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Seonghwa happily looks to the shorter boy beside him. He frantically whips is head around the place, searching desperately. He doesn't even notice that the taller is staring only at him.

In reality Seonghwa is only a little bit curious about the truth, he actually suggested to search for the man to spend more time with Hongjoong.

They both start to cross a road when a car comes speeding in their direction. Seonghwa takes a jump back and grabs Hongjoong's hand, also pulling him back.

"Be careful." He says. Hongjoong's heart is racing but he doesn't know if it's from the car or from the way Seonghwa sounded so protective. "Sorry." He murmurs.

They both cross the street when the coast is clear. Seonghwa sneakily keeps their hands joined, enjoying the moment too much. His heart dances quickly and he can't tear his attention from the younger.

Hongjoong still doesn't seem to notice their hands, and unconsciously tightens his grip as he searches. Seonghwa bites his lip to hold back a scream. He feels the sudden urge to squeeze the other boy but has to hold back and it nearly feels painful to have to do so.

They go on their little walk together through the crisp air, their hands being kept warm by each other.

Hongjoong worries more and more when he can't find the tent anywhere. He looks up to the sky to check for rain clouds in case the tent is gone for only today, but sighs when he sees a clear sea of blue above him with a few brush strokes of clouds swimming through.

Seonghwa also looks to the sky, curious about what Hongjoong is staring at. They both stop in the middle of the path and stare at the sky together without noticing.

Seonghwa feels that the sky looks way more exciting when he's with Hongjoong. 

Meanwhile Hongjoong thinks about Seonghwa's face in the cafe while staring at the sky. His thoughts have wandered off again and he imagines being closer to Seonghwa. His attention finally goes to himself again and he gets hit with the realisation that his right hand is occupied with someone else's.

He quickly shoots his gaze to his hand and sees Seonghwa's. He instantly pulls his hand away, as if Seonghwa's suddenly caught fire. Seonghwa's face grows puzzled and he looks down to see Hongjoong with a crimson coloured face, staring at his hand with horror.

"I'm sorry, I must have grabbed your hand by accident. I'm really sorry, please forget that ever happened." Hongjoong whines.

Seonghwa giggles. He doesn't say anything, only picking up Hongjoong's hand again. Hongjoong stands still, completely shocked.

"Your hand is pretty cold, I'll heat it up for you." He tightly grips Hongjoong's hand before walking forward again. The shorter follows, still too stunned to speak.

His face burns again when Seonghwa starts slightly swinging their arms. "No sign of the tent? We've pretty much walked around every part of the town." Seonghwa mentions, not talking about their hands at all.

"N-No, he's not anywhere t-today." Hongjoong stutters uncontrollably, still extremely flustered.

Seonghwa stops and turns to the other. "I guess that confirms it then, that man is guilty of making us swap bodies. Must be magic or something."

Hongjoong laughs, caught off-guard by that conclusion. "I'm being honest!" Seonghwa defends himself. Hongjoong simply nods.

"Alright, let's just go with that then since we have no real answers." 

Seonghwa's starts awkwardly shuffling his feet. "I'm glad this happened though because I made a new friend." He smiles to himself.

Hongjoong's jaw drops. He's friends with the Park Seonghwa? "I'm glad too, I still can't believe I'm standing here with you right now." His eyes travel back to their hands and he blushes once again.

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