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"Is everything okay?" Jongho shouts from downstairs. "Yeah, I just want to spend the rest of the day in my room." Hongjoong blurts out. As soon as he gets back into the room, he slams the door shut and curls up on the bed.

What would any other fan do if they were in their favourite singer's body? Probably look through their stuff and get a taste of what their personal life is like.

Hongjoong, on the other hand, feels too guilty to do any of that. He knows that Seonghwa wouldn't appreciate some random stranger snooping around through his stuff, so now Hongjoong just sits on the bed, doing absolutely nothing.

He glances around the room. The walls are a royal, emerald green with golden borders. He only realises now that his dark green curtains are pulled shut, making the room dark, yet relaxing. There's a large bookshelf on one side of the king sized bed, and a closet on the other. Hongjoong makes his way to the bookshelf, hoping to find a book to keep him entertained for the day.

If he's still in Seonghwa's body tomorrow, who knows what his anxiety will do to him. To take his mind off that as well as the fact that he can't get tickets to Seonghwa's concert, he grabs a random book of the shelf.

Its hard surface feels cool under Hongjoong's touch, bringing him some comfort. Without even reading the blurb, he opens the book and starts to read. Eventually he figures out it's a murder mystery. So Seonghwa likes these kind of books too.

He mentally thanks Seongwha for his taste of books as Hongjoong is exactly the same. He's grateful he has at least some sort of entertainment.

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He doesn't know how long has passed, but he finally comes back to the real world when he hears a light knock on the door. "Yunho and Yeosang are over for dinner, if you're okay can you come down?" he recognises Jongho's soft voice.

Yunho and Yeosang? As in the singers? Seonghwa hid his friendship with them too? Hongjoong can't help but feel amazed. How is one so good at keeping secrets?

"I'll come in a few minutes" he tries to sound natural, failing as his voice shakes.

His original plan was to have a quick shower, but now he feels too ashamed to do that. He has no right to see Seonghwa's...privates. The thought of it alone makes Hongjoong's face start to redden.

He decides that he could try to shower with his eyes closed. However, just as he's about to step into the bathroom, he changes his mind. He still feels too guilty. He decides to just change his clothes and hope to be back in his own body the next day.

He walks down the hallways, highly impressed by the decor. A variety of plants decorate the walls and flowers sit in vases too. He reaches the dining room and notices small fountains on either side of the door. How extra.

He steps through the double doors and his legs nearly give in. The sight of both Yunho and Yeosang standing in front of him make his legs turn to jelly. "Finally you're here! I'm glad you took a well deserved break at last. We heard you had the day off so we took the chance to finally spend time with you!" Yunho excitedly smiles widely.

"T-Thanks! I'm glad you came." Hongjoong smiles back. Yeosang's eyes widen. "You must be in a good mood today! I can't remember the last time you thanked anyone." he smiles, although underneath his facade he's deeply suspicious.

The group sit down, Seonghwa's girlfriend and Jongho joining them shortly after. "I saw the video of you...dancing today all over social media. What was that about?" Yeosang questions.

Having forgotten about that, Hongjoong starts to panic. "I wasn't feeling so well." he tries to keep it simple. "You could've just declined then?" Yeosang pushes him. Hongjoong's breathing quickens, feeling under pressure. "I-"

"Stop pestering him, he's been looking sick all day. Let's just focus on food" Jongho interrupts, shooting Hongjoong a wink afterwards. He returns a smile, feeling grateful for such a kind manager.

He eats his food as quickly as he can. Although he's also a huge fan of Yunho and Yeosang, his nerves get the better of him so he wolfs down the food in a rush. "What happened to the diet you were trying?" Yunho asks, eyes widening. Hongjoong slows down a bit, self conscious from all the eyes staring at him. "I-I haven't eaten all day." he weakly says.

"Go upstairs and rest now if you want to be healthy again for tomorrow." Jongho offers, much to Yeosang and Yunho's displeasure. "We haven't even gotten the chance to catch up with each other yet!" they complain. Hongjoong flashes one last uncomfortable smile before dashing back up the stairs.

"I can't believe that just happened." He says to himself followed by a sigh after securing himself in Seonghwa's room again.

I hope I didn't tarnish Seonghwa's reputation too much he silently thinks to himself, cringing at the memories of the day. He just knows that Seonghwa's going to lose it when he sees the videos of him making a fool of himself rapidly circulating the internet.

Not knowing what to do to take full advantage of the situation he's in, Hongjoong sits in front of the mirror and stares. He shuffles closer to admire the smallest of details in Seonghwa's face. The shiny deep brown eyes that stare back at him look so simple yet beautiful. The way his curly, jet black hair falls over his thick eyebrows- all Hongjoong can do is appreciate the art that is Seonghwa's relection in the mirror.

Suddenly feeling like a creep, Hongjoong stalks back to the book. Thoughts of all the classes he's missing fill his mind, and he quickly grows desperate for a distraction again. After failing to think of anything else to do, he decides to read the book again until his eyes droop and they eventually close...

"Hongjoong, there you are! Why were you sleeping on swings in a playground?"

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