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Hongjoong groans when his familiar alarm melody rings ruthlessly in his ear. He reaches over to turn it off, also taking a peek at the time.

He rubs his eyes when he sees the phone's lockscreen. He recognises it as his own and shoots up, eyes roaming around the room. He smiles when he notices that it's his own room. He looks down and feels more relieved to see his own body, but still widens his eyes.

Hongjoong has no shirt on. Seonghwa went to sleep shirtless with Hongjoong's body.

His face starts to burn up. Seonghwa, the one with well defined abs, happened to see Hongjoong's one-pack. He grabs his phone to distract himself. He sees a new message from Mingi, telling him to check his notes app. He hesitantly goes onto it, hoping to find something decent.

He sees one note titled, "For Hongjoong." and his attention is drawn to it. He opens it up, certain that Seonghwa typed it out.

For Hongjoong~
Hey! I'm sorry for going on your phone TT I hope you also went on mine so it can be even!
I thought I should leave a little note explaining what happened throughout the day so that you don't feel confused and neither do your friends. I attended your lectures and did my best at taking notes, I hope they're not too bad lol... Mingi knew it was me all along but San and Wooyoung don't. By the way, your friends are the funnest!
I'm a bit ashamed to say this but I got into trouble by your music history lecturer for being on your phone during class (I wanted to watch the interview). I really apologise for that, your friends clowned me/ you by the way TT
Also, I'd like to apologise again because your mother got off work early and wanted to spend time with you but I declined. She seemed sad and now I feel bad :( I'm really sorry for any inconvenience, I hope you embarrased me too so I don't feel too bad ^^;
Lastly! You've got the cutest wardrobe, we have to meet up one day with you wearing the fluffy red sweater. Please pair that with the red beret ;)
Sincerest apologies,
Seonghwa (<3)

Hongjoong smiles warmly while reading the note. Instead of feeling annoyed, he giggles at the events that occured the previous day. He never thought someone with such a serious image could have such a cute texting style. As he gets towards the end of the note, his blush returns.

What's up with the winky face?

He brushes it off and continues to the end. His heart freezes when he sees the heart in brackets. 

What's up with the heart?

Is he just trying to be cute by adding a heart to his name? Or are the heart and winky face somewhat related?

His heart thumps out of his chest. What am I even thinking, I've become so delusional. What is even wrong with me?

His finger hovers over the delete button. After some consideration, he decides to keep the note. The butterflies in his stomach quickly die however when he remembers what time it is.

Nearly running late for his lecture, he hastily gets ready and rushes to the front door. He nods as a greeting to Mingi and rushes past him, knowing he's going to complain about having to wait so long.

"Is this Seonghwa or the boy with the temper to match his height?" He calls out from behind. Hongjoong stops in his tracks and turns on his heel.

Despite being late to the lecture already, he storms back to Mingi and stomps with all his strength on the other's foot, before rushing to class again.

"Oh hi Hongjoong, welcome back." Mingi painfully winces while trying to catch up to the shorter even with a limp.

After being completely ignored, Mingi scowls. "Seonghwa was so much nicer to us yesterday."

Hongjoong slows down and starts walking at the same pace as his friend. "Really? What else was he like?" His eyes start to sparkle, a complete contrast to the flames burning in them moments ago.

Mingi rolls his eyes. Now it's clear to him that the two boys are clearly interested in each other.

"He was a bit intimidated but I think he was just on edge because he was worrying about you."

Hongjoong thinks more deeply about this. Seonghwa was worrying about him? There's no way... Mingi must be fooling him.

"Tell me what he was actually like." Hongjoong lands a light punch on Mingi's arm. "Are you trying to send me to the hospital? I'm telling the truth!" He rubs his arm dramatically even though the other barely tapped his arm with his fist.

No way. Seonghwa did worry about him! Hongjoong's cheeks turn rosey and his heart flutters violently. A shy smile forms onto his face and he stares at the ground, deep in thought. Mingi chuckles lightly seeing his friend's reaction.

He wonders if Seonghwa really does return these feelings.

As the pair approach the gates of the university, they see San and Wooyoung in front of them.

San spots Hongjoong and while Hongjoong waves, the other more mischievious boy cups his hand around his mouth instead, forming a makeshift megaphone.

"Look! It's the Seonghwa simp!" He shouts at Hongjoong. A few students around turn their heads to find the said "Seonghwa simp". Hongjoong nearly melts on the spot. His heart rate shoots through the roof as he hops behind Mingi to hide. It works as people just go back to minding their own business again.

When he's sure the coast is clear, he sprints to San and piches him as hard as he can. The boy squirms in the older's grip, trying to hold in a scream.

"Why would you call me that, I do not 'simp' for anyone." He huffs angrily. "Because you got in trouble for looking at him on your phone, you big fat simp!" San whines.

Hongjoong instantly lets go, nearly having forgotten about that. "I'm no simp." He concludes with a pout while scuttling away. "He's definitely lying to himself." San whispers to Wooyoung and they quietly giggle together.

Hongjoong enters the lecture hall alone, since his friends have other classes right now. He notices the lecturer isn't here yet so he sneakily pulls out his phone. He sees multiple posts about the interview and his breathing quickens.

He notices one account caption the post, "Oh no :( I hope he feels better soon <3" and feels slightly puzzled.

When the video starts to play, everything makes more sense. It's the interviewer sitting alone with an empty seat beside her. "Unfortunately, due to unforseen health issues, Seonghwa cannot perform today. We apologise for any inconvenience."

Hongjoong starts feeling guilty again. Seonghwa probably prepared so much for that segment but he lost that chance because of him.

He slides his phone back into his pocket after feeling enough pain. He opens up his copy and notices that he accidentally brought his music history copy instead. His eyes land on the neat handwriting on his page. Rather than concise notes, it seems like Seonghwa wrote an entire transcript of exactly what the lecturer was saying.

He really tried so hard.

Hongjoong smiles at his copy, the butterlies not calming down at all. He doesn't even notice the few weird looks he's getting, he's too occupied by Seonghwa.

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