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The four friends excitedly hop out of their last class of the day. Three of them are excited while one is simply nervous.

"It'll be fun!" Mingi tries to reassure Hongjoong. It doesn't work much as the older just bites his lip quietly. He's afraid he'll be awkward or make things uncomfortable.

"How are you even going to get there? You know the directions?" San asks. Hongjoong realises he actually didn't think about that yet. He gets worried again.

Suddenly a car's horn beeps at them. Everyone's head whips up at the sound.

Hongjoong's breath gets caught in his throat when he sees a very bored looking Jongho sitting in a car. He rolls down the window and fights the urge to yawn.

"Seonghwa sent me to collect you." He announces through gritted teeth tiredly. Hongjoong feels apologetic to him, but saves it for when he'll be in the car. "I'll see you guys later." He waves goodbye to his friends.

"Have fun!" They shout back, Wooyoung cheekily adding a wink at the end. Hongjoong quickly looks away and jumps into the car before his imagination runs wild.

As soon as his seatbelt is on, Jongho drives away. "I'm sorry for causing you so much inconvenience." Hongjoong apologises. Jongho lets out a loud sigh in response.

"It's not your fault. Seonghwa just likes making me do everything for him. Sometimes I wonder if I'm his manager or his servant. He's lucky I'm so fond of him, any other manager would have quit by now." He rubs his eyes with one hand.

Jongho opens his mouth to say something else but decides against him. In reality, Seonghwa has been sending Jongho around the place mostly because of Hongjoong simply because he's too shy to face the other boy by himself.

Although it's very exhausting, Jongho can understand so he helps his friend. Seonghwa hasn't admitted it to anyone yet but it's a bit clear that he likes Hongjoong. He never acts this happy and outgoing normally.

At first Jongho felt a bit scared but he's used to it at this point. He glances at the mirror and sees the way Hongjoong nervously examines his own fingernails. So Seonghwa actually likes the more shy type.

"We're here. I'll leave you guys alone and go somewhere else as that's probably what Seonghwa would like." Jongho anounces once they arrive. He doesn't mention the fact that Seonghwa specifically ordered him to leave the two boys alone for a while.

Hongjoong nods, too scared to speak. He feels pathetic for being more nervous about messing up himself rather than Seonghwa. 

Seonghwa is actually very sweet and gentle, and Hongjoong doesn't want to disappoint someone like that.

He timidly knocks on the door twice. A few seconds later the door flies open and he nearly jumps out of his own skin when a party popper pops in his direction.

"Welcome!" Seonghwa smiles widely, frantically pulling out a second party popper before also popping it. 

Stunned, Hongjoong bursts out laughing. "Why the party poppers? Is there a party?" He fits the words in between breaths while laughing.

Seonghwa starts blushing. "Is this not how you welcome a friend you're excited to see?" He tilts his head slightly. Hongjoong's heart flutters and he closes the door behind him before anyone outside sees anything.

"I mean there's nothing wrong with that." He chuckles again. "Oh!" Hongjoong crouches down to his bag, searching for something. He pulls out a small yet expensive box of chocolates. He knows Seonghwa is rich so he didn't want to gift something too shabby.

Blueberry Jellies | SeongjoongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora