in a letter. It was covered in blood... his blood. I hold the photograph to my heart for a moment, before reading the writing I noticed at the back. It was his handwriting.

My darling y/n. With my heart, always.

----end of flashback----

"My darling James," my father and I was invited to James' funeral. James had mentioned me to his mother before he left and after that, sending her letters talking about me as much as he could. She had even given me some of the letters to read after the funeral finished. She asked me to say something as I was going to be his wife if things went the other way.

"How to describe my love for you is like asking the sun to stop shining. But with you gone, that task seems easier now. Your way with words swept me off my feet, and your ability to make me love you more is amazing seeing as you asked me to marry you the second you saw me. I wish you could be here." By this time tears were flowing from my eyes and it became harder for me to talk. I was getting some weird looks from some of James' family who don't know me, so I didn't pay attention to their external subconscious opinions. "My James... I'm sorry we never spoke face to face after that moment, and I wish I could tell you everything's going to be okay now. Because I know it's not," I couldn't hold it in anymore and I began to cry like a baby. Mrs Nicholls comes up to and wraps her arms around me, crying herself. My father takes my hand and allows me to cry onto him when James' mother lets me go.

I remember the picture that I kept on me from the second I got it back. I dug in my pocket for the photograph and looked it over one last time. A tear staining the picture and mixing slightly with the dried blood that was still on the paper. I walked up to James' body, neatly dressed in his parading uniform, and placed the picture of myself on his heart. I leant over the casket and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"My darling James... with my heart... always."

A/N: So I know that this wouldn't happen if the country was at war because you know, they ain't got time for that. However the power of story telling allows me to say whatever I want within reason. Also I'm writing this the same day as Advice, so I have gotten my GCSE results and I did good! woo hoo!! Also I got my braces off today so a double celebration!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. Anyway share your thoughts!❤

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