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The ship lands on a planet that looks run down. The seven of us walk towards a broken Horde spire. Entrapta yelps and I grab her and Wrong Hordak. "Okay, I'm keeping an eye on you two. This is a different planet and I don't want you to raise the dead or something." She giggles and I hold her hand as she wraps her hair around Wrong Hordak. We walk into the spire and look around. "This place should have some log of the invasion." I say. Entrapta grabs Wrong Hordak to help.

"Good news." Entrapta says. "My readings show that the atmosphere is safe." Entrapta pops off her helmet and throws it into the distance. Everyone but Catra takes off their helmets.

I turn to Catra. Bow and I giggle at her helmet. "If my helmet were that adorable, I'd leave it on, too!" Bow says. We both die over the helmet.

"It is not!" Catra grunts, trying to take off the helmet. All of us just laugh at Catra. She looks angry, but once she looks at Adora, she smiles. "Entrapta," I nudge on her shoulder. "Look." I point to Catra and Entrapta gives me a smirk. We both know they like each other.

Then Entrapta shrieks and my ears start to ring. I was dangerously close to that shriek. "Sorry, hun! But I'm picking up a heat signature!" I take a look at her pad. "There's someone alive on this planet," I explain "right here, in this Spire."

Wrong Hordak stammers. "I-Impossible. Prime destroyed all life here on this planet that does not exist."

Adora and Glimmer look at the pad. "Well, he missed someone." Adora explains. "And we have to find them." I take the pad and tap on it. "Pulling up the Spire's schematics now. We'll guide you through from here." I tell them. Entrapta looks at me in a hurt way. "What? You're not the only genius. You've taught me how to do shit for the past, what, two years?" I laugh and give her a kiss. "But you, my Trap Door, are way smarter."

Bow, Adora, and Glimmer begin to walk and Catra stops them, "So, wait." She says. "The plan is to barge ahead into the structurally unsound building to find some mystery person that we know nothing about, in hopes that they somehow know how to defeat Horde Prime?"

Everyone agrees and Catra gets angry, but what's new?

The four walk into the Spire and Entrapta looks at me. "So, 'Trap Door?'" She giggles and I kiss her. "Yeah! I thought of it right now. It's, like, a cute nickname for you." I laugh with her. A bleep comes from the tablet and I look at the tablet. "Yo, why'd you four stop?" I ask. "Go through the door in front of you."

Bow responds with "Y/N, there is no door." I keep looking at the tablet and Entrapta takes it from me, "The schematics show a door right where you're standing." She says. "Data never lies."

Wrong Hordak shoots up and starts saying weird shit. "The logs say Lord Prime retreated from this planet? Oh, this cannot be. Lord Prime does not retreat." Entrapta and I look at each other, both giving the what the fuck look at each other. "He is the almighty conqueror. His dominion is just and eternal."

I scoot over to Wrong Hordak and give him an awkward pat on the back. "You, uh, heard Entrapta. Data never lies."

He's crying.

"Uh, there, there?" I say, awkwardly. I look at Entrapta and I mouth "what the fuck am I supposed to do." And she mouths back "I don't know!"

I look at the tablet, as the Squad keeps on moving. Wrong Hordak puts his head on me and I stop. I turn to Entrapta and give a whisper scream. I grab Entrapta's arm and swap places with her. "Your turn!"

She giggles and looks at me. "Almost like we have our own kid." My eyes widen. She really said that. "I'm just messing with you."

"Entrapta, this floor is clear." Adora says, breaking the tension. "Where to now?" Wrong Hordak keeps crying and I pick up.

"Entrapta is a little busy at the moment." I say to Adora. "It seems as if Wrong Hordak has begun to question the meaning of life." Wrong Hordak asks many questions.

I look at the tablet. "Uh, I'm picking something up on the next level. Just go on ahead." I hang up and groan. "Entrapta, you got hair. Don't shut him up, but wipe away the tears or something."

She gives a disgusted look and wipes the tears. An alarm comes from the tablet and I look at it. "Adora! You there?" I ask. "Wrong Hordak just finished downloading the records from Prime's occupation of Krytis, and guess what. This planet was once a First One's colony like Etheria!" I explain. "It looks like Horde Prime and the First Ones were fighting for control of this planet, and Horde Prime won. But something on the planet drove him away before he could conquer it. He tried to erase all records of his failure."

"Horde Prime lied to us." Wrong Hordak says. "He is not all-powerful."

"That door isn't getting any closer!" Bow says. Entrapta and I look at each other in confusion. "I'm sorry, but what door?" I ask.

"What do you mean 'What door?'" Catra says. "The one you told us to go through!"

"That, uh, wasn't me." I say. "This is the first time I spoke to you since the previous floor." I get a fifth heat signature on the tablet. "Oh! Hey! Who's that new friend of yours?"

"What are you talking about?" Glimmer asks. "It's just the four of us."

Entrapta takes the tablet and counts five. "Hate to disagree, but there's a definite heat signature right behind you." I look at the tablet as one heat signature tackles the new one, then the two disappear. "I bet it was Catra." I say to Entrapta.

Entrapta gives Wrong Hordak to me. "My turn to help the Squad, you're turn with him."

"Entrapta," Adora says. "We're on our way back down. And we're bringing a friend."

"That's great! And I'm happy to report that Wrong Hordak's existential crisis has resolved."

Wrong Hordak interrupts, saying something about Horde Prime. Entrapta grabs her gear, Wrong Hordak, and I. "We'll meet them back at the ship."

Minutes pass and the group comes back with a flame cat. I squeal. "Ah! It's so cute!" I run over to it and pet it. "What's it's name?" The cat's blue flame turns red and it hisses.

"It's name is Melog." Catra says. She waves her hand to Melog and the flames turn back to blue.

"I love animals." I exclaim. "I could never get any pets back on Earth because my moms were extremely allergic. So this is amazing." Melog digs its head into my chest and I laugh. "But, Catra, isn't this a little weird? You're basically a cat, Melog is basically a cat. I mean, I'm not complaining, this thing is adorable."

Catra rolls her eyes and walks away. Melog follows and I lie on the floor. Entrapta lies down next to me and we relax before we fly back to Etheria.

A few hours pass and we arrive outside the blockade. "Coming up on the blockade around Etheria." Entrapta explains. "They'll have visual on us soon."

Melog surrounds the ship and makes it invisible. I hold Entrapta's hand and say "We'll make it through. Don't worry." I slam a button on the control panel. "Punch it, Darla!" The ship blasts right through the blockade.

"It worked." Adora says. "Melog did it!" We all yell and celebrate. We're back home.

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