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I sit in the main part of the ship, but on the ground. Adora keeps trying to transform into She-Ra, but with distractions. "Ooh! Are we messing with Adora?" Catra walks in and sits on Adora's lap. Bow, Glimmer, and Catra keep distracting Adora.

"Eh, why not." I say outloud. I stand up and join the three in annoying Adora. "I'm the master at annoying the hell out of people. I don't even know how Entrapta still deals with me."

"Adora! Concentrate!" Glimmer yells. "Yeah, Adora. Concentrate!" Catra adds on. Catra purrs and wags her tail in front of Adora's face. She puts her hand out, hoping to do something. But Entrapta walks into the room yelling "This way!"

"Oh! Hi, Adora!" Entrapta says. I run over to Entrapta and hug her. "Entrapta, hun, what cha doin there?" I look at her iPad looking thing.

"This is where the signal is strongest." Entrapta explains. "We're less than a day out from Etheria. We'll be in range to send a message to the Rebellion soon." I lie back down on the ground. Speaking of Etheria, I wonder what is going on down there.

Eh, whatever.

"Y/N." Entrapta hops on my stomach and I grunt. "You ready to go back to Etheria?" She asks me. I try to get Entrapta off of me. "Nope. I'll just scoot enough for you to breathe. But I'm not getting off of you completely." She smiles and scoots over.

"I am ready, honestly." I say, smiling down at her. "We can save Etheria and relax. Hopefully nothing has gone too awful since we left."

Entrapta's pad chimes and she grabs it. "We got a signal!" She exclaims. Entrapta doesn't get up, but she looks at the signal. "We're in range." Bow, Adora, and Catra all lie down with us. "Patching us through to the Rebellion's communication line." The line connects and it's Perfuma.

"Adora?" Perfuma asks. "I.. I.."

Adora sits on my chest. "We're on out way back. Just hang on a little longer!" Adora exclaims. But Perfuma denies. "Don't come back! Horde Prime knows you're coming! There's a trap, a blockade! You'll never make it through. You need to stay away. The Rebellion's been compromised. Horde Prime has them. We lost. I'm so sorry, we lost them." I can't see anything, but it sounds like the signal is drowned out with static.

I tap Adora's back. "Please get off of me. I can't breathe!" Adora gets off and no one speaks. I try to get up, but Entrapta is still on my stomach. "You can stay." Entrapta uses her hair to drag the both of us to the front of the ship and she looks at the hologram.

"I think I found the blockade Perfuma was talking about." Entrapta says, worringly. She gets off my stomach and I get up. A hologram shows Etheria with a bunch of Horde ships surrounding it. "That's a lot of Horde ships." Bow says.

Glimmer complains about her not being able to teleport. Adora and Catra complain to each other. I just look at Entrapta with a smirk. "Adora and Catra definitely like each other." Entrapta pulls up data of their relationship and we both snicker.

"We barely made it out last time we tangled with Prime." Bow starts. "We need to figure out another way to help our friends." Bow turnes to Catra. "Catra, you were with him. Does he have any kind of, I don't know, weakness?"

"You are correct, brother." Wrong Hordak suddenly appears. "We do not discuss Horde Prime's weakness." Adora scoffs. "So that means Horde Prime does have a weakness?" Adora says, calling Wrong Hordak's bluff.

Wrong Hordak stammers. "No. Horde Prime is all-powerful." WH's eye twitches. "We do not discuss Horde Prime's weakness. We do not discuss Krytis." He keeps stammering. "Krytis does not exist. And if it did, we would not discuss it." I look at Entrapta.

"Already searching for it." Entrapta says, typing away. I pat her back and we keep looking at WH. "Something's here, but it's locked." She says, as the hologram glows red. "We need administrator clearance to access it." Adora walks to the hologram and tells Darla to show us. "A-ha! According to Darla's records, it's located here. Not too far from us." Entrapta says.

WH stutters, like he's a video game character. "In-- In-- incorrect." He says. "It is located nowhere because it does not exist, because Lord Prime destroyed it."

"There's something on Krytis Prime doesn't want us to know about." I start to say. Adora walks to the chair and says "We're gonna find it. Set course for Krytis."

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