Rescue Mission

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Adora and Bow appear on the windowsill outside my little room. "Y/N, come on, let's go." Adora says. She has a rope and I take it.

"Hey Adora!" Swift Wind flies in. "I kicked down the last barn door I could and I am now ready to go!" We all try to get him to shut up.

Frosta opens the door. "What is happening?"

"Uh, you're asleep?" I say. "Yeah! You're asleep. This is a dream."

"Yes, the flying unicorn dream!" Swift Wind plays along.

"I know what you're doing." Frosta says. "And you better hurry." Frosta grabs something. "Y/N. You're going to need these." She tosses me my sleeves! "I didn't join the Princess Alliance just to fight. I joined to save people. And the Horde, after everything they did, they're people, just like us. I'll cover for you, but you have to go now. Everyone will be up soon." We all jump on Swift Wind and he flies us to the ship we were supposed to guard a little while ago.

We get into the ship and Adora sits on a chair. "Should you be doing anything?" I ask her.

I look around the ship, looking at wires and stuff. "Maybe if I just," I press a button and the whole ship powers up. "Easy."

The whole ships gets up in the air. It stops for a second, then speeds right through the woods. Me, Bow, and Swift Wind all fall to the back of the ship. Bow scoots to the front and presses a button, making the ship fall. "Bow! Do something!" Adora yells. Bow presses random buttons, making the ship go upside down, do loops, and everything we DON'T want.

Then suddenly, everything was still, absolutely still.

Yes I know that was from another book series shut up.

"Going in reverse." A voice says.

"No! No! No!" I yell. The ship falls to the ground and Adora yells "Stop!"

The ship stops. The voice returns. "State navigational course."

I stand up. "Uh, Beast Island?" I say.

A hologram appears in front of Adora. "Setting coordinates for Hazardous Materials Disposal Site. Designation, Beast Island. Coordinates set. Is any additional assistance required?" The voice asks.

"Can you maybe fly us there?" Adora asks the voice.

"Affirmative." The voice says. "Setting autopilot."

I fall on the ground and look at a picture of Entrapta. "Don't worry, baby. We're coming." I say outloud.

"Are you sure we are going the right way?" Swift Wind asks, going around in circles. "Like, 100% sure?"

I snap. "Swift Wind. You've asked that for the past three hours! And the answer is the same." I throw knives at the ceiling between each word. "We. Don't. Know. Yet." I groan. "Now I'm sounding like Mermista."

"We've gotta be close." Bow says, looking at a holographic map. "Any minute now. Beast Island is around here. Somewhere."

I throw a portal knife at the wall and take a soda from Earth. "Anybody want anything? No? Okay." Then a head pops into my portal.

"You're gonna pay for that, right?" It's a store clerk.

"Yeah, totally, let me just." I push the clerk's head through the portal, then I close it. I don't have my wallet on me.

The holographic map begins to blink. "Should that be blinking?" I ask Bow.

"Uh, guys." Swift Wind walks up to us. "I'm sensing something. Something big, and it's not good."

The ship tips over and we stumble to the front. Alarms wail as the ship begins to fall. We all scream and the ship lands in the ocean. "We're here." I say to them.

We get off the ship and get into Beast Island. "As kids, we were warned of the dangers on Beast Island." Adora says, drawing her sword. "There were teh chibbits with razor-sharp teeth, scruffers with razor-sharp horns, razorfins with-"

"Razor-sharp fins?" Bow asks, frightened.

"Razor-sharp teeth, actually." Adora says. "I don't know why it had that name."

"Adora." Swift Wind calls us over, sniffing something.

He moves the rock over and it's Entrapta's welding mask! I sit by it and grab it. "Entrapta, you better be okay!" I start to cry, putting the mask on.

"She must have been on this transport." Adora says.

"Where do you think she went?" I ask her.

"What is that noise?" Swift Wind says, freaking out.

We continue to move. I flip the welding mask down. I now understand why Entrapta liked this so much.

We look around and the whole place is all First Ones Tech! I squeal. "First Ones Tech!"

"We should get moving while we still have light." Adora exclaims. "Entrapta's here somewhere." We continue to move and I hear monster roars and animal squeaks. Swift Wind begins to sing. We jump over branches and keep moving. Then the noises just stop.

"Maybe everything went quiet for a good reason?" Swift Wind asks. We all look around and a monster growls. "Nope, a bad reason." I say.

"No one move." Bow says. "Maybe it won't see us?"

Then we all run away. Adora tries to turn into She-Ra, but nothing happens. "Run!" Adora yells. We run as fast as we can. Well, as fast as they can. I'm not leaving anyone.

Swift Wind trips and Bow shoots an arrow, but nothing happens. I throw a knife, but nothing happens. I try to run around the monster, but my legs spark and I fall to the ground.

The monster knocks us all away and it almost attacks Adora, but a magic disc gets thrown. Some guy in a hood appears. He attacks the monster and we run behind a log. "Who is that guy?" I ask.

The monster runs away. The hooded guy puts his hood down and we are all in shock. "King Micah!" Bow yells.

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