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Now here is where things start to go downhill. When things get scary for me.

Catra, Scorpia, Entrapta, and I all make it back to the Fright Zone. We're all freezing. I keep Entrapta close, trying to warm her up, rubbing my hand on her arm.

"Thanks, Y/N" Entrapta says. I just smile and Entrapta kisses my cheek, making me smile more. I really do love her. I never thought I would make it this far in life, finding a woman I love, becoming her partner, fighting together, just spending time with Entrapta for the past year, I think two years now.

"Entrapta," I say. She looks at me with her adorable eyes. "The past two years with you have been amazing. Waking up each morning knowing that you're there. I've been in a bad place before I came to Dryl and Etheria. Family was just awful to be around. Yelling everyday, destruction of property all over the house, just awful. Then I came to Dryl and met you. If anything ever happens to you, I just wouldn't know what to do with myself." Entrapta tears up. I don't think I told her about what my family is like.

She kisses me on the lips. "Nothing will happen to me. I'm with you till the end of the line." I kiss her back.

"I think I should get the food back from the north. Don't want that to go bad" we both laugh. I throw a portal knife at the wall, with the portal opening and I jump through. Cold. The portal closes and I go get the food.

This is where things went wrong.

Once I get the food, I open a portal and I jump back to the Fright Zone.

"Entrapta?" I call for. The room that Entrapta was held in (now her bedroom) is empty. I open the doors to the main hall. No soldiers. "Catra? Scorpia?" No answers.

I keep walking and I finally see Lonnie. It's been a while since I've seen her.

"Lonnie, finally someone. Where is everyone?" I ask. No answer. She gives a blank stare. "Hello?" Then Lonnie's eyes turned red. Glowing. Then she punched me! I fall onto the floor. Why would Lonnie do this?

Then a whole wall of Horde soldiers come walking through the halls. Kyle, Rogelio, Catra, Scorpia and...

No, it can't be...

Entrapta! She's walking with them! I don't understand what's happening!

"Y/N" they all said in unison. "Hordak demands your presence" and Entrapta grabs me with her hair and we all go to Hordak's sanctum.

Hordak begins to talk. "Greetings, Y/N. I see you've met the army."

I make a quip "Yea, full of emotions."

Hordak continues. "I made a device that is able to mind control any creature."

"Why? Let everyone go!" I demand. I hold out my hand, hoping to get a few knives without anyone noticing.

"Now why would I do that?" Hordak asks rhetorically. "I got all of the Horde under my command. Why would I-" a knife gets into my hand and I throw it right at Hordak's face, scraping his eye. "Attack them!" Hordak demands the Horde. Everyone comes at me, but of course, Kyle was the first to be knocked out. I don't want to fight them! These are my friends! Well, Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio, Catra, Scorpia, and Entrapta are. The others I can fight.

I fight a few of the soldiers, but then Entrapta comes, in a fighting stance. I don't want to fight her! I love her! "Entrapta!" I yell. "I know you can hear me! Snap out of it!" But nothing. She doesn't say a word. Entrapta orders Emily to come and attack me. "Come on Emily! You don't have a mind! I know you can hear me!" And Emily stops! She heard me! "Emily, everyone is mind controlled. We have to get out of the Fright Zone!" Emily just nods in agreement. I throw a portal knife against the wall, thinking of any kingdom. The portal opens and reveals BrightMoon. "It'll have to do! Cmon Emily!" The two of us jump through. A soldier aims a taser at us and shoots, but I close the portal in time. This wasn't in the show!

"Horde soldier!" A BrightMoon guard yells. I jump out of the way before they attack me.

"Wait!" I hear a voice. It's Glimmer! "Y/N! What are you doing here?" She asks. I just sit down, starting to break down.

"Gather the princess alliance." I tell Glimmer. "Everyone is gonna want to hear this."

We all meet up at the battle table. Perfuma, Mermista, Frosta, Adora, Bow, everyone is there.

"Y/N" Angella says. "What is the meaning of you being here?" I start hyperventilating.

"Hordak, he's on a rampage." I say. "He made some sort of mind control device and mind controlled all of the Horde soldiers. Even Scorpia, Catra," I hear a gasp from Adora. "and, um" I just can't say her name without breaking down more. "Me and Emily, En- uh- her robot, we got out. But we need all the help we can get."

Mermista groans. "You work for the Horde, why should we help you?" She asks.

I sigh. "You're right. You have every right not to trust me. I know the Horde has done awful things, but Adora, you've been wanting Catra to leave the Horde for a while. Now she has no control over herself. Do you really want Catra be a mindless zombie?" Adora looks down.

"And Perfuma, En- um- she's your friend. You and her have a great friendship. Even when she's working for the Horde, you and her talked." I say. "She talks about you a lot." Perfuma looks down as well.

"And you, Sea Hawk, I know about your little conversation with Scorpia. You two built a bond together, talking about Mermista and Catra. You two would be great friends. But she can't do anything." Sea Hawk starts to cry.

"You all have some sort of connection with someone in the Horde. Would you really just disconnect with them?" Didn't know I was capable of making a speech. "You all may abandon the Horde, but I won't. Now who's with me?" I stand up. Waiting for others to stand up.

Adora stands up "For Catra."

Perfuma. "For Entrapta"

Sea Hawk. "For Scorpia."

Bow. "For Kyle and Rogelio"

Angella even stands up. "For Shadow Weaver." I look at her confused. I don't think she knows what happened with Shadow Weaver. But I'll allow it.

I slam my fist on the table. "Lets go! We need a plan of attack, what is the plan?"

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