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Hongjoong wakes up with a start when he hears a loud and annoying alarm. With his eyes half open, he checks the time before turning off the alarm. He relaxes when he sees that it's only seven in the morning. I don't have class until ten. I can sleep more.

He closes his eyes again, thankfully still half asleep.

What feels like a few seconds later, Hongjoong is woken up again. This time more abruptly, as he hears knocking on his bedroom door. "It's nearly eight, we have to go soon! Are you ready?" He hears Jongho's loud voice through the door.

He instantly sits up straight. Jongho?

He throws the blankets off him and nearly screams when he sees that there's nothing on him except for underwear. After calming down a bit, he places a hand on his abdomen. A six pack?

A sinking feeling washes over him. He finally lifts his eyes slowly and looks around. He's back in Seonghwa's dark room. Anxiety starts to eat through him again.

"Is everything okay? Can I come in?" Jongho's voice sounds more urgent this time.

"Coming!" Hongjoong shouts back. This seems to work as there isn't another word from Jongho. He soon hears footsteps running back down the stairs.

Hongjoong panics. Why is this happening again? He slowly lifts himself off the bed and walks to the mirror. A sigh escapes him when he gets confirmation that he has in fact switched bodies with Seonghwa again.

He lifts a hand to his face and feels the soft skin of Seonghwa's cheek. He steps closer and admires Seonghwa's large, sparkling eyes once again. This time he doesn't feel as afraid to observe the details. In his own body, he's never have the courage to look into Seonghwa's eyes in this way so he takes advantage of the situation for once.

He hears Jongho call Seonghwa's name from downstairs again and his nervousness returns. Where are they going to go? What should he wear?

Hongjoong's advantage is that he is already a huge fan of Seonghwa. He recalls the types of outfits he wears. He's usually formal, unless on stage.

Hongjoong's eyes travel below Seonghwa's face. Lower, and lower until...

His face burns up into a flame and he quickly whips his head away. So big.

Hongjoong doesn't know whether he's thinking about Seonghwa's toned muscles or...

To distract himself, he quickly jumps into the bathroom. He grabs the toothbrush and begins to scrub at Seonghwa's perfect teeth. Should he shower too?

Hongjoong's mind trails back to what he saw a few minutes ago and he instantly agrees with himself that he should not shower in someone else's body.

He shuffles through some shirts in Seonghwa's wardrobe and settles for a black turtle neck with a black coat on top.

He admires Seonghwa in the mirror for a few minutes, still in disbelief even though this is the second time he's switched.

He warily walks down the stairs. Jongho is standing at the front door, fidgeting with his hands. "What took you so long? We might be late to the interview!" He stresses. Hongjoong's eyes widen. "I-Interview?"

"I told you about it last night so don't pretend to have forgotten! I even gave you some predicted questions and answers to learn off."

Hongjoong feels light headed again. He can barely manage an interview in his own body and the thought of going through that in a celebrity's body scares him to the core.

"We'll have breakfast afterwards since you took so long, quickly get into the car." Jongho doesn't wait for a response as he hastily jumps into the driver's seat.

Hongjoong also gets into the car, but at a much slower pace. His hands shake on his lap while he worries about what's to come.

He glances down at the phone in his coat pocket. Should he try to get into it to try and find some help for the interview? What if there's nothing helpful on it?

At last, he finally pulls it out. He places his thumb on the fingerprint sensor, hoping that it'll work. To his relief, the phone unlocks but what pops up on the screen leaves Hongjoong frozen.

It's a post from his own social media account.

He sees that it's a picture of him laughing that he posted eight months ago. Was he stalking my account?

Already feeling too intrusive, Hongjoong quickly exits to the home screen. He sees the notes app and hovers his finger over it. What if there's something personal in there?

He chews his lip for a few moments, conteplating the decision. He ultimately decides to press the power button, not wanting to see more than he already has.

Hongjoong stares out of the car window. Why would Seonghwa want to stalk his account? Is he trying to find something to hold against the younger so that he can finally sue him? 

Hongjoong feels like ripping his hair out, but refrains from doing so to protect Seonghwa's scalp.

The car gradually comes to a stop. "We're here." Jongho states while pulling the breaks.

A nauseous feeling bubbles up in Hongjoong. This is it.

"Do we have to do the interview today?" He complains. "Yes, there's no way out of it now since it's going to be live. All the fans have already been alerted so they'll be waiting."

Live. The interview is going to be live.

Hongjoong forces a smile onto his face with a nod, but in reality he wants to cry. It feels horrible to have so much pressure on his shoulders, and even worse that he will be in charge of potentially ruining someone else's image.

He tries his best to straighten up while he walks out of the car and towards the front door of the large building. He tries to force a smug smile on his face to look natural.

A woman approaches him out of nowhere. "Hello, I'll be your interviewer today! Nice to meet you." She stretches out a hand. Hongjoong subtly wipes his sweaty hand on his trouser leg before shaking her hand. "N-Nice to meet you too."

She laughs in a friendly way at his stutter, trying to break the ice a bit. When she notices Hongjoong's facial features frozen in a nervous expression, she tries to change the subject.

"Why don't we go to the room together?" She offers. He feels a poke in his back from Jongho, reminding him to respond.

"Sure." He robotically replies. They both walk to the room together and take their places. The woman sits in a chair right beside Hongjoong's one. His blood turns to ice as he stares at the abundance of cameras pointing in his direction. He notices the large empty space beside the seats and feels a lump in his throat.

"Will I have to dance?" He whispers to the interviewer before they start braodcasting the interview.

She laughs again, a bit more nervously this time. "Yes, we sent you the plan yesterday. Didn't your manager show it to you?" She asks, trying to force a smile. Hongjoong's heart stops.

"O-Oh yeah! I remember now, my bad." He uncomfortably laughs too, but the awkward atmosphere is already too thick now.

"Are you ready?" The director shouts from behind the cameras.

Hongjoong takes a deep breath. Just imagine that you're Seonghwa.

"I'm ready."

Blueberry Jellies | SeongjoongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang