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Hongjoong starts to panic. This means Seonghwa knows about Hongjoong's identity.

"Tell him that you don't know of anyone called Hongjoong." Hongjoong frantically plays with his fingers, feeling worried beyond expression.

"Why would I lie to that man?" His mother asks, glancing at the doors downstairs. "He's...a dumb scammer that's been annoying me for a while, if he knows I live here then he won't leave me alone." Hongjoong lies to his mom once again, causing him to feel extremely guilty.

"Oh! How bothersome, why don't I scream at him so he never messes with you again?" she offers. "Mom, please just say what I told you, don't be mean." he begs.

A confused expression washes over her face but she complies anyway, leaving the room silently. Mingi doesn't utter a word as he watches his friend anxiously stare out the window until the black car outside finally drives away.

Hongjoong lets out a sigh of relief. "That was Seonghwa's manager. They're already looking for me." He covers his face with his hands, stressed out of his mind.

"Seonghwa and his manager know who you are? You're becoming more and more believable by the second..." Mingi stands shocked. "I told you I'm not lying! In fact I'm freaking out right now, what if he comes back? He'd kill me." Hongjoong whines, plopping himself onto his bed.

"I don't think he'd kill you but maybe it'd be a safe idea to stay hidden at home for a while until he stops caring." Mingi sits down beside his friend, still partially finding it hard to believe that this is all happening. "I can't miss any classes though." Hongjoong whines.

The two boys sit silently for a few minutes, processing their new situation. Suddenly, Hongjoong remembers something and his heart somehow drops even lower than it already was. His stomach twists as he forces the words out. "We didn't end up getting tickets to Seonghwa's concert, did we?"

Mingi lifts his head, looking at Hongjoong with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry, since you ran off we spent the whole time looking for you rather than trying to get tickets." He whispers. Although he was deeply upset, Hongjoong lies down on the bed, understanding where Mingi is coming from.

He thinks about all of the plans he had made, all the preparations. Hongjoong was nearly certain he'd get tickets as he'd spent months planning the sale, but never in a million years did he expect a hurdle like this. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down his heavily pounding heart. He doesn't want to seem too obsessed or overdramatic, yet he's well aware that's exactly what he is. This concert was the one thing he's been looking forward to for over a year ever since he couldn't buy tickets last year.

"I know how much you wanted to see Seonghwa live so I'm really sorry." Mingi apologises once again, heart also banging by watching his friend in his heartbroken state. "It's okay Mingi, this situation was totally uncalled for so it's not your fault, over time I'll be okay again so don't worry." Hongjoong's voice cracks, and he blinks away a few tears.

Noticing that his best friend's about to cry, his heart shatters. "Want me to call San and Wooyoung over? We can hang out for a bit if it'll make you feel better." He suggests. "Sure." is all Hongjoong says, still feeling a billion emotions at once.

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"I told you guys that I'm okay, stop doing that!" Hongjoong giggles at Wooyoung and San who are currently bowing down at his feet while repeatedly saying "Sorry," however his sad eyes give him away.

"We'd ask you what was running- no pun intended- through your head yesterday but you seem a bit too bummed out." San fiddles with his thumbs, hoping he didn't annoy his friend. "If it's because of the sweets we forced you to get, sorry." Wooyoung awkwardly scratches his head guiltily.

"Honestly I'm fine, those sweets were good, I just think I was... sleep deprived." Hongjoong comes up with an excuse for the previous day. "That explains why you were acting like you suddenly got amnesia." The two boys' eyes light up as if they've just had an epiphany, while Mingi disappointingly shakes his head in the corner of the room.

"Will you be coming to class tomorrow?" Mingi asks, glancing at his watch, noticing that the group have already missed half of their classes of the day.

Hongjoong hesitates, thinking about scenarios of if he's caught by Seonghwa's staff. But then again, he can't be missing class, especially since he already missed a whole day.

"I guess so." He shrugs. He remembers that Wooyoung and San don't know the real reason why Mingi's uncertain, so he adds on, "I'm not that sad, Mingi!"

The boys migrate to the living room to play games together as soon as Hongjoong notices his mom's car leaving the driveway, meaning she's gone to work. While the other three scream and playfully curse at each other in an intense game of mario kart, Hongjoong plays in silence, staring blankly at the screen.

Not only does a lingering feeling of sadness surround him, but his head also pounds while trying to think about what on Earth even happened over the past day.

I know what the inside of Seonghwa's house looks like he realises. He recalls the details of Seonghwa's face that he's never had the luxury of seeing in real life before yesterday. The memories bring a subtle blush to Hongjoong's cheeks and his heart starts to speed up again.

A variety of thoughts whirr through his head, ranging from Seongwha's face to the heartbreaking news that he'd have to wait at least another year for Seonghwa's next tour before he'll see him again.

The other three boys are so engrossed in winning first place in the game that no one even notices Hongjoong's character fallen behind in eighth, or last place as he sits back and tries to keep himself from bursting into tears, simply feeling way too overwhelmed with his emotions.

What instantly snaps him out of his thoughts is when his phone buzzes in his pocket. Is it a new email from the university? He thinks to himself while unlocking his phone. What catches him off guard is that it's a new message on social media. What shocks him even more is who it's from.

Hi! I hope I didn't startle you,
but is this Kim Hongjoong?

Hongjoong nearly drops his phone after seeing who it's from. He clicks onto the profile just to confirm, and it's true. Seonghwa's official account just texted him.

Who is this? Is this really

It is really Seonghwa ^^
This may sound crazy, but
is there any chance that I
could meet up with you?
There's something small
I wanted to discuss :)

Hongjoong's heart starts to race. He's definitely either planning to kill me, or to sue me. No in between.

Hongjoong's thumb starts to move rapidly, and he does what he never imagined himself doing ever.

Are you sure you want to block 
user Seonghwa_99x?
Yes                        No

You have successfully blocked Seonghwa_99x.

The description of how Hongjoong feels after losing the opportunity to see his favourite idol may seem overexaggerated but I actually wrote all that thinking about how I felt when I went through something similar recently :<
(What happened:)
My friends and I managed to get vip ateez tickets after a lot of hard work, but then the covid-19 thing happened and my mom forced me to sell the tickets I had gotten because it'd be too dangerous with the virus. Literally two days after I sold the tickets, ateez announced that they'd postpone their tour and that everyone could keep their tickets to use whenever they do finally go back on tour... so basically I lost the chance to see ateez live WITH VIP and hi touch for absolutely no reason and I was so so heartbroken for months afterwards, to be honest I still am (╥﹏╥)


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