They're looking for me

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Entrapta and I keep working on the satellite. We got outside the prison and worked there. We had some guards come and see us but they know that we work for the Horde now so they're fine with it.

Eventually we make the satellite.

"We need to connect your phone to the satellite" Entrapta says.

"Right, here, you borrow my phone." I give my phone to Entrapta. I trust Entrapta enough that I have her thumbprint saved on my phone. She opens up my phone and goes to settings. Since I'm on a completely different planet, the settings are all messed up. Hopefully if the satellite works, I can access my apps and see whats been going on back at Earth.

"Just gotta type in a code that your phone has so we can control the satellite with it" Entrapta punches in a code. I'm just looking into her eyes. She's very pretty. She don't even notice I'm looking into her eyes.

Eventually she punches in the code. The satellite is all finished. We just need to launch it into space and make it orbit Etheria.

"Can we use your hair to make a giant slingshot?" I ask

"No, we can't" she answers "The gravity in Etheria is too strong. It'll just bring the satellite back down."

"Well let's just make a rocket" I say.

"That might work!" She exclaims. She kisses me and hold my head "You're a genius!" She says. Thats always nice to hear from Entrapta.

We start working on the rocket. Its not too hard. Turns out Entrapta made a rocket once before. Just to send a camera into space. She lost the camera though.

We finished making the rocket. We put the satellite into the rocket and we took cover from the flames the rocket will release.

Before we launch, Catra and Scorpia come out.

"What are you two doing outside of the prison?" Catra asks

"We're just making a satellite to orbit around Etheria" I answer.

"Why?" Scorpia asks. They are both so confused.

"Well, I'm from a different planet called Earth." I start "And I brought this phone from Earth. We connected my phone to the satellite and if all goes well, when we send the satellite into space, the satellite will send a signal to the satellite orbiting Earth, maybe even the International Space station, I can see everything that goes on back at Earth!"

"Sounds complicated. You guys need any help?" Scorpia asks.

"Well, you guys can take cover so you don't get set on fire." Entrapta tells them. They take cover.

"Ok!" I announce "Apollo 1 being launched in 3. 2. 1. Blast off!"

And the rocket is off! Entrapta has binoculars to see the rocket and see if the satellite makes it.

"How's it doing?" I ask.

"The satellite made it into space!!" She yells! We're all celebrating except Catra. What a party pooper.

"Now we wait for my phone to connect to the satellite at Earth!" I exclaim. I'm still so happy this worked.

But then

My phone connects. I go to Google. What do i see?

"Oh god" I say, worryingly.

"What's wrong?" Entrapta asks.

I sit down, I can't believe it.

"They're looking for me." I answer. "Look at all these headlines. 'Teen still missing, marking 1 year.' 'Y/N has officially been missing for over a year'"

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