Slave (Loki)

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For years you have worked in the Asgardian palace as a cleaner, but recently you have been tasked to clean the dungeons. No one else wanted to do the job, but someone had to... and that person was you.

The dungeons were home to some of the scariest of warriors from all across the 9 realms. All sorts of roars could be heard, making even the guards twitch in fear sometimes.

It wasn't a secret that Loki was commonly found in one of the cells. You had the task of cleaning the first 4 cells, they were the easiest, but still no one wanted the job. You got to work cleaning each cell before moving to the last one... Loki's.

You nodded at the guard and he let you in. Loki took no notice in you, but as you started to clean things disappeared before you touched them... great he wants to play games. You walked around the cell, trying to actually clean something before you turned round to him and stared him down.

"Mmm what's so wrong woman? Is there a problem with the furniture?"

"No, the problem is with you."

He looked up from his book and shot to his feet, walking closer to you, and backing you up against the wall.

"How dare you talk to a prince like that. Who do you think you are? Because to me you are no one, no one important at all." He snarled.

"Well My Prince, I think that you should allow me to do my job as quickly as possible, meaning you can be alone again, in your own thoughts."

Loki looked at you with a stare that went right through you. He tried desperately to find the fear in your heart and eyes but saw nothing. You weren't scared by him, you've seen worse.

"How interesting..."

"What couldn't you find any fear?" You say sarcastically, pouting at him.

He smirks and laughs, "you're good you are. I think we will make a good team."

"I thought the God of mischief didn't have a team mates," you said looking a little confused.

"People can change, can't they?"

"No they don't, you may stop tricking people, and you may say you're a good person. But morals never change, you're still going to think the same... even if you don't want to admit it."

Loki slowly backed away as you spoke, he continued to look at you in awe. How could someone like you be so well spoken and loud?

You walked to the door, but Loki grabbed your wrist before you left, "will you be here again?"

"I'll be here tomorrow."


He gave you one last smirk before you left the dungeons.

A/N: I know this one was short but I didn't really know what else to do with it and I sort of got bored with the chapter a little, I hoped you liked it anyway. Leave your thoughts.❤

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