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Seonghwa opens his eyes, feeling extremely well rested. His limbs don't hurt at all, surprisingly. He abruptly sits up when he realises that his alarm didn't wake him up. Did he sleep past it? 

In a panic, he reaches forward to pick up his phone when it hits him. This isn't my room.

Retracting his hand back slowly, he looks around the room and sees the simple white walls and the clothes strewn on the floor. He instantly recognises it from last time. It's Hongjoong's room.

His heart beats faster and faster as he jumps out of bed and stumbles towards a mirror. His suspicions are proven to be correct when he sees Hongjoong staring right back at him in the mirror.

He nearly jumps when a phone starts ringing. His eyes travel to Hongjoong's phone and he peeks at the screen. He notices that it's an alarm with the name, "Music History class in an hour!!"

His heart drops. He finally realises that it's Monday and he starts to worry again. What should he do? Would it be suspicious if he just skipped a day of school again? Seonghwa doesn't even know what kind of student Hongjoong is, so the safest thing to do would be to just go to class this time.

He flings open the wardrobe doors and stares at his clothes. What kind of clothes does he usually wear? Seonghwa's mind travels back to the image of Hongjoong in an oversized jumper. A blush grows onto his cheeks as he reaches for a white sweater. He makes sure it's overly big and gets ready to put it on.

Just as he's about to pull the pyjama top over his head, he freezes. He feels like he might be violating Hongjoong's privacy by seeing his body so he decides to change with his eyes closed.

As soon as he's done, he takes his place in front of the mirror again. A huge grin grows on his face while he admires Hongjoong's features. He wishes he could stare into the mirror all day to enjoy this sight while he can, but unfortunately that's not possible. At least not without looking crazy, anyway.

He picks up a school bag lying in the corner of the room and prays that all the copies he needs are already in there. If he can't learn for Hongjoong, the least he can do is take notes in class.

He walks downstairs cautiously, watching out for any family. To his surprise, the house is completely empty. The only sound is from the clock ticking that echoes through the house and the faint whirring of the fridge.

He lets out a sigh of relief and opens the front door, only to jump back in shock while letting out a shout.

Mingi stands in front of him with a puzzled expression. "I stand here every morning, so what's so scary?" He asks.

Seonghwa stills for a minute to take in this new information as well as this new point of view. Things sure look different when you're this short.

"I was...pranking you?" He sounds confused but Mingi buys it and shrugs. "Very funny prank. Let's go now, San and Wooyoung are waiting for us."

The two walk side by side towards the college campus. Seonghwa is glad Mingi is there to walk with him, or else he definitely would have been lost by now. He's pretty useless with remembering directions.

"Stop walking so slow. Oh wait, I forgot that your legs are so much tiny-er than mine." Mingi giggles, speeding up in pace. "Sorry." Seonghwa mutters, trying to walk faster.

Mingi stops in his tracks and turns around, revealing a horrified expression.

"Who are you and what have you done to Hongjoong! The real Hongjoong would have kicked me by now." He says jokingly.

Seonghwa's palms start to grow sweaty. How did he find out?

"You found out just by something so small?" He asks, genuinely surprised. Mingi's face really grows confused now.

"Are you saying you're...not Hongjoong?"

Seonghwa's eyes widen. "Oh! No, I am Hongjoong! Let's get to class now." He nervously laughs loudly, trying to walk past.

"Don't tell me- you're Seonghwa?!" Mingi exclaims. Seonghwa bites his lips and reads Mingi's eyes. He seems to know about everything. He nods slowly.

"I can't believe Hongjoong wasn't lying! You're really Seonghwa?" Mingi asks again, hand covering his opened mouth.

"I am! Let's get to class now so we can be done and over with the day fast. I have stuff to do at home." Seonghwa complains, walking even faster. His heart plummets a second time when he remembers that the interview is today. Hongjoong has to deal with that. Oh no.

He actually feels pity towards the boy. Pretending to be a student is much easier than pretending to be a singer and dancer.

Before he gets to worry more, a loud shriek interrupts his thoughts. Startled, he turns his head to the source of the sound. To his horror, a boy with lilac hair is running at full speed towards him. He takes two steps back before nearly getting crushed by the boy who jumps at him with full force.

"Wooyoung!" Another boy comes running behind. "I told you to wait for me!" He scolds. Wooyoung ignores the other boy and slaps Seonghwa's shoulder. "I sure hope you didn't mysteriously 'forget' the bet we made yesterday again." Wooyoung smirks evilly.

Seonghwa raises an eyebrow. "I can't seem to remember?" He shivers at the look the two boys give him. "San, let's beat him up until he remembers then." Wooyoung calls San over and they both show off their fists.

"Guys I get that you're joking but let's not go too far this early in the morning." Mingi steps in between Seonghwa and the other two boys, protecting the oldest thankfully.

"But this is how we always joke around!" Wooyoung whines. "Joke around later then."

Wooyoung walks away with San in a pout and they both complain together. "What was that about? Are they Hongjoong's bullies?" Seonghwa asks, concerned.

Mingi starts laughing loudly. "No, they're his best friends. Out of the three of us he's probably the closest to me but Wooyoung and San have also been really close with him for years." He explains.

"Also Hongjoong lost a bet yesterday while we were bowling. He claimed to be the best at it and said he'd definitely get first place. In the end he got last place and now he has to treat us all to lunch today."

Seonghwa smiles to himself as he imagines Hongjoong claiming to be the best at bowling. "Cute." He mumbles. "What did you just say?" Mingi raises an eyebrow.

"I said we should hurry to class." Seonghwa skillfully avoids the topic and dashes off in a random direction.

"Class is this way." Mingi calls out from behind him. He instantly takes a U-turn and follows behind Mingi. Every time they pass by a window, Seonghwa doesn't forget to stare at his reflection. It makes him feel warm inside.

I hope Hongjoong isn't having too hard of a time right now.

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