7.) Wear Your like a Necklace

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Misty turned to lay on her back, only to let out a yelp of pain as her ass rubbed against the cotton sheets. A perfect remembrance of what happened the night before. It made her core clench around nothing, and she pouted briefly in her sleepy state.

"You okay?" Mallory yelled from outside her bedroom door.

"I'm fine," Misty murmured as she turned to lay on her stomach again.

The door opened and in walked Mallory. "Well, good morning to you, sunshine. Time for work," she said as she walked toward Misty's bed.

"No," the older blonde murmured.

"We'll be late. You need to get to work, and I have class to get to. Come on, Mist." Mallory said before pulling the pink quilt back. Her eyes widened when she saw the handprints that decorated Misty's backside. "Misty...?"

Misty rolled her eyes before rubbing them with her fists. "What?" She looked up at her roommate to see her expression, and then down at her own naked body. She was quick to grab her blanket to cover herself again.

"What the hell happened to you?" Mallory asked

"It... it's not what ya think. I'm okay, Mal." Misty explained quickly.

The younger of the two sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Misty with a worried expression. "Who did that?"

Misty sighed as she. rested her head in her hands, shaking her head. "I went to Afterglow again last night. I-I met with someone. Th-that's what happened."

"Wait, so you didn't have a date?"


Mallory took a moment before nodding. "So, you paid someone to beat your ass? What's the point in that? I mean, you could have a girlfriend who would gladly do the same thing."

Misty couldn't help but chuckle. "I don't know," she said as her hands dropped to her lap.

"Was it good at least?"

The curly-haired blonde nodded as her deeps turned a deep pink. "Yeah... yeah, it was, uh... really good."

Mallory smirked brightly. "Well, tell me more. How kinky did you get?"

"Um," Misty laughed nervously. "Just, you know..." she trailed off as she looked down.

"Mist, just tell me! Who was it? Madison? Zoe?"

Misty shook her head. "I'm not telling ya. I-I want to keep this to myself for now."

"Oh, Miss Kinky is keeping secrets now. Okay," Mallory smirked brightly before she got up from the bed. "Get dressed. I don't want you to be late. I'll see you tonight."

Misty nodded softly.

As Mallory left the bedroom, Misty let out a relieved sigh. Her friend had an issue with boundaries, and sometimes she'd ask question after question until she got the answer she wanted.

Misty got up from the bed and got dressed in her usual yellow uniform. After feeding the cats, she grabbed her keys and walked to her car. She headed straight to work.

After clocking in, she spotted her boss and walked over to him. "Hey, Mr. Samson, can I ask ya something?"

"Sure, kid." He said as he looked at the blonde.

"Can I possibly pick up an extra shift or two this week?"

"Did your cat eat another rat?" he asked.

Misty thought that was the perfect lie. She nodded. "Yes. This time we think it had poison in its system. We took her in last night."

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