Oh my god...

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The Garnet... its... its making the planet go crazy. I saw that it was snowing in the Whispering Woods. This is crazy!

But then the Whispering Woods just froze over! The trees are all ice and are breaking!

Scorpia is calling Catra. She really needs to see what's going on!

Scorpia lists all the things going on around Etheria. Its awesome! We have so much power!

"Man, Etheria is taking it hard." Scorpia says. "I mean, yay for us. But also, woah"

"The experiment has been more effective than I could have ever dreamed! This proved my hypothesis correct!" Entrapta says while whirling on a chair. She's so happy! Our experiments have never been THIS successful, THIS powerful on the planet! This is amazing!

"Entrapta! The Black Garnet is at 200 percent power!" I say to her. She starts whirling faster, which shouldn't be too safe.

"That means that the precarious equilibrium that governs all of Etheria's nature functions has been thrown into complete chaos, no doubt, as a result of the other elemental Runestones-" Entrapta said before Catra stopped Entrapta.

"Translate" Catra says into Entrapta's recorder.

"I got this." I say to Entrapta. I'm usually the one to translate stuff for people that are not us. "By making the Black Garnet more powerful, we snapped power from the other Princesses' runestones, upsetting the balance and making the weather all screw-y. It's all in Entrapta's notes."

"Woah woah, what was that you just said about making the other princesses less powerful?" Catra asks. She seems to be intrigued.

"Well the other elemental princesses, that is. You don't have to worry about Entrapta and Scorpia. Entrapta doesn't have a runestone and Scorpia doesn't have any connection to the Black Garnet." I answer Catra. "If she ever did."

"Huh? Did someone say my name?" Scorpia asks, not paying attention.

"And how would we make an effect like that permanent?" Catra asks as she pokes at a lightbulb.

"Well we'd have to run more tests to know for sure" Entrapta answers. But then Catra breaks the lightbulb she was poking at and an electrical surge flows to the lightbulb that represents the Black Garnet. "Yea, that should work too." Entrapta says.

"Get a strike team together. We're going to Brightmoon." Catra says to Scorpia. Seems like Catra and Scorpia are gonna go attack Brightmoon. Cool.

"Entrapta and I will stay here in case something happens to the Black Garnet" I say to the two.

Scorpia and Catra go off with a large fleet of soldiers and leave to attack Brightmoon or something. I look at the TVs to see when they make it. I turn around and I see Entrapta being cute as always. I walk over to her and hug her from behind.

"How's it going over here?" I ask, as I give her a little peck on her forehead.

"It's going great!" Entrapta answers all gitty. "This is the biggest thing we've worked on ever! Look at the TVs! The planet is going insane! Ohhhhh my god I love this!" Shes so happy! I love that!

"Well let me know if you need anything. I'll be by the TVs watching the action at Brightmoon" I tell her.

So I see Scorpia and Catra, and i also see She-Ra, Glimmer, who's looking different, Bow, AND A UNICORN??? A fuckin Unicorn!

"Entrapta look at this! She-Ra has a unicorn!!" I tell Entrapta.

"Oh that's...cool" she says, in a sad tone.

"Something wrong?" I walk back over to Entrapta.

She looks away "No no it's fine"

"Rule #1 with girls" I start. "If a girl says she's fine, she's really not. So what's wrong. And don't say it's fine"

"I'm just still a little pissed at the princess alliance for just leaving me like that." Entrapta says angrily. "Like, who would leave me behind?"

I put her head in my chest and just pat her head "At least I'm here with you. I'll never leave you. Pretty sure I stated that before"

"What if another portal opens and you'd be able to go back to Earth? What would you do?" Entrapta asks.

I never thought of that. I've been wanting to go back but I also want to stay with Entrapta.

"You can come with me! We'll go back to Earth together and you could live with me!" I tell her.

"Really?" She asks

"Really" I answer. "I love you, and there's nothing that will ever change that" and I kiss her on the lips.

I look over at the TVs and Scorpia and Glimmer are fighting. Then Glimmer starts to shine red. Thats new. It then starts to power the Garnet, making it shine.

Entrapta does some work on the Garnet and I'm watching the battle. A lot is going down.

A few minutes pass and the whole princess alliance is there. Its not looking good for us.

Then all the princesses get together and they all start to glow. Very strange.

"What the fuck is that" I say, as a gay wave splashes over the Horde soldiers, including Catra and Scorpia.

Then the Garnet starts to freak out. I run over to Entrapta and push her over to take cover. Then the whole room went dark.

"Well shit, its dark" I say. I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight. "That doesn't seem good" I get up because i was literally on top of Entrapta. "Are you okay?" I ask

"Yea, I'm fine. Hurt my leg a little bit but when do I use my legs?" She answers. We both laugh and just sit on the ground. "Are YOU okay, Y/N?" Entrapta asks.

"Don't worry about me. All good here" I answer.

PSA: sorry I've been taking so long on the story, school is gonna start soon and I need to do some work. So enjoy the first 14 parts of the story.


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