41 - Two Idiots & their idiocy

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Two Idiots POV

"I don't fucking care Tae! How dare they? When they had the chance, they threw me away and now they think I'll just forget how they hurt me? It doesn't work that way!" Seokjin cried.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook held a sobbing Jinnie tightly. He joined them after sighing heavily. Taehyung kissed his husband's tears away. He couldn't stand to see his Jinnie in pain.

"I'm so sorry my love. I understand your feelings and I'll never force you but I know what it feels like to reject my family and it hurts too much. I'm not saying that you should welcome them back with open arms; all I'm saying is that for your own peace of mind, maybe you should forgive them and you'll feel peace in your heart too," Taehyung said.

Jinnie sniffed and held Jungkook tighter. Jungkook ran his fingers through Jinnie's soft hair and cooed at him lovingly.

"It's okay to forgive our Jinnie. It won't make you the loser. Your heart will be at peace, as Tae said. You are so pure-hearted our angel." Jungkook held him close and Jinnie nodded his head. "And think about our little babies; they will have two more people to love them." Jungkook smiled and Jinnie walked over to their babies cribs. He gazed at his two precious miracles who were sleeping soundly.

He turned and smiled sadly at his husbands. "I will try, I promise. But I'm still pissed that the only reason they came here is because I married you Tae. If I had married a poor man, they would have scorned me, I know it!"

Taehyung sighed and pulled Jinnie into his arms. He placed a soft kiss to his lips and Jinnie melted at his touch.

"It's okay baby. No one is perfect, especially not us. Did you forget what happened when the boys were born?"

Jin rolled his eyes at the memory. He laughed and both Tae and Kook looked at him sheepishly. Jinnie recalled the day not two months ago when he had gone into labour.


Jin had just put the finishing touches to a casserole and placed it into the oven. As he was about to set the timer, a sharp pain had rushed through his body. He whimpered and held onto his belly before reaching out to the counter for support.

He began his breathing exercises and soon he felt a little better. But after a few minutes, he was hit with another searing pain. He screamed out and held onto the counter tightly for support. This pain was unimaginable; nothing like he had felt in his entire life.

He was four days just shy of his due date and elective caesarian section. He pulled his phone closer to him and pressed down on the speed dial, immediately connecting to Taehyung.

"Jinnie, are you okay love?"

"It's time love. They're coming."

Jin's whispered words caused Taehyung's eyes to go wide and he dropped his tea all over himself. Jungkook, who was in the office as well, jumped up, grabbed some tissues from the desk, and wiped him of the scalding liquid as Taehyung hissed in pain.

"We're on our way angel. You just sit tight."

Jin disconnected the call and set the timer app on his phone on. He timed his contractions slowly, all the while hoping his husbands would get home fast. It was a rare occasion that he was alone at home. He had only yesterday, given the staff a holiday and both Tae and Kook had to go into the office due to some emergency meeting, leaving Jin all alone.

Jin was proud of how he was handling the contractions until he felt a warmth leave his body and rush down his thighs. His water just broke. Now he was panicked. The pain started to become more acute and Jin bit down on his teeth to keep from screaming.

Just then the doors burst open and in walked his two husbands, although Jin's relief at seeing them was short lived. They approached him and both slipped on the amniotic fluid that had pooled on the floor, landing in a heap on top of each other. Jin face palmed as he watched them whine and groan in pain and try to disentangle themselves, only to fall over again.

"Pregnant, in labour and in pain, right here!" He screamed at them.

"Fuck! Sorry love. Shit! Kook, get off of me!" Taehyung squealed as Kookie fell over him again.

"Two Idiots!" Jin shook his head in disbelief. Luckily, he had called the ambulance and they had just arrived.

While the EMTs worked to help Jin into the ambulance, his two idiot husbands had cleaned up and looked at him shamefaced. They had really done it this time.

"Just switch off the damn oven before you leave!" He chided them.

Later, at the hospital

Jungkook was busy filming the birth while Tae helped Jin to breathe through the contractions that were coming too close now. They couldn't do the c-section hence the children would be born naturally.

Jungkook took one look as the babies were being born, and fainted. Jin wanted to kick him. Tae was even worse. He screamed more than Jin himself.


Taehyung took one look at Jin's expression of anger and became as white as a sheet. He raced out of the room, carrying Kook with him.

A short while later, Kim Jeon TaeHyun and Kim Jeon TaeJung were born. They were three minutes apart. Jin sighed with relief as his babies were placed in his arms. His two idiot husbands shuffled in and stood aside, watching their family in humiliation. Jin sighed and called them over.

They apologised to Jin who gave them both murderous looks but calmed down quickly after seeing the sparkling eyes of his husbands. He gave them each a baby and smiled happily as he watched them coo at the sleeping little miracles.

The two idiots kissed his cheeks softly and cradled their babies while they slept on, tired too like their appa.

"Hey my little ones. I'm your abeoji and this is your papa," Taehyung smiled at Jungkook and their children. "We're sorry we weren't here when you were both born. Your appa is right, we are both real idiots," Taehyung said sheepishly and Jungkook smiled softly, pecking his cheek quickly.

"It's okay abeoji. But how will we tell them apart? They look so similar," Jungkook asked.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and looked at Jin. "They're not identical Kookie. And look, TaeHyun has a small birthmark on his right hand."

Jungkook smiled happily. They placed the babies in the hospital cribs and watched as Jin was almost dozing off , thinking to buy him some food before he woke up and screamed at them. They needed to placate him or he would be angrier when he awoke.

"Did you remember to switch off the oven?" Jin asked sleepily.

Jungkook's eyes went wide and he raced out of the room, a harried looking Taehyung rushing behind him. They really had done it this time!



Do you think they burnt down the kitchen? 😄😄😄😄

I apologise for bringing this to you this late but I am on a short hiatus from this app. I will bring you the completion soon. Love you all and thank you for always supporting me by recommending my work and voting. I love all your comments. It really lifts my spirits.

Stream DYNAMITE for clearer skin! 😉

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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