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Entrapta lands the ship with only a slight bit of a lot of pain. The gravity on this planet is insane. She opens the hatch and all of us walk out. "This is the crystal planet?" Adora asks. "With all the crystals?"

"Correct," Entrapta confirms.

I pat Entrapta's back. "Heh, babe, um, so if this is the crystal planet," I start "where is the 'crystal' part of 'crystal planet?'"

Entrapta looks confused. "Well, Darla's sensors say the crystals are on this planet, and Darla would never lie to me. So they've gotta be here somewhere." Entrapta looks at her tablet.

"I'll run around the planet." I tell them. "See if there is anything here." My legs spark and I speed around the planet. All I see is caves and nothingness. "Okay, so, this planet is desolate." I say, as I get back to them. "There are spires from Horde Prime. He destroyed this planet."

Entrapta grabs me. "We'll get to work on prepping Darla." Entrapta and I get into the ship. "All for the new crystals, removing the old ones. They're ancient. It's a miracle they lasted this long." Entrapta explains, not letting me go. I think my blood is rushing to my head. Not good. "They must've fused with her engines by now. Oh! It must be so painful for her." Yeah, but Darla doesn't feel pain. "Good luck finding the crystals! Darla, Y/N, and I are going to spend some quality time together." Entrapta grabs tools and wiggles her eyebrows. The door closes and we move away.

"Um, Entrapta," I say to her. "Two things. One: Please put me down." Entrapta puts me down and does a nervous laugh. "And two, what, uh, what are you planning on doing to Darla. It sounds like you're going to fu-"

Entrapta puts hair over my mouth. "Y/N, you dirty hoe." We both laugh. "We're going to make upgrades to the ship. Buuut I want to upgrade your legs too." She grabs my legs again. God damn it. "Like I said before, I want to make it that you jump high, not just run fast." She throws me onto a bed and looks at my legs.

"Entrapta, this is getting a little, well," She slaps my face and I pass out. I guess she doesn't want me to feel it.

Hours pass and I wake up with Entrapta next to me. Adora, Bow, and Glimmer are back too. "Did I miss anything?"

Entrapta giggles. "You missed a lot. But we got the crystals. You missed space pirates, intense earthquakes, almost dying, Glimmer and Bow argued a whole lot, She-Ra appeared for, like, a second, and a lot of fear." That doesn't sound good. "But I upgraded your legs! You can jump high and you're insanely strong with them." Entrapta sets up a box. "This box is empty. It's wooden, usually pretty hard to break with someone's bare legs. But you, my love, should be able to do it instantly."

I jump up and get launched into the air, kicking the box and destroying it immediately. "What was that?" Adora runs into the room and looks at the box. "Did- did you do that?" She looks at me, then Entrapta, then the box, then back at me.

"Uh, yeah, I did that." I explain. "Entrapta," I clear my throat "She knocked me unconscious and made my legs stronger, making me jump high and kick through this box."

She looks at me and Entrapta, confused. "Well, we're going to Horde Prime's ship. We're saving Catra." Entrapta looks scared and Adora leaves the room.

I grab Entrapta's hand. "Look, I know you probably don't like Catra for the whole Beast Island thing, but we're heroes. Heroes save those, even if we don't like them." I kiss her forehead. "Plus, if she tries to kill us, I will get you away as soon as possible.

Adora runs into the room again. "Suit up." She says. "Get into space suits and go under the ship." I'm sorry, what?

Entrapta's eyes sparkle and pulls me into the space suit room. "So everyone's space suit has a unique trait." Entrapta explains. "Bow has his little ab window, I have my titty window, Y/N has windows to access their knives, et cetera." We put on the suits and we go under the ship.

We get into Prime's flagship and gravity comes into the equation. I'm at the bottom of the pile and I have to hold everyone up, which is really hurting my arms. "Ok, Y/N, you can let go." Bow tells me. I let go and we all fall to the ground.

Entrapta gets up first. "Spacesuit testing officially a success." She says with excitement. "All suits stood up to ship's velocity with zero loss of life."

Glimmer and Bow go to find Catra's holding cell, while Entrapta and I go to hack into the ship's server, and download any Intel about Prime's weal points. Apparently it's a room with a lot of glowing tech in it. "That's our access point!" Entrapta exclaims. "Although, as long we're here, you wouldn't mind if I just took a few readings-?" I grab Entrapta's arm. "Okay, to the server room." I giggle and Entrapta smiles.

Entrapta and I walk around the facility. "No sign of the server room." I tell her. "This place is so big and empty."

"Where are the vents?" Entrapta asks. "How does anyone get around this place?" Entrapta keeps complaining and some clones appear behind her.

"Entrapta, let's go." I grab her and we run. We take a corner and I put my hand on Entrapta's mouth while she puts her hand over mine. I point at a door. "That must be the server room." I say to her. Entrapta grabs me and moves us to the server room. "This doesn't look like a server room, now that I look at it." Entrapta whimpers loudly and two clones look at us. "Hi, would you believe that we're the inspectors?" Got that from Sea Hawk. Worked on Scorpia, how hard would it be with these Hordak clones?

One clone closes the door behind us and they snarl at us. Entrapta screams and I draw two knives. I run at the bots and throw the knives. They catch them both and throw them back at me. I jump out of the way and speed behind a clone. "This looks important." I look at the back of its neck and there is a port that I stab a knife into. The clone shuts down and falls to the ground. "Entrapta! Get out of here!" She runs towards the door and tries to open it, but Entrapta gets distracted. I stab the second clone and run to Entrapta. "What are you doing?!" I tell her, trying to drag her away.

A clone grabs her hair and I try to pull her free. "Let go of her, Clonetrooper!" I throw a knife right at the clone and it falls to the ground. "You okay, Entrapta?"

She laughs. "Definitely not Hordak. We can cross that one off our list."

The clone falls on me and I can't get up. "Since when did we have a list?" I ask her.

"Where am I?" The clone asks. "I cannot connect to the hive mind. I am alone?" Uh, we broke him. The clone literally starts crying. I didn't even know clones had emotions. I pick him up and put him back in his pod. "Horde Prime. How will he see my thoughts? How will he know that I am faithful?" I look back at Entrapta and she shrugs.

I try to help. "Uh, it's, uh, alright? We can tell him?" I look at my spacesuit. Clonetrooper got snot on my spacesuit. Disgusting.

He looks depressed. "You know Horde Prime?" He asks me. I run away and grab Entrapta, but Clonetrooper beats us to the door. "Please, let me accompany you and prove myself worthy to Horde Prime."

A lightbulb sparks in my head. "Can you open this door?" Clonetrooper looks at the door and opens it. "Let's keep him."

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