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"What are you doing?"

Hongjoong lifts his head from his phone when he hears San whisper into his ear. He quickly turns the screen off before San can see that he's in the middle of texting his boyfriend during class.

"I was just looking something up." He mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

San raises an eyebrow, eyes travelling down to Hongjoong's black phone screen. He decides to question it later, noticing the lecturer's gaze on the pair.

They both throw their attention back to their copies, pretending to be focused so that the lecturer stops glaring at them. After a quick cough, the teacher finally resumes the class.

A few minutes later, he announces the end of the class. "You may all leave. Hongjoong, can I have a word with you please?"

Hongjoong freezes and gulps, not lifting his eyes to avoid the stares of all his classmates. Once everyone is gone, he hesitantly steps down towards the front of the room where the lecturer is standing.

"You seem to be on your phone every class lately. Is something wrong?" He asks, taking Hongjoong by surprise. Instead of being scolded, he gets the soft and considerate voice of his teacher.

"Everything's alright, sorry." Hongjoong apologises bashfully.

"If everything's fine, why do you think it's neccessary to go on your phone even after I gave everyone a warning at the beginning of the semester? If you don't care about my class, don't bother attending. It's distracting for me." The kind expression is quickly wiped off his face and is replaced with a scowl. 

Hongjoong's knees feel week. He's never been given out to before, so he stands quietly and holds in his feelings.

"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again." He mutters.

"You better keep your word. You can go now."

Hongjoong quietly turns around and shuffles to the exit as fast as his legs can take him. As soon as he opens the door, he sees San standing with a solemn expresion.

"Did you hear everything?" Hongjoong asks, puzzled by his friend's face. "Were you texting Seonghwa in class?" San questions, avoiding the other's question.

Without an answer, he walks away. San nods, now knowing that Hongjoong was, in fact, texting Seonghwa.

Hongjoong lurches forward when he feels a slap to his back. "Of all classes you could be on your phone in, why did you choose that class? The lecturer is such a...prick."

The older starts to slightly blush. "Promise you won't make fun of me if I say the truth first."

San's eyes widen and he pretends to think hard for a second. "Hm...nope! I'm going to make fun of you either way so spit it out." He blinks innocently at Hongjoong's astonished face.

He takes a deep breath only to whisper so quietly, not even the bacteria living on him can hear him.

"Louder!" San exclaims.

"I was texting Seonghwa." He sheepishly mumbles.

San stands stunned for a moment, before bursting out into loud laughter. "I was expecting that answer obviously but it's still so funny! I mean, little Joongie actually sacrificing his own grades for someone else? I didn't think that was possible!" He pretends to wipe a tear while still giggling.

"It's not that absurd...right?" Hongjoong thinks aloud until he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He instantly whips it out and starts furiously typing.

"I'm one hundred percent sure you're texting him right now. Look at the way he's typing!" San points out, Wooyoung and Mingi also joining them now. 

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