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"How did Yunho and Yeosang get into the house? Is there someone else to let them in?" Hongjoong worriedly asks Jongho as they pull up to Seonghwa's house. Jongho tries to hide his shocked expression.

"What do you mean? You gave them and me copies of your house keys, remember? Your girlfriend had some too until you broke up with her. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" He brings his hand to Hongjoong's forehead, checking his temperature. "Yeah I was just...testing you?" Hongjoong tries to defend himself. Jongho's eyebrow somehow raises even higher but he decides not to ask more questions, not wanting to get screamed at.

So he broke up with his girlfriend, even though she was quite nice. He wonders what went wrong, but decides to not pry too much into Seonghwa's personal life.

Hongjoong approaches the door but Jongho stays at the car. "Enjoy." He simply states before wasting no more time to drive the vehicle away.

Hongjoong lets out a loud sigh. This is it. His acting skills will be put to the ultimate test now when he meets with Seonghwa's closest friends. He does a few stretches, trying to stall time.

Suddenly the door opens and a slightly startled Yunho hops back a bit. Hongjoong also leaps three feet into the air while yelling out.

"You're here already? We were waiting for you!" He excitedly giggles and grabs Hongjoong's arm. A bit shocked, the older doesn't say anything and lets himself get dragged into the house. He is greeted with the sight of Yeosang standing in the hallway with his arms crossed.

The three boys stand in silence, thick tension in the air. Hongjoong has no idea what to say so he just waits for Yeosang or Yunho to speak. However, Yunho seems equally as confused.

"How dare you." Yeosang disappointedly utters. He keeps on a straight expression and the hard tone of his voice sends shivers down Hongjoong's spine.

"I-I'm sorry." He bows down low, not knowing what he even did wrong. Knowing his clumsy self, he definitely went wrong somewhere so he decides to apologise in advance.

"If you're so sorry why are you still standing here? I thought we agreed that whoever shows up last to our meet-ups has to buy everyone ice cream. I'm extremely disappointed and I honestly expected more of you."

Hongjoong lifts his head in confusion. He notices Yeosang trying to hold in laughter, while Yunho is chuckling out of control beside them. "Why did you look so scared?" Yunho squeezes in between giggles.

"I thought you were talking about something serious." He deadpans. This earns him a kick on his backside from Yeosang. "Ice cream is as serious as it gets, okay? Hurry up!" He continues to usher Hongjoong out of Seonghwa's house, as if they're not shoving the owner of the property out.

Hongjoong painfully rubs his rear while stumbling out of the door. Yunho sticks his tongue out to him before slamming the door shut.

He doesn't know what he was expecting, but he didn't think Seonghwa's friends would be this lively. They remind him of his own friends and he smiles to himself. It sure is lonely in a new environment without them.

After walking for a while, he finally ends up in the shop somehow. Not knowing which ice cream the other guys like, he picks six different flavours. He unconsciously sticks his hand into his pocket for money but his heart drops. Why isn't there anything in here?

He visibly starts to panic and his breaths become shallower. "Forgot your wallet?" The old woman at the till asks. Hongjoong's attention snaps to her and he notices her heartwarming expression, which calms him down slightly.

"Yes." He quietly mumbles, embarrased beyond belief. The long line of people behind him add to his stresses.

"That's fine sweetie, I'll let you take this for free." She smiles warmly. "No! That's stealing, I'll just put these back. Sorry for wasting your time." He apologises quickly, trying to hold all the ice cream at the same time.

Blueberry Jellies | SeongjoongDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora