Rescuing Glimmer and Bow!

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Eventually, we regroup with the rest of the team. Emily opens up the door and walks through. I guess it scared them for a second.

"It's okay!" I tell them. "We reprogrammed her." Entrapta gives Seahawk to Mermista.

"Where have you two been?" Perfuma is just done.

"Where have you been?" Entrapta asks back.

"It doesn't matter!" Adora says

We head to a control center and Perfuma ties up the guards. And oh my god Entrapta and I are in heaven.

Adora explains to Entrapta what to do. Perfuma, Seahawk, Adora and I jump onto a bridge that Entrapta is controlling. I want to stay with Entrapta but I need to kill some bitches.

"I'm ready to fight!" I draw two knives. I'm so fucking ready.

The four of us walk onto the bridge and Adora gives a thumbs up to Entrapta.

"FUCK!" I yell. Entrapta made the bridge go too fast.

Eventually it stops and finally! Some Horde soldiers and one person not in the uniform. And the other is a...lizard? I guess that's normal?

Adora is fighting the one female horde soldier and Seahawk, Perfuma and I are taking care of some other soldiers.


I throw a knife right at the heart of a soldier and run right at them, kicking the knife further into the soldier's skin.

I run further back and call for the knife. Dammit, its full of blood.

The body of the soldier falls to the ground and eventually falls off the bridge.

I never knew I was so brutal. I've been with Entrapta for so long, and she's been so innocent. I thought I would be innocent but apparently I'm not. I just fucking killed someone. But they are the bad guy so does that make it any better?


The lizard jumps to Mermista and Entrapta. I would jump in and help but Entrapta can take care of herself.

I sit on the bridge as Perfuma, Seahawk, and Adora are still fighting. I'm still taking in on what I've done. Entrapta is gonna hate me! She's gonna leave me and I'm not ready for this. I start hyperventilating but Perfuma comes to comfort me. Since Entrapta is busy, a little comfort from really anyone is worth it. I throw the knife I used off the bridge. I'm not using that knife ever again.

We eventually get to Bow's cell and Seahawk just launches some boy. Adora and Bow have a little bestie moment. I respect that.

"Where's Glimmer?" Adora asks almost right away.

"Shadow Weaver has her in the Black Garnet Chamber." Bow answers.

Some alarm goes off. And all of us just dart.

We run. I hear some guards in the distance and we turn a corner. Fuck. The door is closed. But wait, a control panel. Entrapta and I go to work.

"Can you get it open?" Adora asks

"We just need a little more time" I reply.

And boom. The door is open!

Adora explains that the doors only open for a couple of seconds and when the door closes some fire spews out. That doesn't sound good.

We keep running but Adora turns around

"Adora, what are you doing?" Bow asks

"I need to go find Glimmer." Adora answers, before she closes the door.

"Bow get your ass over here. The door is about to close and I'm not letting anyone die on my watch." I tell him. Bad choice of words, saying that I actually killed someone.

Emily opens up more doors for us to run out of the Fright Zone.

"We need to go back for Glimmer and Adora" Bow yells.

"We need to do what Adora said" Perfuma tells Bow "They'll make it out and we'll be ready with a skiff. No princess will he left behind!"

We have finally gotten to the last of the doors. Emily opens up the last door.

"We made it" Seahawk says "This way to the vehicle bay"

Emily gets stuck on her little cord. You'd think we'd just leave it, right? Wrong. Well, sort of.

"Wait! Emily!" Entrapta turns back! She goes to get the fucking robot!

"Entrapta! No!" I yell.

Entrapta looks at me in the eye. The door closes. The green flames come from the room.

"No! No! This can't be happening!" I keep punching and punching the door "Open this goddamn door right now!"

"Y/N! She's gone." Perfuma tells me. "You saw the door. She couldn't survive that."

I can't believe it.

Entrapta is gone...

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