Horde Prime

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It has been about three weeks since Horde Prime arrived. We've been trying to help citizens. Entrapta has been studying space and also making new knives for me. I've been fighting bots with Adora and the others.

Two kids were running from bots when another bot spots them. They get in close when Adora strikes it down. More bots come in. About three. "I call these ones!" I yell. I grab three knives and throw them all at the bots. More bots come and Bow shoots them down.

A bot tries to escape through the sky and Swift Wind knocks it down. Perfuma grabs the bot and launches it towards Frosta, who punches it with ice fists. "I'll get the next one I guess." Mermista groans. Many more bots come and Mermista picks up a wave of water and throws it at the bots.

All of us escort the Etherians. "Come on." Bow starts. "Let's go before they-" Adora runs at the bots with no hesitation.

Adora puts her staff in the air and yells. This is the moment when she realizes that she is not She Ra anymore. "Adora!" I run over to her after she was thrown by a bot. "You're not She-Ra anymore, remember?" I tell her. A bot runs and Adora chases it. "Ugh! I literally just told you." This bitch.

Hours pass and we go to the hideout with the Etherians. "Entrapta! Baby!" I run up to Entrapta, who is still working and she hugs me. "How are you doing over here?"

Entrapta gives me new knives. "I'm doing great!" She says. "These knives right here can spark electricity whenever it hits something." Entrapta grabs a bot she stole from the Fright Zone. "Try it out!" I grab the knife and throw it at the bot. The bot short circuits and falls to the ground.

I give her a kiss and Adora walks over. "Have you finished the updates to Mara's ship yet?" Adora asks us.

I look at her. "It's a little more complicated since-"

"Space!" Entrapta yells. "Sorry! I'm just so excited." I laugh a little. "In order to achieve maximum velocity for lift-off, the necessary repairs and upgrades to the shields, the engines, and the life support should take us approximately," Entrapta punches in numbers on her tablet and I run over to look at the numbers. "Oh, a very long time." Entrapta says.

"We don't have time!" Adora yells. "Glimmer's up there, somewhere, waiting for us. We just have to figure out where."

Bow walks over from who knows where. "We'll find her. I know we will."

Entrapta pops up. "This isn't just a little update." She says. "Space has a lot more dangers and variables, crushing pressure, freezing temperatures, vaporization." She does special movements with each explanation. "All it takes is one little hull breach and then, whoosh! That's it!" That doesn't sound good. "Besides! There's no telling where Glimmer could be. Space is always expanding, always getting bigger and bigger." Entrapta does a maniacal laugh.

I look over and Bow does a little whimper. "Don't worry." I say to Bow and Adora. "I'm sure we'll determine her precise location soon." I turn my head to Entrapta. "I'll be the one to dumb things down for everyone, got it? Plus, I love you, but your maniacal laugh could most likely make people scared."

Arguing comes from a tent with all the other princesses and Adora walks in it. Bow, Entrapta and I continue to do more work. Bow and Entrapta make more upgrades and Adora grabs me. "We're going to Thaymor to help them." She tells me. "We got a team of princesses. I know you like to stab stuff. You in?" I nod my head and run to Entrapta.

I kiss her forehead. "I'll be back. I need to go rescue another town."

Entrapta kisses me on my lips. "My hero." She says with a smile. "Good luck out there. Here are your electric knives." I grab the knives, kiss her one more time, and run out to Adora.

"You two are so cute." Adora tells me, with sparkles in her eyes. "I wish I can find someone like how you and Entrapta are to each other."

After a few minutes, we get to Thaymor and help citizens out of the town. "That's the last of them." Bow tells us. "No bots, no drones. We're all clear."

I look at Bow. "I'm going to do one final sweep of the town just to be sure." He nods and I run around Thaymor. I run back to the group and three Hordak clones are there.

Swift Wind asks if it's Hordak. "It's Horde Prime clones." I tell the group. "Let's get out of here." Once I say that, Adora runs at the clones. "Scorpia, stop her!" Scorpia freaks out for a moment and stings Adora with her tail.

I run over to Adora and pick her up. "Let's take her back to the camp." I say to everyone. They all nod and we begin walking.

We keep walking and Adora just yells "No!"

"What up, big gay?" I ask Adora. "Wakey wakey."

Adora groans. "What happened?" She asks. "Where are those clones? Did we get them?" I put Adora down on her feet.

Scorpia stammers. "Okay, um," She begins. "Don't get mad, but I may have had to sting you." She says. "You were refusing to retreat, and we really, really needed to run away. I'm sorry, so sorry." Scorpia you wholesome lesbian. "I don't regret it, and will do it again if needed."

I poke Adora's surprisingly pointy shoulder pads. "Adora, you can't run into battle like that." I say to her. "Not anymore. You have to stop acting like you're invincible. You aren't-"

Adora interrupts me, swatting my hands off her shoulder. "You don't need to say it." She says. "I know. I made that choice, I'm living with the consequences. It's just that I thought that maybe I could get those clones to tell us where Glimmer is being held! Then at least I'd be one step closer to saving her."

Bow steps in. "That's-" He pauses to think for a second. "not a bad idea. Trying to fight a troop of clones by yourself is reckless. Catching and questioning one clone is also reckless, but this time we do it together."

I squat down. "Anyone?" They all look at me like I'm crazy. "No? Seriously?" Then they all shake there heads. "Alright, guess I'll see you there." My legs spark and I run back to camp. I take one of the clones and wrap him up to interrogate.

Scorpia, Swift Wind, Adora, and Bow all arrive. "Glad you four can join us!" I do a little giggle. "Now," I whip out a knife. "Horde Prime took our friend Glimmer, and we want her back." I aim it right at his head. "Where is she?"

The clone begins to speak like a soldier. "Fear not." It says. "Your friend is an honored guest if Horde Prime, emperor of the Galactic Horde, ruler of the known universe, regent of the seven skies,"

I kick him in the ankle. "Bro, shut the fuck you, you sugar baby." His eyes look shocked. "Where is the sparkly one and I'll make this quick and painless." The clone looks scared, and so does the rest of the group. "What? It'll get him to talk." I throw a knife right by the clones ear. "Now stop being his little bitch and tell us where the girl is."

The clone smiles. "She is with Prime on his flagship," he begins. "safe at the heart of his empire, far from your paltry world. She is chosen, basking in the light of Prime's favor, he who brings the day and the night! Glory be to Horde Prime! Revered one of the shining galaxies, promised one of a thousand suns."

I throw a knife right at his elf ear, cutting it off. "Alright, Van Clone, tell us where Glimmer is. Or I'll make you like Helen Keller." Everyone looks at me. "Van Gogh? Helen Keller? Nothing? Man, you Etherians are lame!"

The clone continues. "Your queen is safe. Unlike your rebel friends. Horde Prime sees all." My face turns red. "Horde Prime knows all. You can abandon Bright Moon, cloak your rebel camp in illusions, but we will find you."

A flare flies into the sky from Micah. They're in trouble. "Entrapta!" They look at me. I stutter. "A-and everyone else at the camp!" I speed to the camp and everyone is fighting.

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