Getting the signal

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Entrapta's tech is being used to find Glimmer. "The message from Horde Prime was transmitted through that spire." She explains. "Which means it's got a wavelength connecting it to his main base of operation, one that we can track. Hypothetically we can. Horde Prime's astral communication network is incredibly complex, and I've only been able to intercept parts. I'd need to gain as much proximity as possible to the receptor before I can triangulate their origin." Everyone looks confused. "Y/N, if you would."

I nod my head. "She needs to get close to the spire, that thing over there, to track the signal."

It finally clicks in their brains. Entrapta continues to explain. "If we follow that signal, we'll find a ship of impossibly sophisticated design, the center of a super technologically advanced empire-"

I walk to Entrapta, who is upside down on her hair. "I think mostly we're just hoping to find Glimmer." I kiss Entrapta Spider-Man style. "Thanks for your help, beautiful."

Mermista walks by us. "That spire is crawling with surveillance bots." She says. "We need to find a way to sneak past them so we can get Geek Princess and Fruit Ninja close enough to track the signal."

Perfuma helps. "We sneak past the bots, and then if any of them see us, we-"

Frosta interrupts. "Punch the bots!" She yells.

I get everyone to shut up. "Plan enough. Let's go." Entrapta already goes. I speed right over to her. "You have to tell me when you walk away, okay? I don't want to lose you again."

Entrapta nods. "Don't worry." She says. "From now on, I'll tell you when I go." I kiss her forehead.

We all hide behind a rock. Perfuma puts a leash on Entrapta. Mermista tells us to go, and we follow her. I whisper to Perfuma. "Don't worry. I got Entrapta." I step down and put Entrapta on my back.

We stop and hide from a bot. "Well! No signal here." Entrapta exclaims. "We need to get closer."

Mermista looks around. "All clear. Let's go." We all follow Mermista. Entrapta taps my head.

"I think I'm getting something!" She yells. I let her down and she climbs a rock.

I look at the rest of the princesses running away. "We need to get out of the open." I say to her. "Be quick, okay?"

She gets to the top and says it's a false alarm. I run to the top of the rock and grab Entrapta, as a bot flies by. I put my hand over her mouth so she doesn't make a noise. I look at the rest of the princesses and mouth "What do we do?" Mermista does some sign language. "What?" She keeps doing strange movements. I take out a knife, steal a marker from Entrapta, write "Bitch, what are you saying." and throw it right at the rock next to Mermista. She writes on the knife and I call it back. It says "Entrapta." I look next to me and Entrapta is gone! I look around and she's out in the open!

I speed to Entrapta, who just bumped into a robot. "Oh! Hello! You're very technologically advanced."

I throw a knife at the bot and pick up Entrapta. "Entrapta, stop flirting with the robot and let's go!" We run away and the other princesses are behind another rock.

Entrapta keeps looking for the signal. "Well, still nothing." She says. "This transmission pattern is fascinating! We should get closer."

Mermista snaps. "We can't!" She knocks the tech out of Entrapta's hair. "Thanks to you, this place is about to be swarming with bots! We have to retreat! I should have known better than to trust you. You don't care about Glimmer or any of us! Only tech!" Entrapta's eyes water.

I throw a knife and cut off some of Mermista's hair. "Shut the fuck up, Highlights."

"Are you all mad at me?" Entrapta asks with tears.

Mermista yells at her. "You're seriously just realizing that?! Yeah! We're mad!"

Perfuma adds on. "You don't consider how your actions affect other people! Even people who are supposed to be your friends."

Even Frosta adds on. "Like us! The ones who were getting beat up by your dumb bots!"

I snap. "That's it! Frosta, you're twelve, you don't get an opinion. Hippy, you made a god damn plant statue in Plumeria when Entrapta was seemingly dead. And Mermista, you emo bitch. You're annoyed with everything. So shut the fuck up!" I look at Scorpia. "What about you, huh? Do you have anything to say?"

Entrapta taps my shoulder, telling me to stop. "I'm not good at people, but I am good at tech. I thought," she puts down her tracker pad. "Maybe, if I could use tech to help you, you'd like me. But I messed that up, too."

FUCK I hate emotions.

Entrapta gets up to get closer. I speed over to Entrapta. "Forget what they say. You need to get that signal? We're getting that signal. You don't need those people. Why?" I give her a hug. "Because you have me. You get that signal. I will hold off the bots. You got it?" Bots surround us and I throw a barrage of knives at them. "Go!"

Entrapta runs towards the spire and I hold off as many bots as I can. I keep throwing and ice flies by me. "What the hell do you guys want?" It's Frosta, Perfuma, and the others. "Entrapta is still getting the signal, despite you guys yelling at her. Glimmer needs us, and she is still trying. If you want to help, you do that, but you all owe Entrapta an apology. And I'll be damn sure you give her one. Each of you."

I look over to see Entrapta at the spire. "Don't get distracted!" I yell over to her. "I believe in you." I speed around bots, destroying them as much as I can.

We finish fighting and Entrapta gets the signal. "Good news and bad news!" Entrapta says. "Good news is that I've successfully triangulated Horde Prime's flagship."

I climb up to where Entrapta is perched. "And what's the bad news?"

She stutters. "The bad news is that I intercepted the last message he sent. He's sending reinforcement ships to Etheria." She looks scared. "They'll be here any minute."

Before Entrapta can continue, I stop everyone. "Elsa, Hippy, Fish, you all need to apologize. Now."

Mermista steps up to Entrapta. "First of all, Y/N, don't call us that. Second," Mermista shows sympathy. "Entrapta, we're so so sorry for everything we said. You got the damned signal, no matter what. You found Prime's ship. We're all proud of you." Entrapta tears up and I hug her.

"Come on," I tell them all. "Let's get back to camp. We need to tell Adora and Bow about the ship."

We get back to camp and we're met with Swift Wind, Adora, Bow, and Micah. "We're exposed here. We need to make goodbyes quick." Micah says. 

Bow whimpers and gives us all a group hug. I'm next to Scorpia and her claw is digging into my back. Kinda hurts. 

I look up and see many bots. "Surveillance bots!" I yell. "If they see the ship, they'll alert the armada and stop us." I look at Adora, Bow, and Micah. "Get your asses on the ship. Find Glimmer. Bring her home."

Micah pushes me, Entrapta, Adora, and Bow onto the ship. "I've got an idea." He says. "I have a cloaking spell, making me look like anyone." He casts the spell to look like She-Ra. "You guys go. Bring home my daughter."

Entrapta and I fiddle with the ship to make it work. The ship soars into the sky and we leave Etheria. We're on the road to Glimmer.

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