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"H-he doesn't live here. The woman who answered the door said she's never heard the name...a-are you sure we're in the right neighbourhood?" Jongho stutters, growing scared while Seonghwa's expression seems to get angrier.

"It was definitely here!" Seonghwa growls, banging the steering wheel in the process. Jongho still doesn't know what Seonghwa even means, but he complies to avoid getting unnecessarily screamed at. All he knows is that this man somehow got through Seonghwa's front gate and tried to talk to them. He's probably some delusional fan, so why is Seonghwa so determined to find him?

Seonghwa recognises the house from the day before, but he starts to get second thoughts. Maybe there are two areas that look extremely similar. Maybe they're currently parked in front of the wrong house. Maybe...

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After searching around for the whole day, Seonghwa bangs his head off his kitchen table out of frustration. The video from earlier still plagues his mind. His serious, respectable image he had spent so long developing was gone after one simple incident. It slightly angered him that people were even going as far as to leaving hate comments under his posts on social media.

Social media!

Seonghwa gets the sudden idea to search for Hongjoong on social media because everyone has an account somewhere these days, right?

He quickly searches his name on Instagram and scrolls through many accounts that don't seem to be the right one. Just as he's about to give up, he notices an account with only four followers. He scrolls through the posts and notices they're all selfies, pictures of him and his friends or pictures of coffee.

That's cute.

Seonghwa's eyes widen and he quickly shuts off his screen once he realises what thought just ran through his mind. As soon as he regains his composure, he continues to scroll, unconsciously lingering over posts of Hongjoong's face more than the rest.

He honestly expected Hongjoong to be much more popular than just four followers with a face as pure and cute yet handsome as his.

He shakes his head when he realises his thoughts are going astray again. He reminds himself of the circumstances in hopes of getting him mad at the other boy again.

After trying to garner enough courage for a few minutes, he finally decides to head over to his direct messages. He quickly scrolls through his message requests of confused fans being disapponted in him, asking him if he even cares about his career anymore. He lets out a sigh, hoping they'll all forget everything by tomorrow. By the way the video was spreading however, it might take much longer for it to leave everyone's minds.

He moves past the message requests and cautiously hovers his finger over the "Send message" option on Hongjoong's account instead. Why am I so nervous? He thinks to himself.

He finally clicks onto the button and starts to construct a message, trying to sound not too creepy. To his surprise, the message gets read after only a few seconds. His palms start sweating themselves as he sees the "Typing..." text written at the bottom of his screen.

He smiles to himself, seeing that Hongjoong replied already. He sends another message and patiently waits for a response after he sees that the other has read the message. 

Another shock comes to Seonghwa when he sees the notification on his screen.

You have been blocked by Joongie1117.

Messages won't be sent until you're unblocked.

"Did he just block me?" Seonghwa asks himself out loud, in disbelief. Although he's starting to dislike the other boy less, he still plans on sueing him for defamation. Some would say he's being too harsh when Hongjoong didn't even know what was going on at the time, but Seonghwa thinks otherwise.

He doesn't plan on giving up his search so easily.

Now that he's set on something, he doesn't plan on giving up. He will find Hongjoong.

An idea pops into his head. He quickly makes a new profile and downloads some pictures of some random girls that look similar from the internet. It may be a bit morally wrong to catfish him but it's only for a short time he tries to justify himself in hopes of some reassurance.

Hi...Hongjoong right? I stumbled
across your profile and find
you very cute! I also noticed
that we live in the same area!
I'm Jisoo by the way~

Thank you!
You're very cute too, Jisoo :)

Haha thank you <3
Also I hope this isn't
too personal or sudden, but
do you have a girlfriend?

Seonghwa doesn't know why he felt urged to send that message. Will this help him find Hongjoong? Probably not.

Ahh I'm very sorry Jisoo,
but I'm actually gay ^^;

For some reason after seeing this message, Seonghwa's heart skips a beat. Why? He doesn't know the answer to that himself. He literally just broke up with his girlfriend, so what's he even thinking of? 

Do I even want to find him now only to sue him?

Seonghwa grips his hair tightly, not understanding why he suddenly finds himself attracted to the other man. It's all way too sudden.

"Are you okay? You're feeling sick again?" Jongho walks in, a concerned expression painted on his face. Seonghwa notices that his phone screen is still on the chat with Hongjoong as he quickly grabs it to hide it from Jongho.

"I'm fine, just a little stressed out by the boy we're looking for." he mumbles, technically not lying at all. Except Jongho would never know what's actually stressing Seonghwa out.

Oh that's okay, don't feel
sorry! I was just wondering :)
Also I have to go now, I'll talk to
you later!

Once he sees that his message has been read, he quickly switches accounts before Jongho can grow suspicious.

"I'm sure we'll find him soon, don't worry too much. Why do you keep saying is that video his fault anyway? It doesn't make sense and we can't really take legal action against him with no proof." Jongho asks.

Seonghwa realises that Jongho's right. He didn't even consider the details as he was too blinded by rage to think straight. The more he puts his mind to it, the less sense this whole ordeal makes.

"I'll think of something." is all he says while retreating to his dark bedroom. He lies down on his bed, only a certain someone's face circling his mind.

He remembers that he woke up in the morning with a book on his chest, meaning Hongjoong read himself to sleep when he was in Seonghwa's body. He grabs the same book from his bedside table and looks at the cover.

Hongjoong likes suspense too.

Seonghwa finds himself smiling again while flicking through the book. Hongjoong isn't that much out of the ordinary, yet Seonghwa feels fascinated. He picks up his phone again and quickly switches into Jisoo for a moment.

By the way I really want
to meet up with you!
Can we get coffee some time?

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