Robot Invasion

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A few months have gone by and still no robot invasion, but Entrapta DID find some First Ones Tech so it might happen. In those few months, I have been getting pretty good at throwing knives, just so when the "Best Friends Squad" come to recruit us for the Princess Alliance, I can join too. Kinda like how they did with Seahawk. Seahawk is a princess confirmed.

"A pig! So cute!" I hear Entrapta say in the distance. I'm still throwing knives but I know that once she said that, I knew that today is the Robot Invasion. Entrapta made these cool knives that come back to me after I throw them. She really is brilliant.

"Log. Day 103. 104?" Entrapta said as she was talking into her recorder.

"Day 103" I corrected her. Usually after each day of recording, she gives me the recorder and makes me listen to it while she gets a small nap. After I corrected her, she gave me a smile. Which just made me happy. When she's happy, I'm happy. I never told her how I felt because that'll either ruin our friendship or heighten it to something better, and I don't want to take those chances.

She kept talking and moved a disc to a little port she made, which made it turn red. Just like the episode. The waiter robot picked up the robotic trash can (which I don't know why a trash can is robotic) and almost hit Entrapta with it, but I threw a knife, destroying the trashbot.

"Edit to log, we are now going to run" said Entrapta, talking into her recorder.

"Y/N, come on!" Entrapta yelled to me, as we just ran.

"Where are we going!?" I asked, while running and throwing knives at the bots.

"In here!" Entrapta answered, as she was opening a vent.

A couple hours passed and we heard banging. It's Adora and Glimmer! They're here! Thank god, we have some help!

"Ok, no more teleporting!" I heard a voice

"Lets get out of the vents! We're saved!" Entrapta said, as she was drilling off the nails of the vent exit.

Entrapta and I jumped out of the vent. Glimmer and She-Ra got prepared to fight. Entrapta's welding mask's glowing eyes must have given them the idea that she might be a robot or something.

"Princesses! We're saved!" Entrapta said happily.

"Princess Entrapta? I mean, so good to see you." Glimmer said. She's probably confused at this point. "I hope you don't mind, but we kinda let ourselves in" She added on.

"And then we let ourselves out of your cage trap thing" She-Ra said.

"Welcome to Dryl!" Entrapta said, as she was observing Glimmer's outfit. "Things usually fun around here, but now it's all a teenzy bit deadly!"

"Yea, just a teenzy bit" I said, as I call back a knife and put it in my sleeve pockets. I put them together right after I started throwing knives.

Entrapta, Glimmer, She-Ra, and I started walking. Entrapta just went on about how she was the only one who can navigate around, but I knew how to get around more than she can. The episode didn't give too much detail on how to get to the lab but eh, I'll give Entrapta her moment.

We jumped down a little edge telling Glimmer and She-Ra that we can help find Bow, even though we passed the same cat picture. It is actually adorable, not gonna lie. I'm gonna probably take it back to Earth with me, if I ever go back.

"If I can, I would use my electronic map to get to the lab but like my bots, it's kinda evil right now" Entrapta mentioned. She-Ra and Glimmer just went on to asking a question that I knew was coming up.

"Why did you make killer robots?" Glimmer asked.

"You're abnormally tall." Entrapta exclaimed, completely ignoring the question. I would step in but it seems like Glimmer just wanted to ask Entrapta. "Hellooo, I like your sword. Its First One's Tech, right? Can I touch it!" Entrapta asked, all joyfully and simultaneously. And surprisingly, She-Ra caught all of that and answered right away.

"About the robots" Glimmer reminded Entrapta.

"They didn't start out that way!" Entrapta answered.

"Usually they're super useful" I added on. About time I stepped in. "They do everything. Cleaning, filing, hygiene" I kept going on.

"Ooh and they're sound activated! Watch!" Entrapta said, as she started clapping her hands. Both me and Glimmer just stopped her.

"No no! Maybe that's not a good idea." I said to Entrapta. But we didn't stop her in time, as a giant robot started strolling over, destroying most of the things in its path, including the cat picture. God damn. All of us ran from the robot. But eventually it got stuck and started to roar, but the only one really effected by it was She-Ra.

"It's trying to talk!" Entrapta yelled, as she was running towards it.

"Whatever it's trying to say must not be too great!" Glimmer yelled back.

Entrapta jumped onto the robot and started studying it. I jumped on next to her, trying to study it with her, but once I started to read the words she put on it, the robot broke free and started moving again. Entrapta's hair got caught so I jumped onto the side, grabbed onto her hair, and we both started to pull. Eventually, She-Ra jumped on the robot and started beating the robot. Like damn, shouldnt be that bad.

Entrapta's hair got free and she fell off the bot and just sat there. I jumped next to her, but I saw that She-Ra was still hitting the bot. This is probably the best part of the episode, after Entrapta, obviously. Then She-Ra transformed back into Adora and thus introduced to everyone Drunk Adora.

But Adora was passed out so Entrapta and Glimmer started talking. Entrapta explained the disc, infecting her bots, yadda yadda, you've seen the episode.

"Why would that make She-Ra sick?" Glimmer asked, all worried.

"Well" Entrapta started saying, as she stole one of my knives, "I'd have to take her apart to find out."

Glimmer took my knife from Entrapta and started to riot. She really does look like that Kirby with a knife picture.

"The infection must have spread to the First One's Tech in She-Ra's sword" I started to explain to Glimmer. "Making Adora all--" I get interrupted by Adora, who's starting to wake up. Yes! I get to see Drunk Adora

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