Im Worried

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It's been 10 days and no one has waken up yet. I roll my wheelchair to the kitchen and make myself some food. I've barely eaten. I've been sitting next to Entrapta, not sleeping at all. Glimmer popped in a few times to tell me to sleep, but I never listened. Everyone comes in a few times to check up on some of the soldiers, but I never left. Except for food.

"Y/N," Adora comes into the kitchen. "How are you doing?"

I put down my butter knife. "Let me think. My girlfriend was hypnotized, I had to fight her, even though I refused to, I'm in a wheelchair and Entrapta is basically in a coma. How am I doing, Adora? I'm fucking furious. Don't ask me how I'm doing!" Adora started to step back.

"Jesus, okay. I'll get out of your way." Adora said. I roll pass Adora and go back to the Horde's little room. Before I can make back to the room, Adora stops me. "Y/N, we need to talk." I look to her in confusion. Glimmer and Bow are here too.

"Is something wrong?" I ask. They all look concerned. I start to get worried. "Is Entrapta okay?!"

Bow talks to me. "Yea, Entrapta is fine. They all are. There's just, something we need to talk about." He says.

Glimmer continues. "The Horde has gone through many things with what just happened with Hordak and the mind control."

I stop her. "What are you planning on doing?" I ask.

Adora has a worried look. "We, uh, we need to do something with their mind. They know everything that they've done while under Hordak's control." I look at her with a death stare. They better not be planning on doing anything terrible. "We have to, uh, wipe their memory." My eyes widen.

"What the fuck?" I say to Adora. "First of all, is that even possible? Second of all, please don't wipe too much from Entrapta. I don't want her to forget everything we've done together."

Adora looks at me. "Yes, it is possible. I just want to find a way to erase their memory while still letting them remember what happened before Hordak took control."

I look down in defeat. I just can't let Entrapta be taken away from me! She's my angel. If I lose Entrapta, what else do I lose?

And now that you know my story, let's go through how we're going to do this.

I hit a writer's block n all that. But now that we are under quarantine, I'll have a lot of time to write this. Plus, I have no life so easy peasy.

Honestly, I know this is a short chapter, but yall are probably bored during quarantine so I have to let yall have something. So I will write more of this plus some other stories I'm working on (I have a My Hero Academia AU called Cursed Quirk if you want to check that out.)

Thank you for reading this story! The next chapter should be coming soon!

Luv u


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