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Hongjoong slowly opens his eyes while yawning. He suddenly sits up. The tickets! Before he can reach out to his phone to check the time, he freezes.

Where am I?

He frantically looks around, his heart in his mouth. He stumbles out of bed, noticing that he's not wearing anything but his underwear, even though he always sleeps in pyjamas. He freezes for a second time, realization hitting him like a truck.

This isn't what my body looks like.

The once skinny, small boy now looks down at abs and moderately muscular arms and legs.

He hesitantly approaches a full body mirror on the opposite side of the room. As soon as he sees a glimpse of the reflection, his blood runs cold. The man staring back at him in the mirror is...


He moves his arms to make sure the reflection really is him while his heart beats faster and faster. He feels faint and sits down to collect his scattered thoughts. He proceeds to pinch himself harshly on the arm, checking if it's a dream. When nothing changes, his mouth drops open.

According to his situation, it seems as if he's swapped bodies with Seonghwa. With Seonghwa.

Tears start to pool in his eyes. He can't tell if it's because he's happy, overwhelmed, or panicking. Either way he knows one thing for sure now.

Seonghwa sleeps naked.

His cheeks start to burn up as he shakes his head. Now's not the time to be thinking about that.

How long will this last?  he thinks to himself. Suddenly a gasp escapes him. He remembers about the tickets he was about to buy with his friends today. He quickly snatches the phone beside the bed and notices that they go on sale in two hours.

Suddenly being aware of the time limit, he throws the wardrobe doors open and frantically searches for something to wear.

Settling for a simple black tracksuit, he throws them on and makes a plan. He decides to look for his friends, try to explain the situation to them, and then buy the tickets. He hopes that by the time of the concert, he'll have his own body back.

Suddenly, the realization hits him again.

I'm literally Seonghwa right now. There's no way I'll ever get closer than this.

If this really is all one crazy dream, Hongjoong hopes to stay asleep.

He jogs down the stairs but stops in his tracks when he sees a woman standing in front of him. It was never revealed to the public that Seonghwa had a girlfriend, so Hongjoong stands in shock. 

"Goodmorning babe! I hope you slept well~" she sings, a bright smile stretched across her rosey cheeks. "T-Thanks, I did. I hope you did too...babe." he awkwardly stutters. The woman blinks a few times and laughs. "Is it finally the day you start treating me like a basic human?" She giggles, not meaning to sound malicious at all.

Hongjoong starts to panic again. "I- I'm sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush right now. I'll see you later!" He cheerfully waves her off while dashing to the door, not noticing the confused expression on the girl.

He steps out into the open, not a single accessory on his face to hide his identity. He runs out of the estate and notices some familiar shops. He cheers up when he realises that he knows the directions from here. He takes one more step before he feels the presence of other people.

He cautiously turns his head around and notices a moderately large crowd around him. He starts to feel anxious with all the attention and doesn't know what to do.

"Can you dance for us?" A young girl asks from the audience. Hongjoong panicks again with the spotlight. He doesn't want to decline the girl's request in case he ruins Seonghwa's reputation by coming off as rude, but at the same time he doesn't know how to dance either.

He flashes an uncomfortable smile and tries to remember the choreography of one of his songs. He never learned any of the dances before since he's never been a great dancer, so he tries to recreate a whole dance routine from memory. 

As he awkwardly sways his arms around, his heart sinks lower and lower as he notices the shocked and disappointed expressions on the fans. Suddenly a man breaks through the crowd and grabs his arm. "Sorry for this! Seonghwa has to be somewhere else right now." He announces to the fans before dragging him out.

He doesn't say a word while he storms back to Seonghwa's house. As soon as they're inside the house, Jongho takes a deep breath. "What were you doing out there? You said you were going to start practicing at seven, but it's already nine. Why were you dancing so badly in front of your own fans?" He hisses.

Hongjoong doesn't even know who this is but guesses that he's close to Seonghwa. "Jongho! I haven't seen you in the house in ages!" The girl comes out again. He shrugs. "You'd think he'd invite his own manager more often." he glares at Hongjoong.

This must be his manager then.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm really tired from yesterday?" Hongjoong tries to muster up an excuse, hoping to sound credible.

Jongho thinks for a second. "I guess you were being really hard on yourself yesterday so I'll let it slide. Would you like to take a break for today?" He offers. Hongjoong smiles and gladly accepts the offer. "Sure, thanks Jongho" He says, already starting to get used to not sounding too strange. He feels a surge of confidence after finally feeling handsome.

As he walks up the stairs, he hears violent knocking on the front door. Jongho nods to Hongjoong, indicating that he'll answer it. Hongjoong nods back but stays on the stairs, peeking at who could be at the door.

As soon as he opens the door, Hongjoong's breath gets stuck in his throat. It's his real body.

"WHERE IS THAT MAN- I MEAN WHERE'S SEONGHWA?" Hongjoong's real body screams. That must be Seonghwa...

"How did you get the code for the front gate?" Jongho cautiously asks. "BECAUSE I'M SEONGHWA YOU IDIOT!" he screams again. Jongho sighs loudly. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave or else I'll need to call the police." he warns.

Feeling intimidated, Seonghwa steps away a bit. "Please, at least let me talk to him for just a minute." he pleads. Jongho glances up at Hongjoong on the steps, noticing his scared expression.

"Sorry, he's not feeling too well." he apologises before closing the door in Seonghwa's face.

As if something snaps in him, Hongjoong suddenly feels sick so he runs at full speed back into Seonghwa's room.

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