The Final Fight Part One

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I wake up to see everyone hanging out. Entrapta is doing tech, I think Wrong Hordak is braiding Entrapta's hair, Spinnerella and Netossa are being the iconic lesbian couple that they are, Perfuma is putting flowers in Frosta's hair, Sea Hawk is talking to Castaspella, and Bow is playing a tune on the ukelele (A/N: I don't know instruments so don't attack me, string instrument players) while Glimmer is lying her head on Bow's shoulder.

"Hey, Entrapta," I start, while scratching my eyes and slumping on Emily, "How long have I been out?" Entrapta looks at a stopwatch, "Not long. Just a few hours." I hold Entrapta's hand while she does some work. But then, She-Ra comes out of the room she was in, "Prime is getting closer every day to figuring out how to access the Heart of Etheria," She starts, "if he succeeds, he can use it to destroy worlds, galaxies, maybe even the entire universe. The Failsafe is our chance at stopping him. But Prime still has our friends. His hold over them grows stronger every day they're chipped. If we don't free them now, we might lose them forever. Prime holds every advantage in this fight. He'll be ready for us. But we have a plan. Entrapta?"

Entrapta moves towards She-Ra, "I finally succeeded in cracking Prime's signal pattern." Entrapta explains, "If I get access to his Spire network, I can broadcast a jamming frequency that will disable all the chips on Etheria, freeing everyone at once!" Entrapta moves back to me and I give her a high five. She-Ra continues to explain, "I need you all to get Entrapta to the Spire and keep Prime's forces distracted while she jams the signal. I'm gonna take the Failsafe to the Heart and destroy it, once and for all. We're going to make sure that Prime can never hurt anyone again. We're ending this today. For good." The whole ass room gets up and starts cheering.

I sit down and count my knives. I'm most likely going to need a lot of them. "Y/N," Entrapta sits with me and gives me something, "I made some awesome knives for you. I took some inspiration from Bow's arrows and put them into knives." I take one to look at, "That one can make green sticky slime come out that makes the target stuck to the ground." I smile and hug Entrapta, "This is it, Entrapta. This is the big fight. Holy shit am I nervous?" I give a nervous laugh and Entrapta hugs me, "You'll be fine." She tells me, sincerely. We slowly lean in for kiss, but then Castaspella walks in, "Y/N, Entra- did I interrupt something? Whatever, we're about to leave for the Spire. Come on." I groan in annoyance and take Entrapta's hand, "Let's go."

The crew went on our way towards the Spire. Once we got to the Spire, Spinnerella made a huge tornado and Frosta shot large ice spikes at robots, pinning them to the ground. Everyone jumps out the tornado and we fight the robots. Frosta freezes, Perfuma makes plants, Netossa makes nets, everyone is doing what they can to rescue Etheria.

Along with myself.

I speed around bots, stabbing bots with electric knives. "Hey bot-faces!" Frosta yells, "Come and get us!" Bots run at us and we all run at them. I leap into the air and kick robots as hard as I can. I put my hand to my communicator to talk to Entrapta, "How's it going over there? Did you get in?"

Entrapta responds, "Bird Horse just kicked two clones and I am now in the Spire." I throw a knife at a bot, which electrocutes two other bots next to it, "Well hurry up, hun." I speed in a circle and Spinnerella throws a tornado into my circle, making a huge tornado, whirring bots all around me. I stop running and all the bots fall to the ground. "This is so fun!" I jump up and use the drones to hop on them, destroying everyone I jump on. I know this is a matter of life and death, but come on, this is fun. All my life, I've just had the same boring routine. Wake up, go to school, go home, sleep. Now I'm in a fucking war!

"Y/N!" Entrapta calls me from the comms. Then, suddenly I hear, "Welcome, little rebel." That voice, it almost sounds like,


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