The Dances

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Now this part is like, I kind of like what happened and kind of don't.

A while has passed and Entrapta ran out of tiny food.

"Crap, I ran out of food." Entrapta exclaims.

"Want me to grab you some more?" I ask. "The table is just over there right by that large scorpion lady."

"That's ok, umm" She starts looking around. "Aha! That feline lady! She has a plate of food."

"What? Are you gonna steal it? That's not too nice though, Entrapta." I tell her.

"It's not nice if I get caught." She says, with a little wink. Fuck, her little winks always get me. And she knows it. Its like my weakness.

"Alright, don't come crawling back to me if she catches you" I say.

"I don't need to crawl back if you come with me!" She says loudly while grabbing me. Goddammit.

We sneak around the cat lady, Entrapta just sends a strand of hair to grab some food, but the cat lady just grabs her hair and pulls, launching Entrapta and I forward.

"Hello there, now who might you two be?" The cat lady asks.

"Uh, well, I'm Y/N and this is Entrapta." I greet us. "We ran out of food and, according to Entrapta, getting food from the table over there is 'Too much work'"

"Uh huh, look, I'll help you guys out with something and get you guys food!" The lady says. She seems pretty damn nice.

"Awesome! Now what we need help is studying this prom for our social experiment." I keep going. Entrapta isn't even paying attention. She's just looking at the crowd. "Oh, I don't mean to be mean, but I never got your name. What is it exactly?" I ask the feline

"Catra, nice to meet you" She puts out her hand for a shake. I shake her hand and she kinda scratches my hand. "Lets go this way. There's a ledge up there."

"Entrapta, come on. Did you listen to anything she was saying?" I ask

"I stopped listening at 'Who might you two be?'" She answered.

Catra leads us to the ledge and then she runs off. Entrapta jumps onto the railing. I sit and start to zone out. I dont really go to many parties on Earth. So this is newish to me.

A few minutes pass and I see Catra again, walking towards Entrapta. Then I see that Entrapta was about to fall, then I grab Entrapta, then I hear Adora.

"Don't touch her!" Adora goes.

"Excuse me?" I ask "I'm just trying not to let her fall..."

"No, Y/N, not you. Catra." Adora keeps saying.

"Hi Adora! Have you met my new assistant? She brought snacks." Entrapta tells Adora.

"She stole my food and asked me to spy on people with her. Is this what love feels like?" Catra says, as she holds Entrapta closer. I literally call a knife for this but no knives come. Damn, I need my full sleeves for that.

Adora pulls both of us away.

"Guys, shes from the Horde" we give a blank stare.

"The people the rebellion are fighting" Adora keeps going, we still don't understand.

"The rebellion you two are a part of." There it is, thought this was leading somewhere.

"Ohhhh well in that case we should keep a better eye on her because she just walked away" Entrapta tells Adora.

Adora runs off and we have no clue what's going on. Adora seems rushed but whatever.

The lights go dark and a few spotlights go around the room. "It is my solemn duty as hostess to now announce" Frosta starts "It is time for the first dance of the ball"

Oh. My. God. I get to dance with Princess Entrapta. And some other princesses but it starts with Entrapta.

"May I have this dance?" I ask Entrapta, putting my hand out.

"But my observations!" She tried to say, but I just drag her away.

"Come on! It'll be fun! Here, we'll stay up here so it's just the two of us." I keep her right where Entrapta was spying on people. And i put her recorder on the railing nice and safely.

The music started and we started to dance. This is so fucking nice! We have such peaceful music for a beautiful girl. She has to stand on my feet because she's pretty short.

"Are you having a nice time?" I ask Entrapta, as her eyes sparkle.

"I am having a blast with you, Y/N" She replies.

I put my head on her's and we lock eyes. Then we start to come closer to each other. We are about to kiss. But once our noses touch,


An explosion. God dammit, I was having a great time. And she was to. But we got to get out of here.

"Lets get the hell out of here!" I yell to Entrapta. "This place may come down and I dont want you to get hurt"

"But," She starts to stutter.

"Come on! Lets go get my sleeves and head the hell back to Dryl!" I keep going

I grab Entrapta by the hand and run to the entrance. The guard that was there fled. I grab my sleeves and slide them on.

We start running back to Dryl. Entrapta extends her hair and picks me up and walks with her hair to pick up speed.

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