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"Hwa, do you want me to get you something? Maybe something sweet for energy?" Seonghwa's manager, Jongho asks him. Seonghwa, who is weary after spending hours practicing his dance, agrees without hesitation. He craves sweets and is half surprised his manager knew that already.

"I'll go to a nearby shop and get some sweets then, I'll only be a few minutes!" Jongho announces before dashing out of the practice room. Seonghwa pants, walking up to his phone to restart the music.

"Honestly, I don't understand how you practice for so long. I get exhausted after, like, three hours." Yeosang groans, walking in with Yunho. The two have been Seonghwa's closest friends since middle school, and they still continue to be somewhat close.

"I'm going on tour soon, I have no time to slack off." He deadpans, starting the music without even waiting for their response.

The pair just sit on the floor and watch him dance passionately, holding bags of ice cream. "It's going to melt at this rate." Yunho hisses, glancing down at the bag.

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"Blueberry...blueberry...blueberry..." Jongho mumbles Seonghwa's favourite sweet flavour under his breath repeatedly while speed walking towards the sweet shop.

He stops in his tracks when he sees a black tent. Strange...that wasn't there earlier today.

He observes a small group of young men bickering in front of it, the shortest one protesting against something. Interested, he approaches the tent until he's close enough to read the shabby cardboard sign.

"Seems cheap...if they have blueberry I might just buy from here." he wonders out loud.

As soon as the noisy boys depart, Jongho swiftly slides in. He spots one last bag of blue jellies and his eyes light up. Without hesitating, he quickly purchases them and mentally pats himself on the back. Good job Jongho, you saved a lot of money today he tells himself.

He happily opens the door to the practice room again and sees Yunho and Yeosang. Before he gets a chance to greet them, he hears what they're talking about.

"I don't want ice cream, I can't risk getting a sore throat." Seonghwa harshly states, refusing the ice cream Yunho is offering him. "But it'll melt! I don't want two ice creams, I'll get fat." Yeosang argues back, feeling frustrated with his friend's behaviour.

Yunho notices Jongho standing in the doorway, face brightening up. "Jongho! You can have the last ice cream since Seonghwa's being difficult." He runs over to him, arm outstretched holding an ice cream.

He happily accepts it and walks over to Seonghwa. "Here." he says while giving him the jellies, not wanting to explain where he got them from in fear of being scolded by Seonghwa. He has quite a short temper and Jongho honestly fears getting lashed out at any second.

To his surprise, Seonghwa takes a deep breath to calm down and smiles. "Thanks." he nods and walks out. "I'm going home to wash up first" He calls back to his friends, clutching the bag of jellies tightly.

His house is a short walk away from the studio so he covers up well to hide his identity and sets off.

"Welcome home! You're finally done for the day?" He's greeted by his girlfriend standing in his hallway with her hair in a messy bun. She lives with him even though they've only been dating for four months.

"No." Is all he says as he rushes past her with a straight face. "Babe, why are you so mean~" She cutely complains, hoping to earn a smile from Seonghwa for once. Unfortunately for her, he gives her the cold shoulder again as he ignores her.

Actually, Seonghwa already knows his girlfriend is only dating him because of his money. He found out a few weeks ago when he overheard her talking on the phone with her best friend. Ever since, he's been acting deliberately cold to her. Well colder than he was before, anyway.

He plans to break up with her soon, he just couldn't find the energy or effort for it yet.

He steps into the shower, cold water shooting over his body. He sighs out of relief, feeling refreshed after dancing tirelessly for six hours straight with only a few short breaks in between. He's been told by everyone that he needs to rest a bit more, but he chooses to ignore them. After showering, he'll return to the practice room as if he hasn't practiced at all.

He steps out of the shower, quickly dressing himself to set out again. "Babe! I made lemonade! Come have some!" He hears his girlfriend call from downstairs. He doesn't even spend a second to think before grabbing his jellies and rushing down the stairs.

"I'm so glad you want to try some! I put all my love into it-" She stops talking instantly when Seonghwa walks straight past her, not even sparing a glance. He opens the front door and leaves without turning around once.

Not caring about the girl behind him at all, he opens his jellies and pops one in his mouth. Blueberry. Jongho knows me so well he thinks to himself, smiling while savouring the flavour.

He finishes the entire packet before even entering the practice room. "You guys are still here?" He asks Yunho and Yeosang, noticing that they're still in the exact spots he left them in. "Yeah, we wanted to spend time with you before you go on tour!" Yunho pouts, Yeosang thoughtfully nodding along beside him.

Seonghwa lets out a sigh of defeat, slumping down beside them. "I get that you guys want to hang out with me, but I don't have time. I'll spare fifteen minutes but then I'm going back to practicing." He says in an apologetic tone, for once.

Jongho raises an eyebrow from the other side of the room, surprised that Seonghwa was generous enough to spend fifteen whole minutes with his friends during practice.

He watches the three men converse, feeling joyful after seeing a smile escape Seonghwa's lips every now and then. He shakes his head after the fifteen minutes are up, observing Seonghwa trying to explain that he wants to practice for at least eight more hours to his friends, who are giving out to him for being too hard on himself.

After all, Jongho can't agree more.

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