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Seonghwa fights the urge to yawn for the fifteenth time in the past ten minutes. He chose to sit at the back of the lecture hall just in case he falls asleep. Unfortunately for him, Mingi has a different class right now so he's currently sitting beside San.

"How long is each class again?" He whispers to San. The boy raises his eyebrow and hesitates before answering.

"An hour and a half?"

Seonghwa exhales loudly. He stares at the open copy in front of him. It's empty except for the word, "Music" as the title.

He struggles to keep his eyes open. Suddenly he remembers that he needs to take notes for the sake of Hongjoong. He forces himself to take notes, even though he has no idea what's going on.

He glances at his wrist, forgetting that Hongjoong doesn't seem to wear a watch. He casually takes out the phone from his pocket and notices that it's only fifteen minutes past ten.

It suddenly hits him that the interview is going to start in five minutes. He nearly laughs out loud when the phone unlocks, clearly using facial recognition.

His eyes widen when he sees his own face as the homescreen. He clicks onto the social media icon absent-mindedly and notices that the entirety of the timeline is pictures and videos of him. He notices that Hongjoong mostly follows only fan accounts of him. He smiles at this, finally realising how much of a fan Hongjoong is.

Two minutes left until the interview starts.

"Kim Hongjoong, are you on your phone?" 

Seonghwa continues to scroll through Hongjoong's feed, reminiscing over old pictures of himself that he's never even seen.

He feels a sharp nudge on his side from San. He lifts his head to complain when he notices the lecturer already walking towards his seat.

"If you don't want to learn, then why did you come here in the first place?" He asks. Seonghwa shamefully hangs his head.

"If you plan to stay here then I'll need to keep your phone until the end of class." He presents an open palm for Seonghwa to place the phone in.

As tempted as he is to just leave the class, he decides to stay for Hongjoong's sake. He painfully hands the device to the lecturer. "Sorry."

With a satisfying nod, he returns to lecture the class. San starts to quietly giggle. "You're such an idiot, why were you looking at pictures of Seonghwa during class again? Did you not learn after last time?" He muffles his squeaky laughter.

Again? This has happened before?

He simply rolls his eyes and picks up the pen again. He feels nervous suddenly now that he can't watch the live interview that Hongjoong will have to go through. He tries to imagine him trying to dance again and clutches the pen even harder.

There goes my reputation.

Seonghwa spends the rest of the class stressing while taking notes. It finishes much faster than it felt like before. He walks to the front of the class to collect the phone again with clenched fists. He needs to find Mingi.

After they leave the class, San doesn't hold back while roaring with laughter. "I can't wait to tell Wooyoung and Mingi about what happened!" He playfully slaps Seonghwa's arm. Seonghwa's face gets warmer as he feels the shape of the phone in his pocket again.

"Speaking of which, where are they?" He cautiously asks. Thankfully he didn't ask anything dumb this time. "I'll text our groupchat." San nods and takes out his phone. Seonghwa uses this opportunity to also take out Hongjoong's phone.

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