2.) Research

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The blaring alarm woke Misty with a start. She groaned as she lazily searched for her phone. Once she had grabbed the device, she pressed snooze, just for a few more minutes of precious sleep.

Those few precious moments of sleep were ruined when her bedroom door opened. In walked her roommate, Mallory, and two of their cats. "Mist, get up. You're going to be late again." She said.

Misty let out a groan as she pulled the blanket over her head. "Five... five more minutes, please."

"How late did you stay out?" the younger blonde asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Not that late... but I drank two old fashions and a shot of vodka." Misty said before sitting up with a sigh.

"Where did you go?" Mallory asked, raising a brow when she saw the thin, black dress on the floor.

"Uh, just to a bar." She answered somewhat nervously.

"Which one?"

"Jimmy's," she lied.

"Okay," Mallory said before getting up. "Breakfast is on the counter. You can thank Coco for that one."

"Thanks. I'll be out soon."

Once Mallory left, Misty sighed to herself. She was still curious, confused, and intrigued. Those three feelings never led her anywhere good.

She got up and got dressed so she could eat breakfast. Once she had, she went to the bathroom for her usual morning routine: shower, shave, brush her teeth, do her hair, minimal makeup, and then get dressed for the day.

It went by like any other day, serving waffles, pancakes, and coffee to whoever came into the diner. When it came time for Misty to take her break, she pulled off her apron and grabbed her phone along with a plate of eggs before sitting down in the back.

As she started to eat her eggs, she clicked onto Google and searched the term, Dominatrix. Her eyes grew wide as she started to read the Wikipedia description that was given.

"The female term of dominator, a ruler, or lord was originally used in a non-sexual way. In the '60s is when the term started being used in a sexual way it is perceived today. In the late '60s was originally used to describe a woman who provided punishment-for-pay. In today's society, a dominatrix is often seen as a woman, in a leadership role, who is the leader, or top in a BDSM scene."

Her brows furrowed when she read BDSM scene. She clicked on the term and another page came up.

"For most people, BDSM is not a lifestyle that they live 24/7 every day. The kink lifestyle is injected into regular life through the use of a scene. While a scene can last a few minutes or many hours, the BDSM scene is a time that is set aside in the relationship to play your "role" of dominant or submissive, master or slave, or any other roles that your imagination may use to enhance and actualize your desires and sexual feelings."

Misty's eyes grew wide again. Her stomach started to twirl with an unknown feeling. It was close to that she could identify as arousal, but just a little different. She read more. She read over the "physical play," "mental play," "light play," "heavy play," and "edge play." Each one was something new to her. She was a little intrigued and curious, but nervous as well. She put down her phone to finish her food before getting back to work.

When the workday came to an end, Misty grabbed her check from the back office and went to the bank to cash it.

Friday's always meant she could say up later, so she was planning on either doing more research or going back to the club.

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