A way back home?

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I put my clothes back on and head on over to the bush, ready to attack with my knife. I push away the bushes and look who it is. Its that little bitch that Hordak has. That bat thing.

"What the fuck do you want? We were busy." I tell the little thing. Entrapta runs over with her clothes back on and looks at the bat. I think it's name is Imp? Whatever. Imp opens his mouth and plays a little recording with Hordak's voice.

"Hello. If you are hearing this, that means Pimp found you." Hordak starts. "I told my creature to seek you out. I think I found a way to open one more portal and get Y/N back to whatever hideous planet they came from. I have to admit, I didn't like you and I'm glad you are leaving. Come back to the Fright Zone and we can discuss more there." Imp closes it's mouth and flies away.

"Oh my god." I say. "A way back home? Back to Earth?" I cant believe it. I never thought I would ever go back. I thought I was stuck here on Etheria.

"Well," Entrapta looks down and starts talking in a sad tone. "I guess we should get you back to the Fright Zone."

"I guess so." I tell her. We start walking back and not a single word is spoken. We don't know what to say. I can go home, see my friends and family again, or stay on Etheria, with the love of my life. I cant choose. I should have enough time to think about it. I have all the time during our walk.

"So," Entrapta breaks the silence. "Are you going to go back?" She asks very concerned.

"I-I don't know. I mean, I wanted to see my friends and family. Its been over a year." I tell her. "But I also don't want to leave you, Entrapta. I love you and I don't know what I would do without you. I just need to think. I need time to think."

"I don't want you to leave." Entrapta tells me. "I want you to stay here on Etheria. In the Fright Zone. With me. Why would you want to leave me?" Entrapta starts to cry.

"I don't want to leave you! I want to go home and see my mother, my friends, everyone. I don't want anyone to actually think I'm dead. The only other person that knows I'm alive is Ryder. And I'm pretty sure he hasn't told anyone that I'm still alive. And if he did tell anyone, people would think he's crazy." I start to break down. "But then again, there is you. I would never want you to be alone. Catra, Scorpia, Hordak, they don't see you the way I do. They just see you as their inventor, nothing more. But I see you as a beautiful woman that deserves all the love on both Etheria and Earth." Entrapta looks at me in the eyes. I wipe away her tears, but they keep coming. "I love you. I'll think of a way. But right now, let's focus on getting back to the Fright Zone."

Entrapta looks away. I guess she can't look at me right now. The thought of leaving must be unbearable. I basically started a life here on Etheria, with Entrapta. And now that Hordak found a way to let me see my family and friends again, I don't know what to say.

"Entrapta, I-" I try to speak, but she just covers my mouth with her hair. I guess she's pissed.

"Quiet. I don't want you to leave. You'll be on a separate planet as me" She starts. "Do you want that? Don't answer that. Just keep quiet the whole way back. We're just passing Plumeria. Let's stop by and just grab some tiny food." I can't tell her that Perfuma still doesn't know that Entrapta is alive. But does she care?

Entrapta just picks me up with her hair and just wraps me in it. I guess this is how I'm getting back.

"Entrapta? Y/N?! Is that really you?!" Perfuma says. We've been spotted. "Why do you have Y/N in your hair like that?" She asks.

"Oh, nothing, it's just..a way to bring Y/N back to their planet has been found" Entrapta tells Perfuma, starting to tear up. Not Sadtrapta! I cant break free! I just squirm. "We have to get back to the Fright Zone. It was nice seeing you." Entrapta starts running back. She starts crying. I cant bare to see her like this! I keep squirming and try to break free. I eventually get my mouth free.

"Entrapta! Listen to me!" I tell her. "I thought of som—" Entrapta covered my mouth again.

Eventually we make it back to the Fright Zone, and Entrapta still has me in her hair.

We make it into Hordak's lab. Catra, Scorpia, Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio are here. "So, Y/N" Hordak starts. "Are you ready to leave this pathetic planet for another?"

Entrapta lets me out of her hair and I start saying some goodbyes for everyone. "Catra, Scorpia, you three. I believe in you guys for defeating the Alliance. Good luck in that." I tell them. I turn to Entrapta. "Entrapta. I thought of something that we can do where we can still be together."

She is still crying "What is it?"

I hold her hands and look into her eyes. "Come with me. Back to Earth. We can live there together. I can finish up college and we can live together, work together, be together forever!" I put my hands on Entrapta's cheeks. "Don't stay here with Catra or Scorpia." I look over to them "No offense" then back to Entrapta "Hordak will open the portal or whatever and we'll walk through. You may start to turn to dust but that's what it was like when I came here. You know what? Lets even bring Emily as a pet. Does that sound ok to you?"

Entrapta wipes her tears. "Do you mean it? I can really come with you?"

I smile, Entrapta smiles "Absolutely. I couldn't leave you. So you can come to Earth. There isn't any first ones tech so that's one problem. And there are no Runestones but you don't have a runestone so we're fine. I can introduce you to my friends, my family, and —" I get cut off my Entrapta who just jumps onto me and wraps her legs around me. I spin around with her and we kiss. I see that Scorpia is just happy for us again while Hordak just looks pissed. Entrapta pulls away. "I'll take that as a yes I presume?" I ask her.

"Yes! Yes! Absolutely! I'll go with you!" Entrapta exclaims. She's so happy!!

"Hordak, fire up the portal. We're going home." I tell him. Hordak pulls a lever and Entrapta jumps off of me. The portal opens up.

"Now hurry up. I don't think I could keep this open for very long" Hordak tells us.

"Are you ready?" I ask Entrapta

"I am ready." Entrapta answers. One she says it, my arm slowly turns to dust. I cant believe it! I'm going home with Entrapta!

Entrapta turns to dust and goes into the portal, and I follow.

I am now on my way home!

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