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"You were on a date with Seonghwa this whole time?" Wooyoung hisses as soon as Hongjoong enters through his front door.

Before he can start blushing, he smacks Wooyoung on the shoulder lightly. "Stop saying it that way, it wasn't a date. We just hung out a bit together." Hongjoong answers, not planning on telling his friends what actually happened while they 'hung out'.

"Sounds like a date to me." Wooyoung shrugs, this time taking a step back to avoid getting attacked again.

"Plus it's obvious you were trying to impress him, you're dressed so cutely again!" San pats Hongjoong on the head twice, treating him like a young child again. He clenches his fists, trying to keep his mouth shut before he accidentally tells them that Seonghwa chose the outfit.

"I'm literally the oldest out of all of you, so shut up." He huffs. He doesn't deny the fact that he was trying to impress Seonghwa though.

Only Mingi stays quiet beside eveyone, knowing that Hongjoong will reveal the truth himself eventually. He seems to be quieter since his mother can hear them.

"Why don't we talk more upstairs?" Mingi suggests, hoping to get more details out of Hongjoong. Just like the others, he's pretty thirsty for the information.

Hongjoong happily agrees and they all make their way to his room upstairs.

"Okay now explain." Mingi corners Hongjoong and the shorter fakes a betrayed expression. "I trusted you."

He ignores this while San and Wooyoung also join him. They all await the explanation with their arms crossed.

"Fine I'll tell you!" Everyone nods and goes to sit on the bed, trying to get more comfortable. Hongjoong sits on his chair so it looks like he's presenting something grand.

"Firstly we discussed why... some stuff happened and we figured it was those shady jellies from the man at the black tent you guys pressured me into having." He glares at them, making them shrink back a little in guilt.

"What stuff happened? Were those actually laced with drugs after all?" San asks.

I should probably explain to them too.

Hongjoong looks to Mingi with questioning eyes, asking if it's a good idea to tell them or not. Mingi nods subtly but firmly.

"I have some explaining to do." Hongjoong begins. 

The two boys listen intently as Hongjoong tries his best to explain the situation, Mingi helping him.

They're not as gullible as Mingi, but when they're presented with the tallest's testimony too they start to believe it more and more.

"So you're telling us that those sweets made you swap bodies with Seonghwa because he ate them the same day?" Wooyoung asks, completely baffled.

"Yes. That's the only reason Seonghwa started talking to me."

As much as the two friends can't believe it, all of Hongjoong's points make perfect sense.

"If you're joking with us I'll literally stop being friends with you." San whines. Hongjoong remains unfaltering however.

"I'm telling the truth." He pleads one last time.

"Fine, we'll talk more about that later. What else happened on your date?" Wooyoung brings the topic back to Seonghwa.

"You care more about me meeting with him rather than us literally swapping bodies?" Hongjoong's eyes widen.

"Well we can discuss that later, stop changing the subject." Wooyoung argues back. 

They're impossible Hongjoong thinks to himself.

"Okay so after that we went on a walk around town to look for the man with the tent but he disappeared. We couldn't find him anywhere." 

Mingi thinks for a bit. "That's really suspicious. Anyway why did Seonghwa walk you home?"

Hongjoong rolls his eyes again, a bit shocked by the fact that all of his friends care more about Seonghwa, even Mingi who knows that the body swap really did happen.

He thinks more about the question. Why did Seonghwa walk him home? He's more than capable of walking alone, he does it all the time. They're both grown adults and he likes to think that he's responsible too.

"He was just being mannerly." Hongjoong responds, although the answer feels incorrect somehow.

"No, he likes you~" San teases. Hongjoong suddenly shouts and throws a cushion at San. "Don't say that! Stop being weird."

Even Mingi scoffs at this. "Why else would he be spending so much time with you right before his world tour? Wasn't he famous for never taking a break from practice?"

Hongjoong thinks about it for a second. His friends are technically saying the truth, but it just feels so wrong to think that Seonghwa could ever possibly like him.

"I don't know, he's straight and has a girlfriend. Well, had a girlfriend." He thinks back to when he found out Seonghwa broke up with her and wonders how he feels about that.

"You know bisexuals are a thing." Wooyoung deadpans, not understanding why Hongjoong is in such a deep state of denial.

"That's just wishful thinking, the universe doesn't like me enough to be that kind." Hongjoong dramatically sighs.

"Did he ask you out on another date?" San cautiously asks. This could be clear evidence that Seonghwa is interested.

"It's not a date. He just invited me to his house tomorrow, it's no big deal." Hongjoong nonchalantly utters, half lying to himself. His heart is beating so hard but he pretends as if it's no big deal.

"Are you kidding me? It's clear as day that he likes you! You're going to his house." All three of the friends groan, frustrated with Hongjoong's oblivion.

"If he ends up telling you that he likes you, you owe us dinner." San scolds, nearly certain that Hongjoong is going to be buying them dinner very soon. Hongjoong rolls his eyes at the amount of meals San expects him to buy for the group.

"Sure, you guys are too delusional." Hongjoong laughs, trying to delude himself too. He doesn't want to get his hopes up and get his heart crushed, especially since it's Seonghwa, a popular celebrity that he's always looked up to.

The friends giggle among each other, laughing at the oldest's ignorance. They decide to stop pestering him since they'll get free dinner soon if they just let things play out.

"Let us sleep over so you can tell us more about what happened while you guys switched bodies." San finally suggests, glancing at the clock and seeing how late it is.

"Gladly, I'll make popcorn first." Hongjoong offers. He feels happy that he doesn't need to hide anything from his friends anymore.

He quickly prepares everything, all the snacks and extra beds. 

All the boys sit together in his room, laughing at the funny stories Hongjoong presents to them. They prepare for tomorrow, everyone excited for Hongjoong. The boys tease the oldest a lot, all secretly jealous. They still can't fully comprehend what's going on but they decide to believe their best friend.

They then watch some performances by Seonghwa. Hongjoong feels like his heart keeps getting stomped on when he sees some, constantly reminding him that he missed the perfect chance to see it live.

He feels embarrassed to admit it, but he feels especially sad to not be able to see 'Dystopia' live.

Everyone goes to sleep on a positive note, looking forward to the next day despite it being a school day.

Even Hongjoong suppresses the regret when he realises he's experiencing things no fan could ever buy with any ticket, no matter how expensive.


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