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Hongjoong slowly opens his eyes. His heart stops when he sees Seonghwa's face mere centimetres from his. He can feel his warm, soft breath on his face. 

He tries to move back before becoming aware of the position they're in. Seonghwa's leg is slumped over Hongjoong's and his arm is also draped over him.

He wants to scoot back but he doesn't want to wake up the other man so what should he do? He decides to take the easy way out by just closing his eyes again, pretending to be asleep. He tries to tell his racing heart to shut up but with no success.

Seonghwa on the other hand had woken up much before Hongjoong. He had noticed the position he was in but voluntarily decided to not move an inch, closing his eyes to enjoy the moment. He must be great at acting because Hongjoong is completely convinced.

He slowly opens one eye and sees that the younger closed his eyes again. He can sense the unrest in the other however, indicating that he's wide awake. Seonghwa smiles to himself before squeezing Hongjoong closer, his cheek now squished against Hongjoong's forehead.

"Good morning." He grumbles, nuzzling his face against Hongjoong's head. Hongjoong's breath quickens and he tries to keep himself from leaping away. His rushing heart urges him to hide out of embarrassement but he's enjoying the moment too much.

"Morning." He mumbles back into Seonghwa's neck.

"This feels nice." Seonghwa sighs, slightly blowing onto Hongjoong's messy hair. The pair relax in each other's arms for a while until they hear booming footsteps coming towards their door.

"Can I come in?" Wooyoung's uncertain voice quietly asks. The two boys ignore him, trying to pretend to be asleep in hopes of chasing their friend away.

"I'll take that as a yes." They hear the door handle turning slowly to their horror and Hongjoong starts to worry. He quickly throws his blanket over himself and Seonghwa since the older doesn't plan on loosening his grip.

Seonghwa simply smiles to himself, still having his face stuffed into Hongjoong's fragrant hair.

Wooyoung barges in with no second thoughts as soon as the door opens. He freezes in his tracks when he sees the couple squeezed together under the covers. A slight blush grows on his cheeks as he nervously laughs, slowly backing away.

"S-Sorry, I didn't realise you'd..." He drifts off before he dashes out, closing the door behind him.

"Does he think we just...you know?" Hongjoong's panicked voice muffles, his face still shoved into Seonghwa's chest. "I need to go and clear things up!" He tries to shuffle out of the embrace but Seonghwa doesn't budge.

"Let him think what he wants to think, this is comfy." The older hums in satisfaction. Hongjoong can feel himself burning up again, but he doesn't move. Instead he snuggles in closer again, defeated.

They rest together for some more time until Mingi's shouts can be heard. "You're late for class!"

Hongjoong's eyes fly open and he suddenly shoots up in bed. He frantically picks up his phone to check the time. After one glance, he leaps out of bed and stumbles into his bathroom for a few minutes before rushing out again.

"You forgot about class?" Seonghwa giggles, watching his adorable boyfriend now scuttle around the place while looking for his socks.

He stares at him lovingly until he also remembers about his own issues. He holds his breath as he picks up his phone. He feels his chest constrict when he sees twenty seven missed calls and fourty new messages, all from Jongho alone.

He groans and also slides out of bed himself. As he scrolls through the frenzy of texts, his heart freezes when he sees that he has a schedule soon. The plan was made last second, which is why Jongho was so desperate to speak to Seonghwa. He opens his mouth to scream before remembering that he's in someone else's house.

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