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We're in space! I've gone from planet to planet, but not deep space!

"Entrapta!" I run to her and she full on hugs me. "We're in space!" We both laugh.

I look over to see Bow studying some holograms and Adora practicing with her staff. Then I look back to see Entrapta rip off something of the ship. "Entrapta! What are you doing?! Don't take apart the ship while we're in the ship!"

Entrapta looks happy. "I love thinking about the crushing void of space!" That's depressing. "Buuut there's always improvements to be made." Entrapta grabs my legs. "What if I made your legs stronger, make you jump higher?" Before I can answer, Entrapta gets close to where she ripped off the ship's plate. "I could really boost this baby's speed!"

Bow gets in the way. "No! We have to keep the ship intact until we can reach Glimmer." After he says this, Adora hits the chair with her staff.

Bow grabs Adora, Entrapta, and I and plant us on the ship basically. "Until we reach Glimmer, nobody is going to touch anything." Entrapta slithers a hair to my knives and Bow slaps it. "And I mean anything!" Wow, okay dad.

The ship shakes for a second. "Diagnostics have revealed a prob- problem." The voice in the ship states. "My user interface will now shut down to conserve energy. Goodbye." The hologram dissipates and the ship turns off.

"I didn't do it." Adora says.

"It's okay!" Entrapta yells. "We'll fix Darla!" Entrapta let's me down from her hair. "I named the ship Darla. It just felt right."

Bow looks confused. "Uh, okay." He says. "You two can fix Darla. But we have to be careful."

"Great!" Entrapta runs to the plate she ripped out and jumps into the hole.

"I'm not going in there." I say. "I love her and all, but I don't want to accidentally float out into space. I can't really breathe in space." Bow leaves the room and it's just me and Adora. "So, being She-Ra. What, uh, what was that like?" This is awkward. Adora and I never had alone time.

I hear hissing and I give a sigh of relief. "That doesn't look good." Adora says. She walks over to it and puts her hand on it. Problem solved.

A plate on the ship pops out and wires spill out. We run over and I fall into the wires. "Fuck!" I yell. I give up. "I am stuck." Adora grabs duct tape and tapes it down. "Adora, please." I give my resting bitch face. "I am in a predicament." She grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Are you really going to use duct tape on an ancient space ship?"

Adora stutters and I laugh. "You do that. I'm going to get a radio system in this ship." Adora tapes down the wires and I take out a knife. We need music in here.

Entrapta runs in. "Adora! Y/N! I need a blowtorch and a reaaaaally long piece of rope. Like, realllllly long."

I point in a direction. "Hey, babe, blowtorch and rope are over there." Entrapta runs off with the objects and I continue my work.

I put in the radio and music plays. "We're on the edge of greatn-" I turn off the music and Adora is tangled in the wires. I run to help her.

"Adora, Y/N." Bow walks in. "Have you seen EntraptAH! What are you doing?"

Adora struggles. "I have everything under control." She laughs nervously. Adora you dumb lesbian.

Bow groans like Mermista. "That's not what I asked." Bow and I grab Adora's legs and pull. "I told you not to touch anything. It's bad enough that Entrapta has disappeared somewhere."

"Oh!" I exclaim. "She was just in here. She said she needed, uh, um, a blowtorch and a really long piece of rope."

Bow yells. "Why didn't you stop her?!" I laugh and press a button. "We're on the edge of greatn-"

"Adora had her hands full." She does a nervous laugh. "And I was putting a radio in this thing! I'm trying to download all the music I had on Earth but with no phone, it's tough." Bow groans louder than Mermista. Didn't think that was possible.

"Adora, Y/N, we are so far out of our depth right now." Bow says. "We're about to fly into the heart of an evil alien empire," I stop paying attention and I look outside the ship.

Entrapta is floating out in space. I wave and she waves back. She giggles. "Hi! I made space suits for us and then I fixed the ship, from space! Where I am!" I run to the radio and put on the perfect song.

"Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars." Bow looks at me pissed. I don't care. I just move with the song.

Bow does an insane laugh. Adora and I look at each other and laugh along. "Is this a good laugh or a bad laugh?" Adora asks. Bow keeps laughing like an evil supervillain. "Well, the longer it goes on the more I think it's a bad laugh." The two of us stop laughing and Bow stops.

Bow gives attitude. "Entrapta, get inside." He says. "Y/N, turn off whatever song that is. Adora, put down the tape. We're just going to get back on mission and nothing is going to derail us again!"

The ship shuts off again. Bow sighs. "I got it!" Entrapta takes out the blowtorch and flies away like WALL-E and screams.

Entrapta comes back into the ship after fixing it and sits next to me. "Are you there, Darla?" I ask the ship. A hologram pops up.

"Yes." Darla says. "Welcome back, Y/N and Entrapta." Entrapta squeals and tries to hug a hologram, which does nothing. "There is a transmission being received." Darla continues. "Would you like to open communications?" Adora agrees to it.

"Adora?" It's Catra! "Don't sound so happy to hear me. I'm sending Glimmer to you. I don't know your location, but I can get her to your quadrant. You have to be there to catch her! We don't have much time. You need to get to these coordinates now." Coordinates appear on the hologram. "Don't come here, no matter what. Horde Prime is ready for you." Sounds like Catra is struggling. "Adora! I'm sorry! For everything!"

"Alright!" I say to everyone. "I got the coordinates! Entrapta, do whatever it takes to get us to these coordinates, okay?" Entrapta's eyes sparkle and she squeals, as she hits a button and the ship goes flying. Bow and Adora suit up to go into space. "We're nearing on the coordinates. Get ready to catch Glimmer." I say in the microphone.

"We got her!" Adora said to us. Entrapta and I cheer and I hug Entrapta.

Entrapta kisses my chin. "We are a power couple, for sure." Entrapta says. "When we put my brains and your, uh, also brains, there is nothing we can't do!"

Or, so it seems. The ship loses course. Entrapta runs to Darla and talks to Adora, Bow, and Glimmer. "Hi. So, slight problem." I look at the ship's crystal, which is basically dead. "Darla says hi, by the way."

Entrapta is getting side tracked. "So, uh, yeah the fuel crystal is basically dead, like a phone battery." Adora looks scared. "Don't worry. Darla's sensors have picked up a nearby planet that has a natural supply of the fuel crystals we need, and we've set course."

Entrapta interrupts me. "All we have to do is gently glide," Adora gives a sigh of relief. "through a rocky debris field, the planet's incredibly dense atmosphere, and gingerly land on a solid crystalline surface. Hang on!" She presses a button and the ship flies quickly.

Planets Connect (Entrapta X Reader) (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant