The Final Fight Part Three

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All of take part in the rescue for Etheria. We are having the whole planet help. The only outsider that can stay on this planet is me!

I speed, grabbing clones by the foot. "Netossa, give me a string." I say to her. She makes a string and gives it to me. I connect two electric knives and throw them into two clones, shocking them instantly. I run and trip every clone that comes around us. Netossa makes a large net around us to make a barrier.

A bolt of red lightning sparks right past us. "Scorpia!" I run to Scorpia and give her a hug. She isn't under Prime's control!

A loud roaring is flying above us and Horde Prime beams down, but with someone in his hand.

"Entrapta!" I run as fast as I can towards Prime and Entrapta, but a clone blasts my leg. "Rejoice, Etheria!" Prime announces. "For your end has finally come! You have chosen darkness, and so, into darkness, you shall be plunged." The ground shakes, opening up. "The world will end in fire. And when the ashes scatter, at last there will be peace!" I begin to keep running to Entrapta, but the ground opens beneath me, making me fall in. "This is NOT going to happen!" I take two knives from my pockets and stab them into the side of the earth. I saw this in a Disney movie.

"Cry, Etheria!" Horde Prime yells. I keep climbing up the wall. "Cry for Prime's mercy! All the universe will be consumed in undying flame!" More of the ground cracks open, making a giant green beam fly out. I leap up from my knife and get to the surface. I leap right in front of Prime and try to punch him, but he moves out of the way. He kicks me and I fall to the ground. "From the amount of times I've fallen," I say, panting between each word, "I should call LifeAlert!" I punch him right where it hurts every dude. He drops Entrapta and I run to her. "You're okay, I got you."

Suddenly, the green beam stops shining. A yellow light shines, blinding Prime. I look around, looking to see the source of this light. Am I dead? Is this the road to the afterlife?

No, it's She-Ra! Grass grows all around her, healing the ground. She shoots a beam right at Prime's ship, growing trees all around it. She then stabs her sword into the ground, healing bushes, trees, all sorts of plants. She's healing Etheria!

Prime walks backward and I put my foot out, making him trip. She-Ra walks over to Prime. "Though all is reduced to rubble, Prime shall rise again. So it has been, and so it always shall be." Prime says in the third-person. She-Ra walks over to him and crouches down, "No. You're wrong. It's time for you to go." She puts her hands on his face and does some magic, destroying Horde Prime for good.

Look at that, the happy ending. I take Entrapta and speed us down to the rest of the Princesses. I look around to see so many emotions, "Hold on." I say, looking at Mermista and Sea Hawk, Bow and Glimmer, and Catra and Adora. "Oh my god, ships are becoming canon and I am here to witness! Seamista! Glimbow! And, my personal favorite, Catradora!"

Then an idea sparks in my head, "I'll be right back, Entrapta." I run over to Adora, who's chilling out with Bow, Glimmer, and Catra. "Adora, hi, um, I need your help. I see you have the ability to, uh, heal planets. That's great. Can you, uh, come heal Earth or something?"

Adora nods and I speed her over to the ship. "I've done some adjustments. If you press this button," I point to a big red button, "The ship will go hyperspeed. I don't know how far Earth is, due to the fact I've only used portals, but whatever." Entrapta jumps into the ship and the ship takes off. Adora presses the button, soaring us off into space.

A few hours pass and we make it to Earth. Nothing is out of the ordinary. Doesn't even look like Prime was here.

"Wrong Hordak lied." I say, "Whatever, as long as it's safe." I put on a space suit and I throw a knife down to Earth. "That knife, by the way," Entrapta starts, "Is a knife you haven't used in quite some time. Throw another one." I throw another knife onto the ground. And it's one of my best knives!

My portal knives!

The ship turns around and we soar back to to Etheria.

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